Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 20 | 95 ms
[271080]  Show Record 

Palaeozoic-Mesozoic stratigraphic-structural relationships in Timor and the tectonic development of Timor / A. E. Grady, R. F. Berry
In: <25th International Geological Congress, Sydney, 16th-24th August, 1976> / sponsored by The Australian Academy of Science, The Geological Society of Australia, The International Union of Geological Sciences. - Canberra : [s.n.], 1976. - Vol. 1: Abstracts: section 1: <Precambrian geology>, p. 83-84
Descritores: Geologia estrutural | Estratigrafia | Tectónica | Paleozóico | Mesozóico | Timor
Cota: 7-163|LNEG
[271062]  Show Record 

The tectonic development of Timor : a new model and its implications for petroleum exploration / F. H. Chamalaun, A. E. Grady. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - il. ; 30 cm. - Sep. de: <The APEA Jornal>, 1978, p. 102-108. - Referências bibliográficas
Descritores: Tectónica | Exploração de petróleo | Timor
Cota: 8-s321|LNEG
[271016]  Show Record 

Basalt geochemistry as a test of the tectonic models of Timor / R. F. Berry, G. A. Jenner. - Referências bibliográficas
In: <Journal of the Geological Society>. - Vol. 139, part 5 (September 1982), p. 593-604
Descritores: Petrografia | Petrogénese | Mineralogia | Geoquímica | Estratigrafia | Pérmico | Triássico | Timor
Cota: E210-P4|LNEG
[68000]  Show Record 
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developement
Development co-operation efforts and policies of the members of the development assistance commitee / Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developement. - França : OCDE, . - 325 p. : tabelas ; 24 cm
Descritores: Cooperação económica | Apoio ao desenvolvimento | Economia | OCDE
Cota: 339 OCDE|IPAD
[271065]  Show Record 

Tectonic development of Eastern Indonesia in relation to Gondwanaland dispersal / M. G. Audley-Charles, D. J. Carter, J. S. Milsom. - [S.l. : s.n.], . - il. ; 28 cm. - Sep. de: <Nature Physical Science>, Vol. 239, Nº 90, September 18, 1972, p. 35-39. - Referências bibliográficas
Descritores: Tectónica | Orogenia | Gondwana | Indonésia | Mar de Banda | Timor
Cota: 8-s322|LNEG
[218087]  Show Record 

The development of the concept of the datum line in relation to standards of living / Brunhilde Helm
In: South Áfrican Journal of Science. - Vol. 46, nº 7 (1950), p. 208-212
Cota: PP476|AHM
[271032]  Show Record 

Palaeomagnetic reconnaissance result from the Maubisse formation, East Timor, and its tectonic implication / F. H. Chamalaun. - Referências bibliográficas
In: <Tectonophysics : International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth>. - ISSN 0040-1951. - Vol. 42, nº 1 (September, 28 1977), p. T17-T26
Descritores: Paleomagnetismo | Tectónica | Pérmico | Timor Leste
Cota: E229-P1/2|LNEG
[271098]  Show Record 

The tectonic history of the Bnada Arcs, eastern Indonesia : a review / M. S. Norvick. - Referências bibliográficas
In: Journal of the Geological Society. - ISSN 0016-7649. - Vol. 136, part 5 (September 1979), p. 519-527
Descritores: História da Terra | Tectónica | Arco insular | Mar de Banda | Indonésia | Timor
Cota: E210-P4/5|LNEG
[369073]  Show Record 
Regionalism and uneven development in southern Africa the case of the Maputo development corridor / ed. Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor. - Burlington : Aldershot Ashgate, . - XII, 128 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Desenvolvimento economico | Regionalismo | Moçambique | África
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Reg ex.2|ISCTE
[380690]  Show Record 
Regionalism and uneven development in southern Africa the case of the Maputo development corridor / ed. Fredrik Söderbaum, Ian Taylor. - Aldershot : Ashgate, . - XII, 128 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Desenvolvimento económico | Regionalismo | Projecto de desenvolvimento | Governação | Moçambique | África Austral
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Reg|ISCTE
[418629]  Show Record 

Class, gender and ecology in spatial development initiatives the case of the Maputo development corridor / Ian Taylor. - Bellville : Centre for Southern African Studies, . - 23 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento regional | Relações económicas | Moçambique
[466057]  Show Record 

Class, gender and ecology in spatial development initiatives the case of the Maputo development corridor / Ian Taylor. - Bellville : Centre for Southern African Studies, . - 23 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento regional | Relações económicas | Moçambique
[466115]  Show Record 

Class, gender and ecology in spatial development initiatives the case of the Maputo development corridor / Ian Taylor. - Bellville : Centre for Southern African Studies, . - 23 p.
Descritores: Desenvolvimento regional | Relações económicas | Moçambique
[201442]  Show Record 

Historical rationale of the policy of community development in the african rural areas of Rhodesia / Gloria C. Passmore
In: Zambézia Journal of Social Studies in Southern and Central África. -Vol. 2, nº 1(1971), p. 61-70
Descritores: África | Zimbabué | Desenvolvimento rural | Desenvolvimento social
Cota: PP458|AHM
[226714]  Show Record 

The development of secretaryship to the govenment at the Cape of Good Hope under Jhon Montagu : 1843-1852 / J. J. Breitenbach. - Ilustrada
In: Archives Year Book for South Áfrican History. - Vol. 22, nº 2 (1959), p. 175-302
Descritores: África Meridional | África do Sul | História
Cota: PP364|AHM
[271045]  Show Record 

Sedimentary sequences of the Timor trough, Timor, and the Sahul shelf / J. J. Veevers. - Referências bibliográficas
In: <Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project>. - Vol. XXVII (November-December 1972), p. 567-569
Descritores: Sondagem oceânica | Sedimentação | Timor
Cota: E113-P5|LNEG
[274646]  Show Record 

The role of mass media for the pastoral development of the catholic church in Nigeria / Eugene Dike. - Münster : Lit, . - IX, 327 p. ; 22 cm. - Theologie. 40)
Descritores: Igreja Católica | Meios de comunicação de massas | Religião | História da Igreja | Nigéria | África Ocidental
[346027]  Show Record 

Outline of the plan for the reform and development of the pearl river delta released : deepens co-operation among guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and promotes moderate diversification of Macao's economy / Brian. - Edição bilingue. - Revista em português e chinês
In: Macao Image . - Nº 50 (Julho 2009), p. 16-22
Descritores: Development potential | Macau | Portugal
Cota: DI-3325|FCM
[369374]  Show Record 

The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa / Michael van Notten. - Asmara : Trenton The Red Sea Press, . - XV, 255 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Sistema judicial | Regime político | África
[369615]  Show Record 

The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa / Michael van Notten. - Asmara : Trenton The Red Sea Press, . - XV, 255 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Sistema judicial | Regime político | África
