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[433410]  Show Record 

Chinsese culture and the "Rule of Law" in China / Zhang Haiting. - Macau Ricci Institute studies. 4)
In: Culture, Law and Order : Chinese and Western Traditions / org. Macau Ricci Institute. - Macao : Macau Ricci Institute, 2007. - p. 157-172
Descritores: China | Estado de Direito | Cultura
Cota: 10-(1)-5-6-14|BGUC
[433417]  Show Record 

The Rule of Law in China / Wang Jiangyu. - Macau Ricci Institute studies. 4)
In: Culture, Law and Order : Chinese and Western Traditions / org. Macau Ricci Institute. - Macao : Macau Ricci Institute, 2007. - p. 311-349
Descritores: China | Estado de Direito | Organização Mundial do Comércio
Cota: 10-(1)-5-6-14|BGUC
[433407]  Show Record 

The Rule of Law and the Role of Law in the chinese context / Ignazio Castellucci. - Macau Ricci Institute studies. 4)
In: Culture, Law and Order : Chinese and Western Traditions / org. Macau Ricci Institute. - Macao : Macau Ricci Institute, 2007. - p. 91-106
Descritores: China | Estado de Direito | Direito comparado
Cota: 10-(1)-5-6-14|BGUC
[319423]  Show Record 

The rule of law as transition to democracy in China / Larry Diamond
Descritores: China | Reforma política | Legislação
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[319415]  Show Record 

Toward a consultative rule of law regime in China / Wei Pan
Descritores: China | Reforma política | Democracia
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[243832]  Show Record 
Association for Law, Human Rights and Justice
Rejection of the court decision theatens the princiles of rule of law and democracy : press release / Association for Law, Human Rights and Justice. - Dili : HAK Association, . - 2 p
Descritores: Estado | Justiça | Direito | Timor-Leste
Cota: TL 2-18|CIDAC
[122583]  Show Record 
Commission Internationale de Juristes
Project for a study on the rule of law in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea Bissau / Commission Internationale de Juristes. - Genève : C.I.J., . - [6] f. - Corresponde a: Estudo
Descritores: Colonialismo | Direitos dos povos | Ideologia | Legislação | Movimentos de libertação | Angola | Guiné-Bissau | Moçambique | Portugal
Cota: BAC-167|CIDAC
[122785]  Show Record 
Commission Internationale de Juristes
Project for a study on the rule of law in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea Bissau / Commission Internationale de Juristes. - Genève : C.I.J., . - [6] f.. - Corresponde a: Estudo
Descritores: Colonialismo | Direitos dos povos | Ideologia | Legislação | Movimentos de libertação | Angola | Guiné-Bissau | Moçambique | Portugal
Cota: BAC-167|CIDAC
[201026]  Show Record 

The rule of law and lawers in Kenya / Stanley D. Ross
In: The Jounal of Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 30, nº 3, p 421-442
Descritores: África Oriental | Quénia | Legislação | Direito civil
Cota: PP445|AHM
[212044]  Show Record 

The rule of law and lawers in Kenya / Stanley D. Ross
In: The Jounal of Modern Áfrican Studies. - Vol. 30, nº 3, p 421-442
Descritores: África Oriental | Quénia | Legislação | Direito civil
Cota: PP445|AHM
[251826]  Show Record 
Human rights, the rule of law, and development in Africa / ed. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza and Philip J. McConnaughay. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, . - 302 p.
Descritores: Direitos humanos | Globalização | Organização não governamental | Africa
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Hum|ISCTE
[369007]  Show Record 
Human rights, the rule of law, and development in Africa / ed. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Philip J. McConnaughay. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, . - 302 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Direitos do homem | Democratização | Globalização | Desenvolvimento | Sociedade civil | ONG | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Hum|ISCTE
[369179]  Show Record 
Human rights, the rule of law, and development in Africa / ed. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Philip J. McConnaughay. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, . - 302 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Direitos do Homem | Democratização | Sociedade civil | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Hum|ISCTE
[369422]  Show Record 
Human rights, the rule of law, and development in Africa / ed. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Philip J. McConnaughay. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, . - 302 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Direitos do Homem | Democratização | Sociedade civil | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Hum|ISCTE
[387938]  Show Record 
Human rights, the rule of law, and development in Africa / ed. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Philip J. McConnaughay. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, . - 302 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Direitos do homem | Democratização | Globalização | Desenvolvimento | Sociedade civil | ONG | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Hum|ISCTE
[200192]  Show Record 

The Nandi protest of 1923 in the contest of african resistance to colonial rule in Kenya / Diana Ellis
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. XVII, nº 4 (1976), p. 555-575
Descritores: África | Quénia | Resistência colonial
Cota: PP467|AHM
[244864]  Show Record 
The marriage law of the people´s Republic of China. - China : Foreign Languages Press, . - 41 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: Legislação | Casamento
Cota: S/cota|Indo Portuguese Friendship Society-Goa
[369984]  Show Record 

One-party rule and the question of legitimacy in contemporary China : preliminary thoughts on setting up a new research agenda / Gunter Schubert
In: Journal of contemporary China. - V. 17, nº 54 (Fev. 2008), pp. 191-204
Descritores: Partido comunista | Política | Governo | China
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[272731]  Show Record 

The missions of Portuguese typography in the south of China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Manuel Cadafaz de Matos
In: Religion and culture / International symposium commemorating the fourth centenary of the University College of St. Paul, Macau, 1994 ; ed. John W. Witek. - Macau : Instituto Cultural de Macau : Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History of the University of San Francisco, 1999. - p. 73-88
Descritores: Macau | Portugal | Cristianismo | História
Cota: 5-1-39-14|BGUC
[301248]  Show Record 

An introduction to the history of the law of nations in the east indies : 16th 17th and 18th centuries / C. H. Alexandrowicz. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, . - 259 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: História | Civilização | Índia
CDU: 94(540) | 008
Cota: CEHU-2039|IICT
[324348]  Show Record 

The migration of forms in the art of the jesuit missions in Japan and China / Gauvin Alexander Bailey
Descritores: Artes | Japão | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352575]  Show Record 

The migration of forms in the art of the jesuit missions in Japan and China / Gauvin Alexander Bailey
Descritores: Artes | Japão | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[369374]  Show Record 

The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa / Michael van Notten. - Asmara : Trenton The Red Sea Press, . - XV, 255 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Sistema judicial | Regime político | África
[369615]  Show Record 

The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa / Michael van Notten. - Asmara : Trenton The Red Sea Press, . - XV, 255 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Sistema judicial | Regime político | África
[319179]  Show Record 

The evolution of Chinese criminal policy and rule by law : the individual and the state / Raquel Vaz Pinto
Descritores: China | Criminalidade | Estado | Legislação
Cota: PP238/DA|FO
[326901]  Show Record 

The evolution of chinese criminal policy and rule by law : the individual and the state / Raquel Vaz Pinto
In: Daxiyangguo : Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Asiáticos. - Nº 8 (2º semestre 2005), p. 105-126
Descritores: Ciências sociais | Macau | Portugal
Cota: CS-2041|FCM
[415433]  Show Record 

Building the rule of law / Jennifer A. Widner. - London : New York W. W. Norton, . - 454 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Poder judicial | Separação de poderes | Juiz | África
[433422]  Show Record 

WTO implementation and the Rule of Law : government procurement in China / Bill K. P. Chou. - Macau Ricci Institute studies. 4)
In: Culture, Law and Order : Chinese and Western Traditions / org. Macau Ricci Institute. - Macao : Macau Ricci Institute, 2007. - p. 455-475
Descritores: China | Organização Mundial do Comércio | Estado de Direito | Contrato público
Cota: 10-(1)-5-6-14|BGUC
[317645]  Show Record 

History of education in India under the rule of the East India Company / B. D. Basu. - Nova Delhi : Cosmo Publications, . - 208 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Educação | Colonialismo | India
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[340742]  Show Record 
Regulations of the Republic of China concerning rule over Tibet. - Beijing : China National Center for Tibetan Studies ¤ China N§2 History Archives ¤ China Intercontinental Press, . - 147 p.
Descritores: História | Tibete
Cota: 323(515:510)/REG|FO
[206668]  Show Record 

The state, settlers, and indigenes in the evolution of land law and policy in colonial Malawi / The International Journal of Áfrican historical Studies. - Vol. 23, nº 1 (1990), p 27-58
Descritores: Malavi | Lei de terras | Sector agrícola
Cota: PP1024|AHM
[303037]  Show Record 

The use of variables in the Remnants of Qin Law / Bernard Paul Sypniewski
Descritores: China | História
Cota: PP311/MS|FO
[319280]  Show Record 

War, punishment, and the law of nature in early Chinese concepts of the State / Karen Turner
Descritores: China | História | Política | Legislação
Cota: PP132/HJ|FO
[338538]  Show Record 

Political paralysis of the basic law regime and the politics of institutional reform in Hong Kong / Baohui Zhang
In: Asian survey. - V. 49, nº 2 (Mar./Abr. 2009), pp. 312-332
Descritores: Legislação | Política governamental | Hong Kong
Cota: PP007/AS|FO
[362057]  Show Record 

The role of overseas chinese in Europe in making China global the case of Portugal / Annette Bongardt, Miguel Santos Neves. - Paris : INA, . - 55 p.
Descritores: Economia mundial | Relações comerciais | Investimento estrangeiro | União Europeia | China | Portugal
Cota: S.194 INA*Cad 29|ISCTE
[338700]  Show Record 

The decline of the agrarian economia in Palestine under the Roman rule / Moshe Gil
In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. - V. 49, part 3 (2006), pp. 285-328
Descritores: História | Economia agrária | Sector agrícola
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[430699]  Show Record 

An analysis of peiping's "democracy and rule of law" / Chen Yung-sheng. - [Taipei] : World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter, . - [2], 33 p. ; 19 cm. - Pamphlet. 243)
Descritores: China | Política | Comunismo | Direito penal | Direito administrativo
Cota: 5-54-86-5|BGUC
[272721]  Show Record 

The changing patterns of portuguese outposts along the coast of China in the 16th century : a socio-ecological perspective / Stephen T. Chang
In: Portugal e a China : conferências / III Curso livre de história das relações entre Portugal e a China (séculos XVI-XIX) ; coord. de Jorge M. dos Santos Alves. - [Lisboa] : Fundação Oriente, 2000. - p. 15-33
Descritores: Macau | China | Portugal | História | Sociologia
Cota: 6-29-25-13|BGUC
[425047]  Show Record 

Choice of law rules and the major principles of brazilian private international law / João Grandino Rodas
In: A panorama of brazilian law / ed. Jacob Dolinger, Keith S. Rosenn. - Florida : University of Miami, North-South Center, 1992. - p. 309-347
Descritores: Brasil | Direito internacional privado
Cota: 7-63-10-21|BGUC
[429312]  Show Record 

The formation of artistic identities in the context of intercultural dialogue between China and the world / Rui Oliveira Lopes. - Global art monograph series)
In: Face to face : the transcendence of the arts in China and beyond : historical perspectives / ed. Rui Oliveira Lopes. - Lisboa : Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), 2014. - p. 14-37
Descritores: China | História | Cultura | Relações culturais | Artes
Cota: 10-(1)-17-7-31|BGUC
[115145]  Show Record 

The position of women in Hindu law [thesis approved for the degree or doctor of law in the University of Calcutta] / Dwarka Nath Mitter. - Calcutta : University of Calcutta, . - xxxii, 707 p. ; 23 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Hindús | Mulher | Legislação | India
Cota: V5738|CLP Goa
[347890]  Show Record 

The arts in Africa during the period of colonial rule / Wole Soyinka
In: General history of Africa : VII : Africa under colonial domination 1880-1935 / ed. A. Adu Boahen ; pref. Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow. - London : Heinemann Educational Books, Ltd, 1985. - p. [539]-564
Descritores: África | Europa | História | Colonialismo | Escultura | Arquitectura | Música | Artes do espectáculo | Literatura
Cota: 5-20-22|BGUC
[311425]  Show Record 

Lost and found theories of law in early China / Jeffrey L. Richey
Descritores: China | Legislação | Confucionismo | Maoistas | Hunag--Lao
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[338701]  Show Record 

Lost and found theories of law in early China / Jeffrey L. Richey
In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. - V. 49, part 3 (2006), pp. 329-343
Descritores: China | Legislação
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[338942]  Show Record 

The basic law, governance and electoral politics in China's Hong Kong and Macao since 1997 : introduction / Ming K. Chan
In: Journal of contemporary China. - V. 16, nº 52 (Ag. 2007), pp. 337-340
Descritores: Eleição | Legislação
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[202905]  Show Record 

The maitence of law in the british colonial África / David Killingray
In: Áfrican Affairs. - Vol. 85, nº 340 (Jul. 1986), p. 411-437
Descritores: África | Colonialismo | Política | Aplicação da lei | África colonial britânica
Cota: PP446|AHM
