Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 18 | 90 ms
[416704]  Show Record 

The origins of Chinese communism / Arif Dirlik. - New York : Oxford University Press, . - 315 p.
Descritores: História | Comunismo | Partido Comunista | China
Cota: CHI 94 DIR|FO
[426364]  Show Record 

The origins of Chinese communism / Arif Dirlik. - New York : Oxford University Press, . - 315 p.
Descritores: História | Comunismo | Partido Comunista | China
Cota: CHI 94 DIR|FO
[339042]  Show Record 

The origins of the 20th century Chinese paintings collection in the National Gallery in Prague / Michaela Pejcochova
In: Orientations. - V. 39, nº 3 (Abr. 2008), pp. 48-54
Descritores: Pintura | China
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[324414]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352641]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[324787]  Show Record 

What were the origins of Chinese famille rose? / Rose Kerr
Descritores: Porcelana | História | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353013]  Show Record 

What were the origins of Chinese famille rose? / Rose Kerr
Descritores: Porcelana | História | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[191152]  Show Record 

The origins of the Benin kingship in the works of Jacob Egharevba / Stefan Eisenhofer. - Possui bibliografia.
In: History in África : A Journal of Method. - Vol 22 (1992), 141-163
Descritores: África | Benim | História | Cultura
Cota: PP1015|AHM
[359159]  Show Record 

Africas of the americas beyond the search for origins in the study of afro-atlantic religions / ed. Stephan Palmié. - Leiden : Brill, . - 388 p.
Descritores: Sector automóvel | Cultura | África | Brasil
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Afr,48|ISCTE
[386031]  Show Record 

The history of african cities south of the Sahara from the origins to colonization : histoire des villes d'Afrique noir : des origines à la colonisation / Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. - Princeton : Markus Wiener Publishers, . - [XVIII], 421 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | África
Cota: EA.ASS 6 COQ*His trd eng|ISCTE
[433408]  Show Record 

The interplay of the Chinese Communist Party with the chinese law : crippling efforts towards the Rule of Law / Zou Keyuan. - Macau Ricci Institute studies. 4)
In: Culture, Law and Order : Chinese and Western Traditions / org. Macau Ricci Institute. - Macao : Macau Ricci Institute, 2007. - p. 109-125
Descritores: China | Partidos políticos | Comunismo | Direito | Legislação | Sistema judiciário
Cota: 10-(1)-5-6-14|BGUC
[430622]  Show Record 
Advising the chinese communists to abandon communism / Wang Kao... [et al.]. - Taipei : Kuang Lu Publishing Service, Compilation Committee, . - [2], II, 113, [2] p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: China | Política | Comunismo | Reforma económica
Cota: 5-54-86-71|BGUC
[434807]  Show Record 

The governance of the territory during the luso-chinese talks oh the "Question of Macau" / Joaquim Pinto Machado
In: Proceedings of the Seminar Paths of Macau and of Portuguese-Chinese Relations (1974-1999) / Garcia Leandro... [et al.] ; org. Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau ; ed. Luís Filipe Barreto. - Lisbon : Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, 2010. - p. 43-65
Descritores: Macau | China | Portugal | História | Relações internacionais | Relações diplomáticas | Acordo internacional
Cota: 5-1-39-45|BGUC
[229566]  Show Record 

Traditional Origins and tribal relationships of the sotho of the northern Transvaal / J. D. Krige. - mapas
In: Bantu Studies. - Vol. Deel XI, nº 1,4 (1937), p. 321-356
Descritores: Norte do Transvaal | Usos e costumes | tribalismo
Cota: PP462|AHM
[282452]  Show Record 

The origins and development of the pensive Bodhisattva images of Asia / Junghee Lee
Descritores: Iconografia | Ásia
Cota: PP037/AA|FO
[422735]  Show Record 

The fate of Sudan the origins and consequences of a flawed peace process / John Young. - London : Zed Books, . - XX, 388 p.
Descritores: História | Política | Paz | África
[283865]  Show Record 

The origin of the suffix -men [chinese character] in Chinese / Robert Iljic
Descritores: China | Linguística
Cota: PP239/BS|FO
