Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 06 | 112 ms
[106]  Show Record 
Portuguese, brazilian, and african studies : studies presented to Clive Willis on his retirement / edited by T. F. Early and Nigel Griffin. - Warminster : Aris, . - XIX, 410 p.. - Texto bilingue
Descritores: Literatura portuguesa | Literatura brasileira | Literatura africana de expressão portuguesa | História literária | História cultural | Brasil | Portugal
Cota: 930.85(469) EAR,T|ULFL
[460493]  Show Record 

Portuguese and brazilian architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries : relation of exceptional monuments to their european architectural background / John Bury
In: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Luso-Brazilian Studies : Washington, october 15-20, 1950 = Atas do Colóquio Internacional de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros : Washington, 15-20 de outubro de 1950 / sob o patrocínio da Library of Congress e Vanderbilt University. - Nashville : The Vanderbilt University Press, 1953. - p. 119-121
Descritores: Brasil | Arquitetura | Resumo de textos
Cota: 6-47-4-1|BGUC
[415609]  Show Record 
African worlds studies in the cosmological ideas and social values of african peoples / ed. Daryll Forde. - Hamburg : Lit Verlag, . - XXX, [14], 243, [1] p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Antropologia | Religião | Estrutura social | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Afr,19|ISCTE
[200194]  Show Record 

French policy towards trading with african and brazilian slave merchants, 1840-1853 / Lawrence C. Jennings
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. - Vol. XVII, nº 4 (1976), p. 515-528
Descritores: África | Escravatura | Regulamentação comercial
Cota: PP467|AHM
[338850]  Show Record 

An Academic Collector, Sir Percival David and the School of Oriental and African Studies / Stacey Pierson
In: Orientations. - V. 38, nº 8 (Nov./Dez. 2007), pp. 91-93
Descritores: Biografia | Artes | China
Cota: PP019/O|FO
