Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 02 | 102 ms
[362162]  Show Record 
Patriarchy, party, population and pedagogy essays on education and development / edited by Edgar B. Gumbert. - Atlanta : Center for Cross-Cultural Education, . - III, 104 p.
Descritores: Sociologia | Economia | Educação | População | China
Cota: S.172 Pat|ISCTE
[425361]  Show Record 
Patriarchy, party, population and pedagogy : essays on education and development / edited by Edgar B. Gumbert. - Atlanta : Center for Cross-Cultural Education, . - III, 104 p.. - Center for cross-cultural education lecture series. 5)
Descritores: Sociologia do desenvolvimento | Economia do desenvolvimento | Educação | População | Vietname | China
Cota: S.172 Pat v.5|ISCTE
