Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 10 | 81 ms
[382280]  Show Record 

Mãos dadas = Hand in hand / Carlos Drummond de Andrade
In: Poets of Brazil : a bilingual selection = Poetas do Brasil : uma seleção bilíngüe / trad., introd. e notas Frederick G. Williams. - New York : Luso-Brazilian Books, 2004. - p. 298-299
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: 8-(2)-20-32-9|BGUC
[422285]  Show Record 

The best hand is the hand that always gives Griottes and their profession in Eastern Gambia / Marloes Janson. - Leiden : CNWS Publications, . - XIV, 332 p.
Descritores: Etnomusicologia | Sociologia | Música | Mulher | África
[373912]  Show Record 

A mão enorme = The enormous hand / Jorge de Lima ; trad. June Jordan. - Sponsored by the Academy of American Poets.
In: An anthology of twentieth-century brazilian poetry / ed., introd. e trad. Elizabeth Bishop ; ed. e introd. Emanuel Brasil ; trad. Jean R. Longland... [et al.]. - Middletown : Wesleyan University Press, 1972. - p. 18-19
Descritores: Brasil | Literatura
Cota: 6-47-1-110|BGUC
[55350]  Show Record 

Here in the city there is nothing left over for lendind a hand : in search of solidarity and collective action in peri-urban areas in Angola / Paul Robson, Sandra Roque. - Guelph : Development Workshop, . - 182 p. : il., fot. - Development workshop-occasional paper. 2)
Descritores: Sociologia urbana | Migração rural | Crescimento urbano | Mudança social | Pobreza | Solidariedade social | Intervenção social | Igreja e sociedade | Huambo | Luanda | Angola | Lubango (Angola) | África Meridional
[212142]  Show Record 

Hand imprints in rock paintings / W. W. Bishop. - Poosui bibliografia
In: South Áfrican Journal of Science. - Vol. 55, nº 11 (1959), p. 292-298
Cota: PP476|AHM
[244626]  Show Record 

Here in the city there is nothing left over for lendind a hand : in search of solidarity and collective action in peri-urban areas in Angola / Paul Robson, Sandra Roque. - Guelph : Development Workshop, . - 182 p. : il., fot. - Development workshop-occasional paper. 2)
Descritores: Sociologia urbana | Migração rural | Crescimento urbano | Mudança social | Pobreza | Solidariedade social | Intervenção social | Igreja e sociedade | Huambo | Luanda | Angola | Lubango (Angola) | África Meridional
[336152]  Show Record 

A very visible hand in the Cape Verde market : reabidantes of the Santiago Island / Marzia Grassi
In: Portuguese studies review. - V. 12, nº 2 (winter-spring 2004-05), pp. 211-228
Descritores: Comércio | Economia informal | Cabo Verde
Cota: PP009/PS|FO
[355977]  Show Record 

Reviving the invisible hand the case for classical liberalism in the twenty-first century / Deepak Lal. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, . - 320 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Economia | Política | Capitalismo | Índia
Cota: E.111 LAL*Rev|ISCTE
[361897]  Show Record 

Reviving the invisible hand the case for classical liberalism in the twenty-first century / Deepak Lal. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, . - XII, 320 p.
Descritores: Teoria da economia | Economia política | Política industrial | Liberalismo | China
Cota: E.111 LAL*Rev|ISCTE
[364207]  Show Record 

Reviving the invisible hand the case for classical liberalism in the twenty-first century / Deepak Lal. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, . - XII, 320 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Ciência económica | Política industrial | Capitalismo | Japão
Cota: E.111 LAL*Rev|ISCTE
