Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 20 | 80 ms
[222007]  Show Record 

Justice in África : an overview of recent injustice / A. B. Assenboh
In: Issue. A Quenterly Journal of Opinion. - Vol. 15, (1987), p. 91-96
Descritores: África | Luta contra a discriminação
Cota: PP764|AHM
[356169]  Show Record 
Peace versus justice? the dilemma of transitional justice in Africa / ed. Chandra Lekha Sriram, Suren Pillay. - Scottsville : University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, . - XIII, 373 p.
Descritores: Crime contra a humanidade | Justiça | Africa
Cota: EA.ASS 4 Pea|ISCTE
[139942]  Show Record 

Peace in portuguese África achieved in justice and freedom / António Sebastião Ribeiro de Spinola. - Lisbon : Min. of Mass Comunication, . - 11, [1] p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: África lusófona | Política interna
Cota: S.C. 37731 V.|BN
[228794]  Show Record 

Some developments in the administration of justice in east África since independence / H. F. Morris. - Possui bibliografia
In: <The >South Áfrican Journal of Áfrican Affairs. Vol. 3 (1973), p. 7-22
Descritores: africa | Desenvolvimento
Cota: PP761|AHM
[268944]  Show Record 
Peace in portuguese Africa achieved in justice and freedom / António de Spínola. - [Lisboa] : Ministery of Mass Communication, . - 11, [1] p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: África | Território ultramarino | Portugal | História | Paz
Cota: 5-54-50-106|BGUC
[50866]  Show Record 

Youth, criminal and criminal justice in South Africa / Amanda Diesel
In: The World Bank legal review : law and justice for development / The World Bank. - Washington : The World Bank, 2003. - p. 235-262
Descritores: Direito | Desenvolvimento económico | Africa
Cota: B.M. 905|ISEG
[201178]  Show Record 

Revolutinary violence, development, equality and justice in South África / Okwudiba Nnoli
In: África Today. - Vol. 34, nº 1-2 (1987), p. 27-47
Descritores: África | África do Sul | Violência política | Desenvolvimento social | Igualdade de tratamento
Cota: PP1027|AHM
[274299]  Show Record 

Justice in South Africa / Albie Sachs. - Berkeley : University of California Press, . - 288 p. ; 22 cm. - Perspectives on southern Africa)
Descritores: Justiça | Sistema judicial | Segregação racial | História | África do Sul | África Meridional
[362453]  Show Record 

Justice in South Africa / Albie Sachs. - Berkeley : University of California Press, . - 288 p.
Descritores: Justiça | Segregação racial | História | África
[368986]  Show Record 

Transformation and trouble crime, justice, and participation in Democratic South Africa / Diana R. Gordon. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, . - XIII, 382 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Direitos civis | Democratização | Justiça | África do Sul | África Austral
[369276]  Show Record 
Justice gained crime and crime control in south Africa's transition / ed. Bill Dixon, Elrena van der Spuy. - Cape Town : UCT Press, . - XXXVII, 266 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Justiça social | Crime | Sistema judicial | África
Cota: EA.AAU 4 Jus|ISCTE
[369517]  Show Record 
Justice gained crime and crime control in south Africa's transition / ed. Bill Dixon, Elrena van der Spuy. - Cape Town : UCT Press, . - XXXVII, 266 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Justiça social | Crime | Sistema judicial | África
Cota: EA.AAU 4 Jus|ISCTE
[374673]  Show Record 
Women's rights in the middle east and north Africa citizenship and justice / ed. Sameena Nazir, Leigh Tomppert
Descritores: Nacionalidade | Direito | Mulheres | África
Cota: s/cota|ISCTE
[387848]  Show Record 

Transformation and trouble crime, justice, and participation in Democratic South Africa / Diana R. Gordon. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, . - XIII, 382 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Direitos civis | Democratização | Justiça | África do Sul | África Austral
[422320]  Show Record 

Constitutionalism and transitional justice in South Africa / Andrea Lollini. - New York : Berghahn Books, . - XV, 221 p.
Descritores: Direito constitucional | Justiça | Africa
[256659]  Show Record 

The media in Africa and Africa in the media : an annotated Bibliography / Gretchen Walsh ; introd. essay Keyan G. Tomaselli. - London : Hans Zell Publishers, . - XXV, 291 p.
Descritores: Política da comunicação | Imprensa | Rádio | Televisão | Africa
Cota: EA.00 WAL*Med|ISCTE
[366678]  Show Record 
Adjustements, employment and missing institutions in Africa the experience in Eastern and Southern Africa / ed. Willem van der Geest and Rolph van der Hoeven. - Geneva : International Labour Office, . - X, [2], 276 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Política económica | Ajustamento estrutural | Emprego | Mercado de trabalho | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 2 Adj,1|ISCTE
[366777]  Show Record 
The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa
Africa in transformation political and economic transformation and socio-economic responses in Africa / The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, 5 Congress Africa in Transformation ; ed. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Abdel Ghaffar Mohammed Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - 2 v. : quad., graf. ; 23 cm. - Vol. 2: Political and economic reforms, transformations and gender issues. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-919799-32-X Vol.1: Political and economic issues. - 236 p. - ISBN 2-919799-31-1
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sustentável | Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Reforma agrária | Economia informal | Ajustamento estrutural | Etnicidade | Género | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Mudança política | mulher | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Afr,13 v.1|ISCTE
[382877]  Show Record 
Adjustements, employment and missing institutions in Africa the experience in Eastern =and Southern Africa / ed. Willem van der Geest, Rolph van der Hoeven. - Geneva : International Labour Office, . - X, [2], 276 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Política económica | Ajustamento estrutural | Emprego | Mercado de trabalho | África Subsaariana
Cota: EA.ASS 2 Adj,1|ISCTE
[385879]  Show Record 
Congress Africa in Transformation, 5
Africa in transformation political and economic transformation and socio-economic responses in Africa / The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa ; ed. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Abdel Ghaffar Mohammed Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - 2 v. : quad., graf. ; 23 cm. - Vol. 2: Political and economic reforms, transformations and gender issues. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-919799-32-X Vol.1: Political and economic issues. - 236 p. - ISBN 2-919799-31-1
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sustentável | Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Reforma agrária | Economia informal | Ajustamento estrutural | Etnicidade | Género | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Mudança política | mulher | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Afr,13 v.1|ISCTE
