Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 13 | 94 ms
[115018]  Show Record 

Economic condition in India / P. Padmanabha Pillai. - London : George Routledge and Sons, . - v, 330 p. ; 23 cm. - Studies in economics and political science). - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Historia económica | Indústria | Sector agrícola | India antiga
Cota: V5857|CLP Goa
[114962]  Show Record 

A study in the economic condition of ancient India : thesis approved for the degree of doctor of science economic in the university of London / Pran Nath. - London : Royal Asiatic Society, . - v, 171 p. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca. Contém bibliografia e apêndice
Descritores: História económica | India antiga | Administração
Cota: V5325|CLP Goa
[114953]  Show Record 

Lectures on the economic condition of ancient India / J. N. Samaddar. - Calcutta : University of Calcutta, . - v, 165 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca. Contém bibliografia
Descritores: Historia | História económica | India antiga
Cota: V1837|CLP Goa
[224614]  Show Record 

Social and economic condition of native life in the Union of South África / J. D. Rheinnallt Jones, A. L. Saffrey
In: Bantu Studies. - Vol. 7, nº 3 (1933), p. 235-256
Descritores: África | África do Sul | Economia nacional | Condições de vida
Cota: PP462|AHM
[317619]  Show Record 

East India trade in the XVIIth century in its political and economic aspects / Shafaat Ahmad Khan. - Nova Delhi : S. Chand & Co., . - 325 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | India | Relações comerciais | Vida política | Relações diplomáticas
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[356014]  Show Record 
Conversations between economists and anthropologists methodological issues in measuring economic change in rural India / ed. Pranab Bardhan. - Delhi : Oxford University Press, . - 288 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Etnologia | Economia agrícola | Mudança social | Índia
Cota: A.123 Con|ISCTE
[200013]  Show Record 

Some reflection on the social and cultural condition of economic productivity / Bert H. Hoselitz
In: Civilisations. - vol. XII, nº 4 (1962), p. 489-501
Descritores: África | Vida social | Balanço
Cota: PP439|AHM
[332960]  Show Record 

Economic condition of the Bengal subah : in years of transition : 1740-1772 / Kalikinkar Datta. - Calcutta : Saraswat Library, . - 286 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Ciência económica | Indústria | História | Comércio | India
Cota: GR1021(CS)|CLP Goa
[366777]  Show Record 
The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa
Africa in transformation political and economic transformation and socio-economic responses in Africa / The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, 5 Congress Africa in Transformation ; ed. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Abdel Ghaffar Mohammed Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - 2 v. : quad., graf. ; 23 cm. - Vol. 2: Political and economic reforms, transformations and gender issues. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-919799-32-X Vol.1: Political and economic issues. - 236 p. - ISBN 2-919799-31-1
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sustentável | Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Reforma agrária | Economia informal | Ajustamento estrutural | Etnicidade | Género | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Mudança política | mulher | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Afr,13 v.1|ISCTE
[380993]  Show Record 

Economic implications of socio economic inequalities in health in the European Union / Johan Mackenbach, Willem Jan Meerding, Anton Kunst. - [S. l.] : European Communities, . - 159 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: União Europeia | Sistemas de saúde | Igualdade | Factores socioeconómicos
CDU: 614.2:316.34
Cota: 08 ECO|IHMT
[385879]  Show Record 
Congress Africa in Transformation, 5
Africa in transformation political and economic transformation and socio-economic responses in Africa / The Fifth Congress Proceedings of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa ; ed. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, Abdel Ghaffar Mohammed Ahmed. - Addis Ababa : OSSREA, . - 2 v. : quad., graf. ; 23 cm. - Vol. 2: Political and economic reforms, transformations and gender issues. - 340 p. - ISBN 1-919799-32-X Vol.1: Political and economic issues. - 236 p. - ISBN 2-919799-31-1
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sustentável | Ajuda ao desenvolvimento | Reforma agrária | Economia informal | Ajustamento estrutural | Etnicidade | Género | Sociedade civil | Democratização | Mudança política | mulher | África
Cota: EA.AGR 1 Afr,13 v.1|ISCTE
[403152]  Show Record 

Economic implications of socio economic inequalities in health in the European Union / Johan Mackenbach, Willem Jan Meerding, Anton Kunst. - [S.l.] : European Communities, . - 159 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: União Europeia | Sistemas de saúde | Igualdade | Factores socioeconómicos
CDU: 614.2:316.34
Cota: 08 ECO|IHMT
[405964]  Show Record 

Economic implications of socio economic inequalities in health in the European Union / Johan Mackenbach, Willem Jan Meerding, Anton Kunst. - [S.l.] : European Communities, . - 159 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: União Europeia | Sistemas de saúde | Igualdade | Factores socioeconómicos
CDU: 614.2:316.34
Cota: 08 ECO|IHMT
