Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 29 ms
[69411]  Show Record 
Appropriate technology for health (ATH) : A directory of organizations, institution groups, and individuals : August, 1980 / OMS. - Geneva : WHO/ATH, . - 199 p. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Tecnologia | Saúde pública | Asia | África | Desenvolvimento socioeconómico | Europa | América
CDU: 614(4)((7)(5)(6)
Cota: QY 22 OMS APP 80|INSA|OMS 12417
[392481]  Show Record 

Appropriate use of fluorides for human health / J. J. Murray. - Geneva : WHO, . - VI, 131 p.
Descritores: Fluóridos | Química | Medicina
CDU: 546.16
Cota: M-23/3|IHMT|398/88
[456567]  Show Record 

Appropriate use of fluorides for human health / J. J. Murray. - Geneva : WHO, . - VI, 131 p.
Descritores: Fluóridos | Química | Medicina
CDU: 546.16
Cota: M-23/3|IHMT
