Guinéa-Bissau. Government/UNICEF
Strategy Paper / Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau e United Nations Children's Fund. -
Bissau : Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau/UNICEF,
1993. - 75 p. : graf. ; 30 cm. - Working Document
Descritores: Guiné-Bissau |
Plano de desenvolvimento
Cota: 304:341.232(665.7)|BP|INEP
New paper : new M. P. and biggest-ever developments begin 1972 in Guinea
In: Portugal. - Vol. 2, n.º 1 (January 1972), p. 2
Descritores: Guiné Portuguesa |
Paper monuments : political biography in new South África / Ton Lodge
In: South Áfrican Histoical Journal. - nº 28 (Maio 1993), p. 249-269
Cota: PP1324|AHM
TÖRÖK, Zsolt
Voyages on paper : early modern visualization of the geographical space and the age of descoveries / Zsolt Török
In: Vasco da Gama : homens viagens e culturas : actas do congresso internacional, Lisboa, 1998 / org. Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses ; coord. Joaquim Romero Magalhães, Jorge Manuel Flores. - Lisboa : C.N.C.D.P., 2001. - vol. 1, p. 69-83
Descritores: India |
Portugal |
História |
Navegação marítima |
Cota: 6-50-85-35|BGUC
BIRGE, Bettine
Rock, paper, scissors : the nature of local sources and understanding regional history in Imperial China : introduction to a theme issue of JESHO / Bettine Birge
In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. - V. 52, parte 1 (2009), pp. 4-13
Descritores: História |
Arqueologia |
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
KAPADIA, Kundanika
Paper-boat / Kundanika Kapadia ; trad. Usha R. Sheth. - Vol. 2
In: Modern indian short stories / ed. e introd. Sarala Jag Mohan. - New Delhi : Indian Council for Cultural Relations, imp. 1976. - p. 22-27
Descritores: Índia |
Cota: 5-33-77-14|BGUC