Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 12 | 72 ms
[231787]  Show Record 

A classical dictionary of India : illustrative of the mythological philosophy, literature, antiquities, arts, manners, customs &c. of the Hindus / John Garret. - Delhi : Oriental Publishers, . - x, 793 p. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca.
Descritores: Religião | Filosofia | Literatura | Hinduísmo | India
Cota: V20630|CLP Goa
[330714]  Show Record 

Classical dictionary of India illustrative of the mythology philosophy literature antiquities arts manners customs of the hindus / John Garrett. - Madras : Higginbotham and Co, . - X, 793, 160 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Dicionário | Cultura | Literatura | Índia
Cota: S/cota|Óscar de Noronha
[115056]  Show Record 

A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature / John Dowson. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd, . - v, 411 p. ; 21 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: Hinduismo | Mitologia | Dicionário
Cota: V5630|CLP Goa
[256088]  Show Record 

A classical dictionary of hindu mythology & religion, geography, history & literature / John Dowson. - New Delhi : Manu Publications, . - 499 p. ; 22 cm. - A religião em Goa.
Descritores: Índia | História | Religião
Cota: S/cota|Susana Sardo
[310365]  Show Record 

A classical dictionary of hindu mythology and religion / John Dowson. - Varanasi : Pilgrims Book House, . - 411 p. ; 19 cm
Descritores: Dicionário | Mitologia | Religião | Hinduísmo | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310391]  Show Record 

The penguin dictionary of indian classical music / Raghava R. Menon. - Nova Delhi : Penguin Books India, . - 172 p. ; 20 cm
Descritores: Música | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310528]  Show Record 

The joy of classical dances of India / Leela Samson. - [S.l.] : National Book Trust India, . - 39 p. : todo il. pb ; 25 cm
Descritores: Artes do espectáculo | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310413]  Show Record 

Classical dances and costumes of India / Kay Ambrose. - 1ª ed. - Nova Delhi : Kay Ambrose, . - 94 p. : gravuras, fotografias, pb ; 29 cm
Descritores: Artes do espectáculo | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310701]  Show Record 

Classical dances of India / Saroja Vaidyanathan, Karan Singh. - [S.l.] : Saroja Vaidyanathan, . - 156 p. ; 23 x 31 cm
Descritores: Artes do espectáculo | Cultura | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[310722]  Show Record 

The classical drama of India : studies in its values for the literature and theatre of the world / Henry W. Wells. - Bombaim : Asia Publishing House, . - 196 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Literatura | Artes do espectáculo | India
Cota: S/cota|Kala Academy Library
[332898]  Show Record 
Arabic classical accounts of India and China / tr. S. Maqbul Ahmad. - Calcutta : Indian Institute of Advanced Study, . - xv, 87 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Viagem | China | India
Cota: GR1862(CS)|CLP Goa
[341238]  Show Record 

Classical dances and costumes of India / Kay Ambrose ; introd. Ram Gopal ; foreword Arnold Haskell. - New Delhi : Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, . - 96 p.
Descritores: Dança | Música | Usos e costumes | India
Cota: IND 39 AMB|FO
