A biblia da humanidade / J. Michelet ; trad. João Corrêa de Oliveira. -
Porto : Magalhães e Moniz, Lda,
[19--]. - 2 v. ; 20 cm. - Bibliotheca de educação intellectual. x). - Primeira parte - a Índia; segunda parte - a Pérsia; terceira parte - a Grécia
Descritores: História |
India |
Pérsia |
Cota: S/cota|Alirio Costa
BROWNE, Edward Granville
A literary history of Persia / Edward Granville Browne. -
Cambridge : University Press,
1956. - 4 v. ; 20 cm. - 1º vol.: From the earliest times until firdawsi.- 521 p.. - 2º vol.: From the firdawasi to Sa`di.- 568 p.. - 3º vol.: The tartar dominion (1265-1502).- 586 p.. - 4º vol.: Modern times (A.D. 1500-1924).- 530 p.
Descritores: História |
CDU: 94(355)
BROWNE, Edward G.
A year amongst the persians : impressions as to the life character and thought of the people of Persia received during twelve months residence in that country in the years : 1887-8 / by Edward G. Browne. -
London : Adam and Charles Black,
1893. - IX, 594 p. : il. [1 desdobr.] ; 23 cm. - Classics of exploration). - Reimpressão de 1985.
Descritores: Persas |
Viagens |
Usos e costumes |
CDU: 916(355)
Cota: S Leitura|IHMT
BROWNE, Edward G.
A year amongst the persians : impressions as to the life character and thought of the people of Persia received during twelve months residence in that country in the years 1887 / by Edward G. Browne. -
London : Adam and Charles Black,
1893. - IX, 594 p. : il. [1 desdobr.] ; 23 cm. - Classics of exploration). - Reimpressão de 1985.
Descritores: Persas |
Viagens |
Usos e costumes |
CDU: 916(355)
Cota: S/Leitura|IHMT
Blamming the messenger : a controversy in late Sanskrit poetics and its implications / Yigal Bronner, Gary A. Tubb
In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. - V. 71, parte 1 (2008), pp. 75-91
Descritores: Literatura |
Poesia |
Cota: PP239/BS|FO