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[393732]  Show Record 

Investigations on the encephalopathics syndrome during melarsoprol treatment of human african trypanosomiaisis / Jorge Beirão Almeida Seixas ; [orient.] Jorge Atouguia. - Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, . - 1 cd rom. - A thesis submited for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy in Tropical Medicine.
Descritores: Medicina Tropical | Parasitologia | Tripanosomiase africana | Terapêutica | Melarsoprol | Encefalopatia | Tese
CDU: 616.937+615:616.831 (043.2)
Cota: 49/2005||IHMT
[389891]  Show Record 

Successful treatment of experimental murine Trypanosoma brucei infection with topical melarsoprol gel / J. M. Atouguia, F. W. Jennings, Max Murray
In: Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. - V.89(1995), p. 531-533
Descritores: Tripanosomíases | Trypanosoma brucei brucei | Quimioterapia | Melarsoprol
CDU: 616.937
Cota: Cx/AU-J. M. Atouguia (1)|IHMT
[456203]  Show Record 

Successful treatment of experimental murine Trypanosoma brucei infection with topical melarsoprol gel / J. M. Atouguia, F. W. Jennings, Max Murray
In: Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. - Vol. 89 (1995), p. 531-533
Descritores: Tripanosomíases | Trypanosoma brucei brucei | Quimioterapia | Melarsoprol
CDU: 616.937
Cota: Cx/AU-J. M. Atouguia (1)|IHMT
[456204]  Show Record 

The importance of 2 3 dimercaptopropinol British antilewisite BAL in thetrypanocidal activity of topical melarsoprol / F. W. Jennings, J. M. Atouguia, M. Murray
In: Acta Tropica. - Vol.62 (1996), p. 83-89
Descritores: Tripanosomíases | Trypanosoma brucei brucei | Melarsoprol | Cymelarsan | Melarsen oxide | Dimercaptopropinol | Gel
CDU: 616.937
Cota: Cx/AU-J. M. Atouguia (2)|IHMT
[389892]  Show Record 

The importance of 2 3 dimercaptopropinol British antilewisite BAL in thetrypanocidal activity of topical melarsoprol / F. W. Jennings, J. M. Atouguia, M. Murray
In: Acta Tropica. - V.62(1996), p. 83-89
Descritores: Tripanosomíases | Trypanosoma brucei brucei | Melarsoprol | Cymelarsan | Melarsen oxide | Dimercaptopropinol | Gel
CDU: 616.937
Cota: Cx/AU-J. M. Atouguia (2)|IHMT
[393229]  Show Record 

The importance of 2 3 dimercaptopropinol British antilewisite BAL in the trypanocidal activity of topical melarsoprol / F. W. Jennings, J. M. Atouguia, M. Murray
In: Acta Tropica. - V.62, n.2(1996), p. 83-89
Descritores: Tripanosomiases | Terapêutica | Melarsoprol | Cymelarsan | Melarsen oxide | Dimercaptopropinol
Cota: A-16/4|IHMT
[396648]  Show Record 

Topical melarsoprol for trypanosomiasis / F. W. Jennings, J. M. Atouguia, M. Murray
In: The Lancet. -V.341, n.8856(1993), p. 1341-1342
Descritores: Tripanosomiases | Terapêutica | Melarsoprol
Cota: A-28/3|IHMT
