MARTINS, Marta Lopes
The role played by efflux systems on the resistance to antibiotics / Marta Sofia Lopes Martins ; [orient.] Leonard Amaral. -
Lisboa : Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical,
2008. - XII, 84 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - Existe na Biblioteca exemplar cd rom.. - Monografia complementar de : "The antimycobacterial activity of thioridazine derivatives against drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis". - Monograph presented in partial fulfiment of the requirements for the granting of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with specialisation in the Biomedical Science of Microbiology.
Descritores: Microbiologia |
Terapêutica |
Antibióticos |
Resistência |
CDU: 615.33:579.26
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
ROGERS, Julia Ellen
The shell book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the families of living mollusks and an aid to the identification of shells native and foreign / by Julia Ellen Rogers. -
Boston : Charles T. Bradford,
1908. - XXI, 503 p. : il.
Descritores: Zoologia |
Malacologia |
Moluscos |
CDU: 594
Cota: K-3|IHMT
ROGERS, Julia Ellen
The shell book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the families of living mollusks and an aid to the identification of shells native and foreign / by Julia Ellen Rogers. -
Boston : Charles T. Bradford,
1908. - XXI, 503 p. : il.
Descritores: Zoologia |
Malacologia |
Moluscos |
CDU: 594
Cota: K-3|IHMT