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[389767]  Show Record 

The making of a political reformer Gandhi in South Africa, 1893-1914 / Surendra Bhana, Goolam Vahed. - New Delhi : Manohar, . - 181 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 1869-1948 | Biografia | Líderes políticos | Movimentos de resistência | África do Sul | África Austral
Cota: EA.01 BHA*Mak|ISCTE
[389794]  Show Record 
Governance in the new South Africa the challanges of globalisation / ed. Guy Mhone, Omano Edigheji. - Lansdowne : University of Cape Town Press, . - XI, 368 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Governação | Democracia | Desenvolvimento sustentável | Descentralização | África do Sul | África Austral
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Gov|ISCTE
[389816]  Show Record 

Women, development and transport in rural eastern Cape, South Africa / Cheryl-Ann Potgieter, Renay Pillay Sharmla Rama. - Cape Town : HSRC Press, . - VII, 39 p. ; 28 cm
Descritores: Desenvolvimento sócio-económico | Política dos transportes | mulher | Mobilidade espacial | Meio rural | África do Sul | África Austral
[390317]  Show Record 
Guidelines for the medical management of rabies in South Africa : abstract. - Pretoria : Government Printer, . - 21 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Raiva | Doenças Infecciosas | Epidemiologia | África do Sul
CDU: 616.988.21
Cota: M-11/1|IHMT
[396649]  Show Record 
The faces voices and skills behind the GIPA Workplace Model in South Africa / Unaids. - Geneva : Unaids, . - 72 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - Unaids best practice)
Descritores: Doenças infecciosas | SIDA | Política de emprego | Local de trabalho
CDU: 616.988(680)
[396744]  Show Record 

Cost of drugs at an urban primary health care centre in Alexandra South Africa / by P. Ferrinho, A. Valli
In: Annales de la Société Belge de Medicine Tropicale. - V.74, n.4(Dez1994), p. 327-338
Descritores: Centros de saúde | Medicamentos | Custos | África do Sul | Alexandra
CDU: 614.39.615.1(680)
Cota: A-21/6|IHMT
[397557]  Show Record 

Primary health care in Alexandra South Africa : a contribution to the methodology of primary health care / by Paulo de Lys Martins Ferrinho. - [Alexandra : Faculty of Medicine Medical University of Southern Africa], . - 2 v. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde primários | Metodologia | Tese | Alexandra | África do Sul
CDU: 614.2:001.8(680)
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
[397582]  Show Record 
The first annual report of the Foundation for Mutual Assistance in Africa South of Sahara : covering the year : 1958 / FAMA. - Monrovia : FAMA, . - [2], 27 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Instituições | Desenvolvimento | Relatório | África, Subsariana
CDU: 06:581.1(66/67)
Cota: M-2/1|IHMT
[399310]  Show Record 

Cost of drugs at an urban primary health care centre in Alexandra South Africa / by P. Ferrinho, A. Valli
In: Annales de la Société Belge de Medicine Tropicale. - V.74, n.4(Dez1994), p. 327-338
Descritores: Centros de saúde | Medicamentos | Custos | África do Sul | Alexandra
CDU: 614.39.615.1(680)
Cota: A-21/6|IHMT
[402504]  Show Record 

Primary health care in Alexandra South Africa : a contribution to the methodology of primary health care / by Paulo de Lyz Martins Ferrinho. - [Alexandra : Faculty of Medicine Medical University of Southern Africa], . - 2 v. : il. ; 30 cm. - Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde primários | Metodologia | Tese | África do Sul | Alexandra
CDU: 614.2:001.8(680)(043.2)
Cota: 31 CSP|IHMT
[405316]  Show Record 

Primary health care in Alexandra South Africa : a contribution to the methodology of primary health care / by Paulo de Lyz Martins Ferrinho. - [Alexandra : Faculty of Medicine Medical University of Southern Africa], . - 2 v. : il. ; 30 cm. - Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde primários | Metodologia | Tese | África do Sul | Alexandra
CDU: 614.2:001.8(680)(043.2)
Cota: 31 CSP|IHMT
[409042]  Show Record 
Silicosis in South Africa : a symposium on the histo-pathology pathological anatomy and radiology of the disease / Meeting of the Transvaal Mine Medical Officers. - Johannesburg : The South African Institute for Medical Research, . - 44 p. ; 25 cm. - ReimpressÆo de : "Proceedings of the Transvaal Mine Medical Officers Association : special suplement"
Descritores: Higiene e saúde ocupacionais | Medicina clínica | Congresso | Silicose | Histologia | Radiologia | Patologia | África do Sul
CDU: 613.6(213)
Cota: B-4|IHMT
[409043]  Show Record 
Silicosis in South Africa : a syposium on the histo-pathology pathological anatomy and radiology of the disease / Meeting of the Transval Mine Medicals Officers. - Johannesburg : The South African Institute for Medical Research, . - 44 p. ; 25 cm. - Proceedings of the Transvaal Mine Medical Officers : special suplement. Vol. X, n. 118)
Descritores: Higiene e saúde ocupacionais | Medicina clínica | Radiologia | Congresso | Silicose | Histopatologia | África do Sul
CDU: 613.6(213)
Cota: B-4|IHMT
[409086]  Show Record 

Public health in South Africa / by E. H. Cluver. - 5th ed. - [Cape Town] : Central News Agency, . - [8], 396 p. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Saúde pública | África do Sul
CDU: 614(680)
Cota: C-2|IHMT
[411807]  Show Record 

Cotton in South Africa / by W. H. Scherffius, J. du P. Oosthuizen. - [S.l.] : Central News Agency, . - South African Cultural Series. 3)
Descritores: Agricultura | Produções agrícolas | Algodão | África do Sul
CDU: 633.51(680)
Cota: J-2|IHMT
[412217]  Show Record 

The plague problem in South Africa : historical bacteriological and entomological studies / by J. Alexander Mitchell, J. H. Harvey Pirie, A. Ingram. - [S.l.] : South African Institute for Medical Research, . - 91-256 p.. - Publications of the South African Institute for Medical Research. 20)
Descritores: Patologia | Peste | Bacteriologia | Entomologia | História | África do Sul
CDU: 616.981.452(680)
Cota: I-3|IHMT
[412608]  Show Record 
South &amp; South East African conference e Europe/East Africa conference
In: Boletim trimestral da Direcção Nacional dos portos e caminhos de ferro de Moçambique.- Lourenço Marques : Propaganda, [19-?-19-?].- (Out., Nov. e Dez., 1975) s/ p.
Descritores: Transportes ferroviários | Rede ferroviária | Instalação portuária | Portugal | Moçambique
Cota: PP36|BNU
[418622]  Show Record 

Africa's first welfare state the experience of south african firms doing business in Botswana / Neuma Grobbelaar, Kaemete Tsotetsi. - Braamfontein : The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), . - 114 p.
Descritores: Crescimento económico | Política económica | Investimento directo estrangeiro | África
[422215]  Show Record 
Advancing refugee protection in South Africa / ed. Jeff Handmaker, Lee Anne de la Hunt, Jonathan Klaaren. - New York : Berghahn Books, . - 336 p.
Descritores: Direitos humanos | Refugiado | Estatuto profissional | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 Adv|ISCTE
[422320]  Show Record 

Constitutionalism and transitional justice in South Africa / Andrea Lollini. - New York : Berghahn Books, . - XV, 221 p.
Descritores: Direito constitucional | Justiça | Africa
[422323]  Show Record 

History after apartheid visual culture and public memory in a democratic South Africa / Annie E. Coombes. - Johannesburg : Wits University Press, . - XVIII, 366 p.
Descritores: Cultura | Artes | Museu | África
[422346]  Show Record 

AIDS, politics, and music in South Africa / Fraser G. McNeill. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, . - XXV, 278, [2] p.
Descritores: Saúde pública | Política de saúde | Música | SIDA | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 McN*Aid|ISCTE
[422505]  Show Record 

Successive and additional measures to the TRC amnesty scheme in South Africa prosecutions and presidential pardons / Hendrik J. Lubbe. - Cambridge : Intersentia, . - XV, 236 p.
Descritores: Crime | Direitos humanos | Africa
[422546]  Show Record 
Fluid rights water allocation reform in South Africa / Synne Movik. - Cape Town : HSRC Press, . - XV, 191 p.
Descritores: Gestão da água | Abastecimento de água | Legislação | África
[422584]  Show Record 
Growth and sustainability in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa / ed. by Luiz de Mello. - Paris : OECD, . - 188 p.
Descritores: Crescimento económico | Desenvolvimento económico | Desenvolvimento sustentável | Brasil | China | Índia | África
Cota: E.120.1 Gro|ISCTE
[422649]  Show Record 
The development of competition law and economics in South Africa / ed. by Kasturi Moodaliyar, Simon Roberts. - Cape Town : HSRC Press, . - 219 p.
Descritores: Direito da concorrência | Política da concorrência | Regulação económica | Competitividade | Economia de mercado | África
Cota: EA.AAU 4 Dev|ISCTE
[422760]  Show Record 
The cultural politics of female sexuality in South Africa / Henriette Gunkel. - New York : Routledge, . - XII, 181 p.
Descritores: Política cultural | Sexualidade | Homossexualidade | Mulher | Identidade sexual | África
[422810]  Show Record 
Transforming water management in South Africa designing and implementing a new policy framework / ed. Barbara Schreiner, Rashid Hassan. - Dordrecht : Springer, . - XVIII, 278 p.
Descritores: Recuursos hídricos | Água | Gestão da água | África
Cota: EA.AAU 2 Tra,1|ISCTE
[425239]  Show Record 
Growth and sustainability in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa / ed. by Luiz de Mello. - Paris : OECD, . - 188 p.
Descritores: Crecimento económico | Desenvolvimento económico | Desenvolvimento sustentável | Brasil | China | Índia | Àfrica do Sul
Cota: E.120.1 Gro|ISCTE
[425245]  Show Record 
Tackling inequalities in Brazil, China, India and South Africa : the role of labour market and social policies / OECD. - Paris : OECD, . - 307 p.
Descritores: Política social | Mercado de trabalho | Desigualdade social | Crescimento económico | Distribuição do rendimento | Brasil | China | Índia | Àfrica do Sul
Cota: S.205 OCDE*Tac|ISCTE
[425570]  Show Record 
Growth and sustainability in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa / ed. by Luiz de Mello. - Paris : OECD, . - 188 p.
Descritores: Crescimento económico | Desenvolvimento económico | Desenvolvimento sustentável | Brasil | China | Índia | África
Cota: E.120.1 Gro|ISCTE
[425575]  Show Record 
Tackling inequalities in Brazil, China, India and South Africa : the role of labour market and social policies / OECD. - Paris : OECD, . - 307 p.
Descritores: Política social | Mercado de trabalho | Desigualdade social | Crescimento económico | Distribuição do rendimento | Brasil | China | Índia | África
Cota: S.205 OCDE*Tac|ISCTE
[431106]  Show Record 

The arthropod parasites of vertebrates in Africa South of Sahara Ethiopian region : insecta excl. phithiraptera / E. Haeselbarth, J. Segerman, F. Zumpt ; [ed. Lit.] F. Zumpt. - Johannesburg : South African Institute for Medical Research, . - [3], 283 p. : il.
Descritores: Parasitologia | Parasitas | Artropodes | Africa | Etiópia
Cota: R-1|IHMT
[431579]  Show Record 

Missionary travels and research in South Africa : includes a sketch of sixteen years residence in the interior Africa : and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the West coast : thence across the continent down the river Zambesi to the eastern ocean / by David Livingstone. - London : John Murray, . - IX, [3], 711 p. : il. [3 desdobr.] ; 23 cm. - Classics of exploration). - Reimpressão de 1986.
Descritores: Missões | Viagens | Colonialismo | África do Sul | Cabo Bojador | Angola | Luanda
CDU: 91(680)(673)
Cota: S Leitura|IHMT
[431584]  Show Record 

Travel and adventure in South East Africa : being the narrative of the last eleven years spent by the author on the Zambesi and its tributaries : with an account of the colonisation of Mashunaland in that country / by Frederick Courteney Selous. - London : Rowland Ward, . - 2 v. : il. ; 23 cm. - Classics of exploration). - Reimpressão de 1984.
Descritores: Explorações terrestres | Rios | África, Sudeste | Zambéze
CDU: 91(6-012)
Cota: S Leitura|IHMT
[451317]  Show Record 
Guidelines for the medical management of rabies in South Africa : abstract. - Pretoria : Government Printer, . - 21 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Raiva | Doenças infecciosas | Epidemiologia | África do Sul
CDU: 616.988.21
Cota: M-11/1|IHMT
[459936]  Show Record 

Primary health care in Alexandra South Africa : a contribution to the methodology of primary health care / by Paulo de Lys Martins Ferrinho. - [Alexandra] : [Faculty of Medicine Medical University of Southern Africa], . - 2 v. : il. ; 30 cm
Descritores: Cuidados de saúde primários | Metodologia | Tese | Alexandra | África do Sul
CDU: 614.2:001.8(680)
Cota: S Leitura TD|IHMT
[459961]  Show Record 
The first annual report of the Foundation for Mutual Assistance in Africa South of Sahara : covering the year : 1958 / FAMA. - Monrovia : FAMA, . - [2], 27 p. ; 25 cm
Descritores: Instituições | Desenvolvimento | Relatório | África, Subsariana
CDU: 06:581.1(66/67)
Cota: M-2/1|IHMT
[460144]  Show Record 

Cost of drugs at an urban primary health care centre in Alexandra South Africa / by P. Ferrinho, A. Valli
In: Annales de la Société Belge de Medicine Tropicale. - V.74, nº 4 (Dez1994), p. 327-338
Descritores: Centros de saúde | Medicamentos | Custos | África do Sul | Alexandra
CDU: 614.39.615.1(680)
Cota: A-21/6|IHMT
[466251]  Show Record 

Africa's first welfare state the experience of south african firms doing business in Botswana / Neuma Grobbelaar, Kaemete Tsotetsi. - Braamfontein : The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), . - 114 p.
Descritores: Crescimento económico | Política económica | Investimento directo estrangeiro | África
[110]  Show Record 

Transport and popular struggles in South Africa / Meshack Khosa
Descritores: África do Sul
[161]  Show Record 

Emerging urban forms in rural South Africa / Dhiru V. Soni and Brij Maharaj
Descritores: África do Sul
[164]  Show Record 

Land and agrarian transition in South Africa / Daniel Weiner and Richard Levin
Descritores: África do Sul
[165]  Show Record 

Health and health care in South Africa : the challenge for a majority ruled state / Ben Wisner
Descritores: África do Sul
[316]  Show Record 

Portuguese in South-East Africa : 1488-1600 / Eric Axelson. - Johannesburg : C. Struik, . - XII, 276 p.
Descritores: História | África | Portugal
Cota: 94(469)14/15 AXE,E|ULFL
[389]  Show Record 

Portuguese in South-East Africa : 1600-1700 / Eric Axelson. - Johannesburg : Witwatersrand University Press, . - X, 226 p.
Descritores: História | África | Portugal
Cota: HD 917 V|ULFL
[410]  Show Record 

Portuguese rule and Spanish crown in South Africa : 1581-1640 / Sidney R. Welch. - Cape Town : Juta, . - 634 p.
Descritores: Descobrimentos | África | Portugal
Cota: HP 133-CH|ULFL
[555]  Show Record 
Linguistics in South West Asia and North Africa / edited by Thomas A. Sebeok. - The Hague : Mouton, . - XII, 802 p. - Current trends in linguistics. 6)
Descritores: Linguística | Línguas africanas | Línguas indo-europeias
Cota: 811.1/.2|ULFL
[618]  Show Record 

Anglo-portuguese relations in South-Central Africa : 1890-1900 / Philip R. Warhurst. - London : Longmans, . - XII, 169 p. - Imperial studies. 23)
Descritores: Diplomacia | História | Africa | Inglaterra | Portugal
Cota: 94(469)"1890-1900"|ULFL
