Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 19 | 97 ms
[258482]  Show Record 

The tribal women of India / S. S. Shashi. - New Delhi : Swadesh Prasad, . - 163 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Cultura | Identidade cultural | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[389809]  Show Record 

The role of women in the household economy the case of the Dorze / Getaneh Mehari. - Addis Ababa : Addis Ababa University. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, . - XIV, 98 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Sociedade rural | Economia doméstica | mulher | Divisão sexual do trabalho | Etiópia | Corno de África
[229566]  Show Record 

Traditional Origins and tribal relationships of the sotho of the northern Transvaal / J. D. Krige. - mapas
In: Bantu Studies. - Vol. Deel XI, nº 1,4 (1937), p. 321-356
Descritores: Norte do Transvaal | Usos e costumes | tribalismo
Cota: PP462|AHM
[120233]  Show Record 

The effect of the local popular tribunal on the legal position of women in Mozambique / Nina Berg e Aase Gundersen. - [Oslo : Institute of Women's Law, University of Oslo], . - 21 p.
Descritores: Justiça | Mulher | Moçambique
[363596]  Show Record 

The contact between the early tribal african education and the westernized system of missionary education : an inaugural lecture given in the University College of Fort Hare on 31st march 1967 / D. F. Van Dyk. - [S.l.] : Fort Hare University Press, . - [2], 18 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: África | Missões religiosas | Educação
Cota: 5-37-38-102|BGUC
[416604]  Show Record 

To what extent are the indigenous women of Jharkhand, India living in disadvantageous conditions : findings from Indiaïs National family health survey / Praween K. Agrawal and Sutapa Agrawal
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 11, nº 1 (Fev. 2010), p. 61-80
Descritores: Mulher | Nutrição | India
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
[426651]  Show Record 

To what extent are the indigenous women of Jharkhand, India living in disadvantageous conditions : findings from Indiaïs National family health survey / Praween K. Agrawal and Sutapa Agrawal
In: Asian Ethnicity. - V. 11, nº 1 (Fev. 2010), p. 61-80
Descritores: Mulher | Nutrição | India
Cota: PP226/AE|FO
[57814]  Show Record 

Some observations on fertility of the native women of the ganda tribe / Alexandre Sarmento e F. Figueira Henriques. - Resumo em português
In: Boletim clínico e estatístico.- vol. 15, nº 13, 2ª série (1962), p. 61- 69
Descritores: Angola | Mulher | Fecundidade
Cota: 68|ISCSP
[74987]  Show Record 

Some observations on fertility of the native women of the Ganda tribe / Alexandre Sarmento, F. Figueira Henriques
In: Boletim clínico e estatístico.- ano XV, nº 13 (1962), p. 61- 71
Descritores: Angola | Inquérito social | Mulher | Esterilização
Cota: 171|IICT
[265807]  Show Record 

The politics of conversion and collaboration of the Estado da Índia and the hindus of Goa : 1510-1789 / Pratima Kamat
In: Vasco da Gama e a Índia : história social e económica = Vasco da Gama et l'Inde : histoire sociale et économique = Vasco da Gama and India : social and economic history / Conferência internacional, Paris, 11-13 Maio, 1998 ; org. Teotónio R. de Souza, José Manuel Garcia. - Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1999. - vol. 2, p. 179-202
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Hindús | Aculturação | Sociedade
Cota: 5-29-15|BGUC
[324414]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352641]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[317645]  Show Record 

History of education in India under the rule of the East India Company / B. D. Basu. - Nova Delhi : Cosmo Publications, . - 208 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Educação | Colonialismo | India
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[228789]  Show Record 

Problems of agricultural development in Southern África with particular reference to the role of tribal agriculture / S. S. Brand. - Possui bibliografia
In: <The >South Áfrican Journal of Áfrican Affairs. Vol. 1 (1971), p. 74-92
Descritores: África Meridional | Sector agrícola | Economia
Cota: PP761|AHM
[369225]  Show Record 
Tradition and transition in east Africa studies of the tribal element in the modern era / ed. P. H. Gulliver. - London : Routledge, . - [8], 378 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Etnicidade | África
Cota: EA.AOR 1 Tra,1|ISCTE
[369468]  Show Record 
Tradition and transition in east Africa studies of the tribal element in the modern era / ed. P. H. Gulliver. - London : Routledge, . - [8], 378 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Etnicidade | África
Cota: EA.AOR 1 Tra,1|ISCTE
[190488]  Show Record 
The platform of the nascent women's movement in the french Soudan
In: Áfrican Studies Review. - Vol. 36, nº 1 (Abr. 1993), p. 74-77
Descritores: África Oriental | Sudão | Ciências sociais | Antropologia | Linhagem
Cota: PP958|AHM
[362184]  Show Record 

The inner quarters marriage and the lives of chinese women in the Sung period / Patricia Buckley Ebrey. - Berkeley : University of California Press, . - XVIII, 322 p.
Descritores: Etnologia | Familia | Casamento | China
Cota: A.142.2 EBR*Inn|ISCTE
