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[356059]  Show Record 
The rise of China and India in Africa challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / ed. Fantu Cheru, Cyril Obi. - London : Zed books, . - 276 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Relações internacionais | Índia
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Ris|ISCTE
[356211]  Show Record 
The rise of China and India in Africa challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / ed. by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi. - London : Zed books, . - XII, 276 p.
Descritores: Relações económicas | China | India | Africa
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Ris|ISCTE
[362089]  Show Record 
The rise of China and India in Africa challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / ed. by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi. - London : Zed Books, . - XII, 276 p.
Descritores: Relações económicas | Relações internacionais | Cooperação | China | India | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Ris|ISCTE
[422616]  Show Record 
The rise of China and India in Africa challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / ed. by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi. - London : Zed Books, . - XII, 276 p.
Descritores: Relações económicas | Cooperação | Relações internacionais | África | Índia
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Ris|ISCTE
[425247]  Show Record 
The rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / ed. by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi. - London : Zed Books, . - XII, 276 p.. - Africa now)
Descritores: Relações económicas | Cooperação | Relações internacionais | China | Índia | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Ris|ISCTE
[425576]  Show Record 
The rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions / ed. by Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi. - London : Zed Books, . - XII, 276 p.. - Africa now)
Descritores: Relações económicas | Cooperação | Relações internacionais | China | Índia | África
Cota: EA.ASS 1 Ris|ISCTE
[239406]  Show Record 

The Portuguese in India being a history of the rise and decline of their Eastern empire / Frederick Charles Danvers. - London : W.H. Allen & Co., . - 2 v. : il. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | India | Portugal
Cota: P33-34|CLP Goa
[250879]  Show Record 

The portuguese in India being a history of the rise and declive of their Eastern empire / Frederick Charles Danvers ; encader. Frederico de Almeida. - London : W. H. Allen, . - III, 572 p. : il., 1 mapa ; 24 cm. - Obra que se debruça sobre a história dos portugueses na Índia.
Descritores: Índia | Portugal | História
Cota: 6-4-29-26|BGUC
[250880]  Show Record 

The portuguese in India being a history of the rise and declive of their Eastern empire / Frederick Charles Danvers. - London : W. H. Allen, . - XV, 579 p. : il., 1 mapa desdobr. ; 24 cm. - Obra que se debruça sobre a história dos portugueses na Índia.
Descritores: Índia | Portugal | História
Cota: 6-4-29-27|BGUC
[231206]  Show Record 

History of the rise of the mahomedan power in India, till the year A. D. 1612 / Mahomed Kasim Hindoo Shah Ferishta ; tr. John Briggs. - London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, . - 4 v. ; 22 cm. - Considerado valioso pela Biblioteca
Descritores: História | Muçulmanos | India
Cota: V5745|CLP Goa
[219470]  Show Record 

The rise and fall of the philosopher king in east África : the view from Uganda / Ali A. Mazrui
In: Ufahamu. - Vol. 15, nº 3 (1986/87), p. 98-108
Cota: PP1020|AHM
[276526]  Show Record 

Christian-nationalism and the rise of the afrikaner broederbond, in South Africa, 1918-48 / Charles Bloomberg ; ed. Saul Dubow. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, . - XXVIII, 250 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História política | Nacionalismo | Identidade étnica | Sociedade secreta | Afrikaner | África do Sul | África Meridional
[369368]  Show Record 

The rise of conservation in South Africa settlers, livestock, and the environment : 1770-1950 / William Beinart. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, . - XXI, 425 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Ambiente | África
[369609]  Show Record 

The rise of conservation in South Africa settlers, livestock, and the environment : 1770-1950 / William Beinart. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, . - XXI, 425 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: História | Ambiente | África
[272731]  Show Record 

The missions of Portuguese typography in the south of China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Manuel Cadafaz de Matos
In: Religion and culture / International symposium commemorating the fourth centenary of the University College of St. Paul, Macau, 1994 ; ed. John W. Witek. - Macau : Instituto Cultural de Macau : Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History of the University of San Francisco, 1999. - p. 73-88
Descritores: Macau | Portugal | Cristianismo | História
Cota: 5-1-39-14|BGUC
[324348]  Show Record 

The migration of forms in the art of the jesuit missions in Japan and China / Gauvin Alexander Bailey
Descritores: Artes | Japão | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352575]  Show Record 

The migration of forms in the art of the jesuit missions in Japan and China / Gauvin Alexander Bailey
Descritores: Artes | Japão | China
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[194061]  Show Record 

The rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the future of North África / Eduardo Serpa
In: África Insight. - Vol. 22 nº 3 (1992), p. 186-198
Descritores: África do Norte | Vida política | Violência política | Religião | Fundamentalismo Islâmico
Cota: PP1377|AHM
[317496]  Show Record 

The rise and expansion of british power in India / Theodore Morison. - Nova Delhi : Deep & Deep, . - XV, 578 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Colonialismo | Reino Unido | India
Cota: S/cota|DCASL-Goa
[332951]  Show Record 

The rise and growth of economic nationalism in India : economic policies of India national leadership, 1880-1905 / Bipan Chandra. - New Delhi : People's Publishing House, . - xvii, 783 p. ; 21 cm
Descritores: Ciência económica | Sector agrícola | Indústria | Finanças públicas | India
Cota: S/cota|CLP Goa
[333661]  Show Record 

The rise of civilization in India and Pakistan / Raymond Allchin ; Bridget. - New Delhi : Cambridge University Press, . - 276 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Descritores: História | Civilização | Sector agrícola | India
Cota: 56816|CLP Goa
[338246]  Show Record 

The rise and fall of the Tujjar councils of representatives in Iran, 1884-85 / Gad G. Gilbar
In: Journal of the economic and social history of the Orient. - V. 51, parte 4 (2008), pp. 639-674
Descritores: Empresário | Desenvolvimento económico | Política | Irão
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[340567]  Show Record 
The rise of Chingis Khan and his conquest of North China / H. Desmond Martin. - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, . - xvii, 360 p.
Descritores: História | China
Cota: 94(510)/MAR|FO
[311936]  Show Record 

Understanding the rise of the individual in China : introduction / Yunxiang Yan
Descritores: Indivíduo | China
Cota: PP184/EJ|FO
[319365]  Show Record 

Discussion of the rise of China in chinese eyes / Ted Osius
Descritores: China | Economia
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[336569]  Show Record 

The rise of the community in rural China : village politics, cultural identity and religious revival in a Hui Hamlet / Ben Hillman
In: The China Journal. - N. 51 (January 2004), pp. 53-73
Descritores: China | Administração local
Cota: PP001/CJ|FO
[338164]  Show Record 

Understanding the rise of the individual in China : introduction / Yunxiang Yan
In: European journal of East Asian studies. - V. 7, nº 1 (2008), pp. 1-9
Descritores: Individuo | China
Cota: PP184/EJ|FO
[324414]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[352641]  Show Record 

The origins and evolution of portrayals of the death of the Buddha in India / Patricia Karetzky
Descritores: India | Buda
Cota: PP088/OA|FO
[258530]  Show Record 

The rise of the Portuguese power in India 1497-1550 / R. S. Whiteway. - New Delhi : R. B. Singh, . - 357 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Colonialismo | India
Cota: S/cota|Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
[258605]  Show Record 

The rise of the Portuguese power in India : 1497-1550 / R. S. Whiteway. - New Delhi : [s.n.], . - 357 p. ; 18 cm
Descritores: História | Arroz | India | Portugal
Cota: S/cota|St. Xavier's College
[281562]  Show Record 

The role of sea-level rise in the formation of peatlands in Maputaland / Piet-Louis Grundling. - Boletim Geológico. Nº 43). - <Mineral Resources Management Capacity Building Project> financed by the <World Bank Credit nº 3486>. - Contém 5 figuras e 2 tabelas. - Referências bibliográficas
In: <The impact of sea-level change past, present, future : proceedings of the INQUA Commission on the Holocene Workshop in Inhaca, Mozambique, November 4-8, 2002> / [org.] Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia. Direcção Geral de Geologia ; editors Fátima Momade, Mussa Achimo, Sylvi Haldorsen ; collaborator Lopo Vasconcelos. - Maputo : Direcção Geral de Geologia, 2004. - p. 42-48
Descritores: Nível do mar | Turfa | Maputo | Moçambique
Cota: E248-P1|LNEG
[429312]  Show Record 

The formation of artistic identities in the context of intercultural dialogue between China and the world / Rui Oliveira Lopes. - Global art monograph series)
In: Face to face : the transcendence of the arts in China and beyond : historical perspectives / ed. Rui Oliveira Lopes. - Lisboa : Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), 2014. - p. 14-37
Descritores: China | História | Cultura | Relações culturais | Artes
Cota: 10-(1)-17-7-31|BGUC
[369213]  Show Record 

Rethinking the rise and fall of apartheid South Africa and world politics / Adrian Guelke. - Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, . - XVII, 248 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Ideologia política | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 GUE*Ret ex.2|ISCTE
[369456]  Show Record 

Rethinking the rise and fall of apartheid South Africa and world politics / Adrian Guelke. - Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, . - XVII, 248 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: Ideologia política | África
Cota: EA.AAU 1 GUE*Ret ex.2|ISCTE
[202841]  Show Record 

The early historh of the Etiopia´s coffe trade and the rise of Shawa / Merisd W. Aregay
In: The Journal of Áfrican History. Vol. 29, nº 1 (1988), p. 19-25
Descritores: Etiópia | Comércio por produtos | Café
Cota: PP467|AHM
[319614]  Show Record 

Gold mining in Arabia and the rise of the Islamic state / Gene W. Heck
Descritores: Arábia | Economia | Metal precioso
Cota: PP002/JE|FO
[319364]  Show Record 

The rise of China in chinese eyes / Yan Xuetong
Descritores: China | Economia
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[319493]  Show Record 

The rise of collective corruption in China : the Xiamen smuggling case / Shawn Shieh
Descritores: China | Corrupção | Contrabando
Cota: PP222/JC|FO
[324786]  Show Record 

The rise of pictorial representation in China : new evidence from a lacquer box in The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Maxwell K. Hearn
Descritores: Artes | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[353012]  Show Record 

The rise of pictorial representation in China : new evidence from a lacquer box in The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Maxwell K. Hearn
Descritores: Artes | China
CDU: PP019/O
Cota: PP019/O|FO
[265807]  Show Record 

The politics of conversion and collaboration of the Estado da Índia and the hindus of Goa : 1510-1789 / Pratima Kamat
In: Vasco da Gama e a Índia : história social e económica = Vasco da Gama et l'Inde : histoire sociale et économique = Vasco da Gama and India : social and economic history / Conferência internacional, Paris, 11-13 Maio, 1998 ; org. Teotónio R. de Souza, José Manuel Garcia. - Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1999. - vol. 2, p. 179-202
Descritores: India | Portugal | História | Hindús | Aculturação | Sociedade
Cota: 5-29-15|BGUC
[356045]  Show Record 
The imperial impact studies in the economic history of Africa and India / ed. Clive Dewey, A. G. Hopkins. - London : University of London, . - 409 p. ; 22 cm
Descritores: História | Índia
Cota: EA.AGR 6 Imp,2|ISCTE
[352093]  Show Record 

The circulation of animals and animal products in the south and east China seas : (late medieval and early modern periods) / Roderich Ptak
In: RC : revista de cultura = Review of culture. - N.º 32 (outubro de 2009), p. 7-23
Descritores: Ásia | China | História | Comércio por produtos
Cota: A-27-49-2|BGUC
[362032]  Show Record 
China, modernisation and the goal of prosperity government administration and economic policy in the late 1980s / ed. and compil. by Kate Hannan. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, . - 352 p.
Descritores: Política industrial | Estrutura industrial | Política económica | Investimento estrangeiro | China
Cota: E.173 CHI|ISCTE
[370484]  Show Record 

Thomas Pereira and the Western Knowledge of Music in the 17th and 18th Centuries China / Wang Bing, Manuel S. Pinto. - Aveiro : [s.n.], . - Pag. var.
Descritores: Arte | Biografia | Música | Instrumento musical | China
Cota: BOL 364|FO
[375358]  Show Record 

The history of the great and mighty kingdom of China and the situation thereof / Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza ; edited by Sir George T. Staunton ; with and introduction by R. H. Major
In: The Hakluyt Society. - Vol. 1, 1ª série, nº 14 (1853), p. 172
Descritores: Viagem | Filipinas | China
Cota: PP240/HS|FO
[375359]  Show Record 

The history of the great and mighty Kingdom of China and the situation thereof / Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza ; edited by Sir George T. Staunton ; with and introduction by R. H. Major
In: The Hakluyt Society. - Vol. 1, 1ª série, nº 14 (1853), p. 172
Descritores: Viagem | China | Filipinas
Cota: PP240/HS|FO
[461901]  Show Record 

The new generation of leadership and the prospect of political reform in China / Suisheng Zhao
In: Estudos sobre a China VIII / coord. Ana Maria Amaro, Dora Martins, Raquel Engenheiro ; pref. Óscar Soares Barata. - Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, 2006. - p. 257-268
Descritores: China | Reforma política
Cota: 9-(1)-7-51-31|BGUC
