Macau em 1515 : observações sobre a edição da "Suma oriental" de Tomé Pires do Dr. Armando Cortesão / J. M. Braga ; trad. Maria Armanda de Almeida e Sousa. -
Coimbra : [s.n.],
1978 (Coimbra : Oficinas da Imprensa de Coimbra. - p. 473-480 ; 22 cm. - Separata de "Suma oriental de Tomé Pires e o Livro de Francisco Rodrigues".
Descritores: Macau |
China |
Cota: 6-10-32-18|BGUC
HOOK, David
A note on the books sent to Prester John in 1515 by king Manuel I / David Hook. -
[S.l. : s.n.,
1974] (Lisboa : Tip. Silvas, Lda.. - p. 303-315 ; 23 cm. - «The embassy despatched by king Manuel I in the 1515 to the Ethiopian Ruler whom the Portuguese identified at that time with the legendary Prester John was an important event in contemporary eyes, and was accompanied by a diplomatic gift of considerable mangificence (...). Among the many items of which the gift was composed, there was a large consignment of books, a fact of some significance for the history of the diffusion of portuguese culture overseas (...)». Separata de "Stvdia", revista semestral, n.º 37 (dezembro de 1973).
Descritores: Portugal |
Etiópia |
História |
Cota: 6-21-22-42|BGUC