Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 08 | 110 ms
[68692]  Show Record 
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Aid for the development of irrigation / Organisation for Economic and Development. - Paris : Ian Carruthers, . - 166 p. : tabelas ; 24 cm
Descritores: Sector agrícola | Irrigação | Desenvolvimento agrícola
Cota: 63 OCDE|IPAD
[274646]  Show Record 

The role of mass media for the pastoral development of the catholic church in Nigeria / Eugene Dike. - Münster : Lit, . - IX, 327 p. ; 22 cm. - Theologie. 40)
Descritores: Igreja Católica | Meios de comunicação de massas | Religião | História da Igreja | Nigéria | África Ocidental
[346027]  Show Record 

Outline of the plan for the reform and development of the pearl river delta released : deepens co-operation among guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and promotes moderate diversification of Macao's economy / Brian. - Edição bilingue. - Revista em português e chinês
In: Macao Image . - Nº 50 (Julho 2009), p. 16-22
Descritores: Development potential | Macau | Portugal
Cota: DI-3325|FCM
[369374]  Show Record 

The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa / Michael van Notten. - Asmara : Trenton The Red Sea Press, . - XV, 255 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Sistema judicial | Regime político | África
[369615]  Show Record 

The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa / Michael van Notten. - Asmara : Trenton The Red Sea Press, . - XV, 255 p. ; 23 cm
Descritores: Sociologia | Sistema judicial | Regime político | África
[206524]  Show Record 

The OAU and the quest for the ever elusive goal of economic development / Ku-Ntima Uavidi
In: África Today. - Vol. 35 nºs 3-4 (1988), p. 36-48
Descritores: África | Organização das Nações Unidas | Desenvolvimento economico
Cota: PP1027|AHM
[243539]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the EU institutions and member states' mechanisms for promoting policy coherence for development. - [Paris] : Ministère des Affaires Étrangéres et Européennes, . - 1 desdobr.
Descritores: Cooperação para o desenvolvimento | Europa
Cota: DES 19-6|CIDAC
[250168]  Show Record 
Evaluation of the EU institutions and member states' mechanisms for promoting policy coherence for development. - [Paris] : Ministère des Affaires Étrangéres et Européennes, France Coopération, . - 1 desdobrável
Descritores: Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento | Europa
Cota: DES 19-6|CIDAC
