Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 18 | 28 ms
[383382]  Show Record 
Anaesthesia. - London : The British Council, . - 72 p. : il.. - British medical bulletin. 14)
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Anestesia
CDU: 616-009.614
Cota: I-3|IHMT
[412596]  Show Record 
Anaesthesia. - London : The British Council, . - 72 p. : il.. - British medical bulletin. 14)
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Anestesia
CDU: 616-009.614
Cota: I-3|IHMT
[381317]  Show Record 
Autonomic nervous system / ed. lit. The British Council. - London : The British Council, . - [77], IX p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 13)
Descritores: Fisiologia | Sistema nervoso simpático
CDU: 612.89
Cota: A-7|IHMT
[409030]  Show Record 
Autonomic nervous system / [ed. lit.] The British Council. - London : The British Council, . - [77], IX p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 13)
Descritores: Fisiologia | Sistema nervoso simpático
CDU: 612.89
Cota: A-7|IHMT
[315059]  Show Record 

Higher education in the United kingdom : a hanbook for students from overseas / Rt. Hon. Lord Eustace Percy. - london : The British Council, . - Pag. var. : Mapas ; 20 cm
Descritores: Ensino | Guia de informação | Inglaterra
Cota: P3307|CLP Goa
[409054]  Show Record 
Industrial hazards : commentary history documentation / [ed. lit.] The British Council, Medical Department. - London : The British Council, . - 144 p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 7)
Descritores: Riscos ocupacionais | Medicina | Industria
CDU: 613.6
Cota: B-4|IHMT
[381341]  Show Record 
Industrial hazards : commentary history documentation / ed. lit. The British Council, Medical Department. - London : The British Council, . - 144 p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 7)
Descritores: Riscos ocupacionais | Medicina | Industria
CDU: 613.6
Cota: B-4|IHMT
[350499]  Show Record 

Pequena retrospectiva, tapeçarias e colagens / Helena Lapas. - Lisboa : The British Council, . - [8] p.
Descritores: Tapete
Cota: 0460-EXP|FO
[411951]  Show Record 
Recent research in malaria. - London : The British Council, . - 110 P.. - British medical bulletin. 8)
Descritores: PAtologia | Malaria | Investigação clínica
CDU: 616.936
Cota: I-1|IHMT
[383335]  Show Record 
Recent research in malaria. - London : The British Council, . - 110 P.. - British medical bulletin. 8)
Descritores: PAtologia | Malaria | Investigação clínica
CDU: 616.936
Cota: I-1|IHMT
[409838]  Show Record 
Research in disease of the Tropics. - London : The British Council, . - 102 p.. - British medical bulletin. 28)
Descritores: Patologia | Doenças tropicais | Medicina clínica | Investigação | Trópicos
CDU: 616.9(213)
Cota: H-5|IHMT
[383288]  Show Record 
Research in disease of the Tropics. - London : The British Council, . - 102. - British medical bulletin. 28)
Descritores: Patologia | Doenças tropicais | Medicina clínica | Investigação | Trópicos
CDU: 616.9(213)
Cota: H-5|IHMT
[381340]  Show Record 
Some problems of personnel research : commentary history documentation / ed. lit. The British Council. - London : The British Council, . - (88) p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 5)
Descritores: Riscos ocupacionais | Investigação científica
CDU: 613.6
Cota: B-4|IHMT
[409053]  Show Record 
Some problems of personnel research : commentary history documentation / [ed. lit.] The British Council, Medical Department. - London : The British Council, . - 88 p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 5)
Descritores: Riscos ocupacionais | Investigação científica
CDU: 613.6
Cota: B-4|IHMT
[411986]  Show Record 
Surgery of the heart and thoracic blood vessels / [ed. lit.] The British Medical Council. - London : The British Council,
Descritores: Cirurgia | Cardiologia | Sistema circulatório | Veias | Coração
CDU: 617
Cota: I-6|IHMT|3107
[383495]  Show Record 
Surgery of the heart and thoracic blood vessels / [ed. lit.] The British Medical Council. - London : The British Council
Descritores: Cirurgia | Cardiologia | Sistema circulatório | Veias | Coração
CDU: 617
Cota: I-6|IHMT
[381276]  Show Record 
The liver : some physiological and clinical aspects / ed. lit. The British Council. - London : The British Council, . - 152, IX p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 13)
Descritores: Fisiologia | Fígado | Medicina clínica
CDU: 612.35
Cota: A-6|IHMT
[408989]  Show Record 
The liver : some physiological and clinical aspects / [ed. lit.] The British Council. - London : The British Council, . - 152, IX p. ; 29 cm. - British medical bulletin. 13)
Descritores: Fisiologia | Fígado | Medicina clínica
CDU: 612.35
Cota: A-6|IHMT
