Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 06 | 00 ms
[386844]  Show Record 

Música negra : estudo do folclore Tonga / por Belo Marques. - [Lisboa] : Agência Geral das Colónias, . - 121 p. : il.
Descritores: Tonga | Folclore | Música | Etnologia | Povos | Tribos | Moçambique
CDU: 398.8(679)
Cota: s A-1|IHMT
[409728]  Show Record 

Researches in Polynesia and Melanesia : an account of investigations in Samoa Tonga the Ellice Group and the New Hebrides / by Patrick A. Buxton. - London : The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, . - 139, [25] p.. - Memoir series of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 2)
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Patologia | Doenças | Investigação | Polinésia | Melanésia | Samoa | Tonga | Ellice | Novas Hébridas
CDU: 616.9
Cota: G-5|IHMT
[425857]  Show Record 

Researches in Polyneisa and Melanesia : an account of investigations in Samoa Tonga the Ellice Group and the New Hebrides / Patrick A. Buxton, G. H. E. Hopkins. - London : The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, . - XI, 260, [12] p. : il.
Descritores: Entomologia | Parasitologia | Insectos | Aëdes argentus | Investigação científica | Novas Hébridas | Samoa | Tonga
Cota: R-1|IHMT
[383178]  Show Record 

Researches in Polynesia and Melanesia : an account of investigations in Samoa Tonga the Ellice Group and the New Hebrides / by Patrick A. Buxton. - London : The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, . - 139, [25] p.. - Memoir series of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 2)
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Patologia | Doenças | Investigação | Polinésia | Melanésia | Samoa | Tonga | Ellice | Novas Hébridas
CDU: 616.9
Cota: G-5|IHMT
[386659]  Show Record 

Researches in Polyneisa and Melanesia : an account of investigations in Samoa Tonga the Ellice Group and the New Hebrides / Patrick A. Buxton, G. H. E. Hopkins. - London : The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, . - XI, 260, [12] p. : il.
Descritores: Entomologia | Parasitologia | Insectos | Aëdes argentus | Investigação científica | Novas Hébridas | Samoa | Tonga
CDU: 576.895.7
Cota: R-1|IHMT
[199853]  Show Record 

Tembe-Tonga kinship : the marriage of anthropology and history / David Webster. - Possui bibliografia
In: Cahiers d'Études Áfricaines. - Vol. 26, nº 106 (1986), p. 611-632 :il
Descritores: História | Tembe | Tonga | Parentesco | Antropologia
Cota: PP459|AHM
