Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 03 | 30 ms
[405611]  Show Record 
Maternal and perinatal infections : a practical guide : report of a WHO consultation / [ed. lit.] Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programe. - Geneva : WHO, . - [4], 122 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - Safe motherwood)
Descritores: Maternidade | Fisiologia da gravidez | Infecções
CDU: 618.2:616.5-002
Cota: 41 INF|IHMT
[379181]  Show Record 
Maternal and perinatal infections : a practical guide : report of a WHO consultation / ed. lit. Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programe. - Geneva : WHO, . - [4], 122 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - Safe motherwood)
Descritores: Maternidade | Fisiologia da gravidez | Infecções
CDU: 618.2:616.5-002
Cota: 41 INF|IHMT
[402799]  Show Record 
Maternal and perinatal infections : a practical guide : report of a WHO consultation / [ed. lit.] Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programe. - Geneva : WHO, . - [4], 122 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - Safe motherwood)
Descritores: Maternidade | Fisiologia da gravidez | Infecções
CDU: 618.2:616.5-002
Cota: 41 INF|IHMT
