Pesquisa bibliográfica

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[144608]  Show Record 

Counterinsurgency in África : The Portuguese way of war 1961- 1974 / John P. Cann Bernard E. Trainor. - Conneticut, London : Greenwood press, . - XV, 216 p., 4 mapas. - Contributions in military studies. 167)
Descritores: África | Colonialismo | Guerra
Cota: 8178/A|BIBEx
[146157]  Show Record 

Counterin surgency in África : the portuguese way of war : 1961-1974 / John P. Conn. - London : Greenwood, . - XVI, 216 p.. - Contributions in military studies. 167)
Descritores: Colonialismo | Guerra | Portugal | Angola | Moçambique | Guiné-Bissau | África
Cota: J-5-25|BCM
[146158]  Show Record 

Operation mar verde : the strike on Conakry : 1978 / John P. Conn. - , . - Pag. var.. - Contributions in military studies. 167)
Descritores: Guerra | Guiné-Bissau
Cota: 3-U-8-3-26|BCM
