Pesquisa bibliográfica

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Registos: 02 | 31 ms
[409367]  Show Record 

Microphthalmos and anophtalmos with or without coincident oligophrenia : a clinical and genetic statistical study / by Torsten Sjörgen, Tage Larson. - Copenhagen : Ejnar Munksgaard, . - 103 p. ; 25 cm. - Acta psychiatrica et neurológica. 56)
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Genética | Oftalmologia | Cegueira | Patologia | Olhos
CDU: 616-007
Cota: D-4|IHMT
[381654]  Show Record 

Microphthalmos and anophtalmos with or without coincident oligophrenia : a clinical and genetic statistical study / by Torsten Sjörgen, Tage Larson. - Copenhagen : Ejnar Munksgaard, . - 103 p. ; 25 cm. - Acta psychiatrica et neurológica. 56)
Descritores: Medicina clínica | Genética | Oftalmologia | Cegueira | Patologia | Olhos
CDU: 616-007
Cota: D-4|IHMT
