Subsídios para o estudo da Biologia na Lunda : Spiders of the family Linyphiidae from Angola / G. H. Locket. - Publicado em Separata em 30 de Dezembro de 1968.. - A study has been made of a collection of Linyphiine spiders made by Dr. A. de Barros Machado, mostly in the N.E. region of Angola, especially near Dundo, but also in the neighbouing parts of the southern Congo and in other parts of Angola. The majority of species are from the litter and soil of tropical forest and from other cryptic habitats, at various heights up to 2300m. (...)
In: Publicações Culturais / Companhia de Diamantes de Angola. - Nº71, (1969), p. 61-144.
Descritores: Angola |
Investigação científica |
Fauna |
Cota: s/cota|UCDA|Diamang