- Le voyage de M. le Ministre des Colonies à l'Angola et au Mozambique
- Le voyage de M. Pompidou à Djibouti et à Addis-Abeba
- Le voyage inedit d'edeles tan jardim sur la cote occidentale d'Afrique (1945-1948)
- Le voyage en Chine d'Adriano de las Cortes s.j. (1625)
- Le voyage de Magellan (1519-1522)
- Le voyage en Asie Centrale et au Tibet [2]
- Le voyage en Chine
- Le vrai visage du Potugal d'outre-mer
- Le vrai visage du Portugal d'outre-mer tel que je l'ai vu [2]
- Le vrai visage du Portugal d'outre-mer
- Le wama des ngbaka de la Logane
- Le XIX e siècle l'apogée de l'expansion européenne
- Le XIXe siècle
- Le Yin Hai Jing Wei
- Le Yoga [2]
- Le Zaire et les contrats de l'association internationale [3]
- Le Zaire accède aux demandes de l'Angola
- Le Zaire dans tous ses etats
- Le Zaire [2]
- Le Zambèse son histoire, son cours, son bassin, ses produits, son avenir
- Le Zambèze est franchi
- Le Zimbabwe contemporain [4]
- Le Zimbabwé en 1990
- Lead by the nose
- Leader magazine
- Leadership secrets from the Mahabharata
- Leadership symbolismo in Onitsha Igbo crowns and Ijet
- Leadership, regime security, and China's policy toward Taiwan [2]
- Leadership changes at the 10th congress of the Vietnamese communist party [2]
- Leadership transition, intra-party democracy and institution building in China
- Leadership
- Leadership, civil society and democratisation in Africa
- Leadership in 19th century Africa
- Leaders africains en milieu Urbain
- Leadership, civil society and democratisation in Africa case studies from Southern Africa [2]
- Leading from the Rear [2]
- Leading issues of the Macau economy
- Leading ladies
- Leaf of allah khat and agricultural transformation in harerge, ethiopia
- Leaf of Allah
- "Leaf Scald" em Moçambique
- Leaf Scald em Moçambique
- Leaf-scald of barley in South África
- Léah e outras histórias
- Leal conselheiro
- Leal senado da Câmara de Macau [2]
- Leal Senado da Camara
- Leal Senado [85]
- Leal senado de Macau
- Leal Senado e Macau
- Lean work empowerment and exploitation in the global auto industry
- Leane
- Leaning forward, looking back
- Leão comeu candieiro [2]
- Leão e Martinho [2]
- Leão Lopes despede-se numa etapa específica
- Leão Lopes, um artista de futuro = an artist of the future
- Leão Lopes mostra Ilheu de Contenda [2]
- Leão Lopes
- Leão Lopes põe B.Leza na tela
- Leão XIII
- Leao, o africano [5]
- Leapfrogging? India's information technology industry and the internet
- Leaps and approaches towards self-government in British Africa
- Learn about [3]
- Learn from Daqing
- Learn Konkani in 30 days [2]
- Learn malayalam in 30 days
- Learn marathi in a month
- Learn to play on tabla
- Learn to be your lawyer in 30 days
- Learned conversations on the heavenly studies
- Learning to serve
- Learning from experience
- Learning sustainability
- Learning to kill? masculinity, the family and violence in Natal [2]
- Learning to teach in South Africa
- Learning versus adaptation
- Learning from Sulima [2]
- Learning to live with pollution
- Learning what it is to be a Christian [2]
- Learning about a Chinese village in leninist-party authoritarian state
- Learning from Gandhi
- Learning from Robben Island
- Learning and the African Child
- Learning the heart way [3]
- Learning to compete in african industry
- Learning to compete in african industry institutions and technology in development
- Learning from the rural poor
- Learning to live with the hegemon
- Learning, lineages and locality in late Imperial China
- Leather puppetry in Karnataka
- L'eau
- L'eau dans l'alimentation [2]
- L'eau de la Liane
- Leaves from an early Pahari Ramayama series
- Leaves from a war reporter's diary
- Leba [3]
- Leba estudos de quaternário, pré-história e arqueologia Actas da 1ª reuniõo de arqueologia e história pré-colonial, Lisboa, 23-26 de Outubro de 1989
- Lebanese armenian folklore troupe