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  1. St. Xavier's College magazine
  2. Sta. Gemma Galgani
  3. Sta. Pelagia
  4. Sta Sancha [3]
  5. Staat, Politik und Menschenrechte in AfriKa
  6. Staatsgreep in Guiné Bissau
  7. Stability of performance of some released sorghus varieties
  8. Stabilization in the the manyika dialect of the shona group
  9. Stabilizing Nigeria
  10. Stabilization in Bantu
  11. Stabilisation policies and the effects on child health in Zimbabwe
  12. Stabilité des constructions
  13. Stachytarpheta fallax a.e. gonç. nom. nov. para upochea dichtoma baill., verbenaceae endímica de Cabo Verde
  14. Stachytarpheta fallax A. E. Gonç. nom. nov. para Ubochea dichotoma Baill., Verbenaceae endémica de Cabo Verde
  15. Stachytenpheta fallax A.F. Gong. "nom.nov." para "Ubochea dichotoma" Ball., verberaceae endémica de Cabo Verde
  16. Stachytarpheta fallax A. E. Gonçalves nom nov para ubochea dichtoma baill verbenaceae endémica de Cabo Verde
  17. Stacking the deck in Namibia [2]
  18. Stade resettlement policies in post-colonial rural Mozambique
  19. Stae politics and social domination in Zimbabwe [2]
  20. STAE staff to be trained in Portugal
  21. Staff, facilities research capabilities
  22. Stage internacional de archivos de Paris, 1978
  23. Stagnation without equity
  24. Stained earth
  25. Stakeholders theory and corporate social responsability (CSR) an empirical study on public private partnership (PPP) for healthcare in China
  26. Stakeholders
  27. Stakeholders theory and corporate social responsability (CSR)
  28. Stamp collecting
  29. Stamp duties in indian states
  30. Stamp news
  31. Stampe cinesi del nuovo anno
  32. Stampe cinesi del nuono anno [2]
  33. Stamps of the British Empire
  34. Standard Eléctrica em Angola [2]
  35. Standard methods of the division of laboratories and research of the New York State Department of Health [2]
  36. Standard Totta
  37. Standards culturais Brasil x Portugal Melina Pamplona Saraiva e
  38. Standards for cataloging nonprint materials [2]
  39. Standardisation du café portuguais, progrés de laboratoire, first session FAO Tecnhical Working party on coffee production and protection
  40. Standards culturais entre Portugal e China [2]
  41. Standard illustrated dictionary of the english languae
  42. Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage [3]
  43. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater [2]
  44. Standart Totta
  45. Standex Alumínio
  46. Standing on the Brink
  47. Standing orders, rules and notifications issues under the sea customs act of 1878, pertaining to the department of Customs, Bombay
  48. Standing for sanctions
  49. Standing up to sexism
  50. Stanley
  1. Stanley´s first and second expeditions through Mpwapwa and W. L. Farquhar's Grave
  2. Stanley's first opinions [2]
  3. Stanley the impossible life of Africa's greatest explorer [2]
  4. Stanley au secours d'Emin-Pacha
  5. Stanze all Infante don enrico
  6. Staphylococus pyogenes [2]
  7. Staphylococcus pyogenes [2]
  8. Star dust
  9. Star Fairy as Collateral Damage
  10. Stars...
  11. Starting positions [2]
  12. Stary stories
  13. State and class in Guinea-Bissau in view of the November 1980 coup
  14. State and locality in mugal India
  15. State and religion in the Sudan sudanese thinkers
  16. State building and democratization in Africa faith, hope, and realities [2]
  17. State and nation building
  18. State and religion in the Sudan
  19. State and revolution
  20. State and society in Kenya
  21. State capacity and contemporary China
  22. State ceremonial, court culture and political power in Denmark 1536-1746
  23. State coercion and the balance of awe
  24. State cultural policy
  25. State action and class interests in the Ivory Coast
  26. State and ethnicity in precolonial Northern Nigeria
  27. State and nation in the context of social change
  28. State against development
  29. State and government in ancient India
  30. State and market in public service provision [2]
  31. State budget re-enforced
  32. State collapse and post-conflict development in Africa the case of Somalia (1960-2001) [2]
  33. State and society in francophone Africa since independence [2]
  34. State bank of India 1955/1965
  35. State and religion under the dutch in Ceylon, c. 1640-1796
  36. State and society relationships in India
  37. State and business in the era of globalization
  38. State and traditional law in Angola and Mozambique
  39. State bank transformation in Brazil
  40. State formation in ancient Orissa
  41. State formation, Rural Development and peasants in Guinea-Bissau
  42. State enterprise in Nigeria and Ghana
  43. State housing rents up more 50%
  44. State education policy and the social reprodution of the urban african working class
  45. State formation [2]
  46. State failure and state weakness in a time of terror
  47. State funds mis-used
  48. State identities and the homogenisation of peoples
  49. State intervention and the environment in Sudan, 1889-1989
  50. State legitimacy and development in Africa [2]

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