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  1. State intervention and the environment in Sudan, 1889-1989
  2. State legitimacy and development in Africa [2]
  3. State of the nation [6]
  4. State of the nation South Africa 2005-2006
  5. State of the stocks of shallow water prawns at Sofala Bank
  6. State of the world [2]
  7. State of transition post-apartheid educational reform in south Africa [2]
  8. State policies and tecno-industrial innovation
  9. State of the nation South Africa 2003-2004
  10. State of the world population
  11. State of transition [2]
  12. State official language policy implementation
  13. State of emergency [2]
  14. State of Goa
  15. State of the environment in the zambezi basin 2000
  16. State power and unbalanced legal development in China
  17. State of the nation south Africa [5]
  18. State of the nation South Africa 2012-2013 addressing inequality and poverty
  19. State of the world's vaccines and immunization [2]
  20. State of world population, 2003
  21. State Officials building
  22. State plan to shackle african trade unions
  23. State subject communication in Zaire
  24. State resettlement policies in post-colonial rural Mozambique
  25. State recognition of traditional authority in Mozambique [2]
  26. State sovereignty, political legitimacy and regional institutionalism in the Asia-Pacific
  27. State versus documentation
  28. State, civil society and apartheid in South Africa an examination of dutch reformed Church-State relations [2]
  29. State, community and local development in Nigeria
  30. State, gender and uxorilocal marriage in contemporary rural North China [2]
  31. State, civil society and apartheid in South Africa
  32. State, party and revolution in Ethiopia
  33. State, society and democracy a reader in Namibian politics
  34. State, power and politics in the making of the modern Middle East
  35. State-bulding and international conflicts
  36. State-initiated development and the reang ethnic minority in Tripura (North East India) [2]
  37. Statement by senator Edward M. Kennedy regarding independence for Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau [2]
  38. Statement by the Frelimo Executive Committee on the events in Portugal [2]
  39. Statement of general and particular average per the portuguese motor-ship "S. Thomé"
  40. Statement of general average per portuguese steamer "Congo"
  41. Statement to the United Nations
  42. Statement of the physical problem of the arch dam
  43. Statement on Rhodésia
  44. Statement on South África and the United States [2]
  45. Statement on Angola
  46. Statement on South África and Namíbia
  47. Statement on South África and United States policy
  48. Statement by George R. Ellis [2]
  49. Statement concerning the african books collective by members of the Bellagio Publishing Group
  50. Statement on the amendments to schedule VI to the companies act, 1956
  1. States and markets in the Southern Áfrican Development Community
  2. States and power in Africa comparative lessons in authority and control [2]
  3. States of India Delhi
  4. States and power in Africa
  5. States criation in Nigeria
  6. State´s plan to privatise florests comes under fire
  7. Static Macao and Macao in transition in the short stories of a macanese woman [3]
  8. Statical data relative to social life in Moçambique [2]
  9. Stations préhistoriques de l'Angola de Nord-Est [2]
  10. Statiscal analysis in biology [2]
  11. Statisque du Portugal et de ses colonies
  12. Statisques sanitaires mondiales 2005
  13. Statisque de la société esclavagiste portugaise
  14. Statistic synopsis of the province S. Tomé and Príncipe - 1968
  15. Statistical hand book of Goa, 2001
  16. Statistical methods for agriculture workers
  17. Statistical methods in cancer research [3]
  18. Statistical methods in medical research [3]
  19. Statistical pocket-book of the union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, 1986
  20. Statistical treatment of experimental data [2]
  21. Statistics [6]
  22. Statistics for biologistics [2]
  23. Statistique appliqué à la biologie experimentale [2]
  24. Statistique démographique et médicale [2]
  25. Statistique du Portugal et de ses colonies
  26. Statistical methods in biology [3]
  27. Statistical pocket book [2]
  28. Statistical pocket-book of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu
  29. Statistical tables [2]
  30. Statistics on international development, 1998/99 - 2002/03
  31. Statistique médicale et biologique [2]
  32. Statistical analysis of epidemiologic data [3]
  33. Statistical analysis of historical data
  34. Statistical bioinformatics [3]
  35. Statistical handbook of Goa
  36. Statistical methods [7]
  37. Statistical methods in epidemiology [3]
  38. Statistical pockey Book of the union territory of Goa Daman and Diu, 1981
  39. Statistics at square one [3]
  40. Statistics manual [3]
  41. Statistics on international development, 1999/00 -2003/04
  42. Statistique d'importation et autres indications relatives a l'ile de S. Vicent du Cap Vert
  43. Statistique d'importation et autres indicators relatives a l'ile de S. Vicente du Cap Vert
  44. Statistique et recherche apliquée [3]
  45. Statistical data
  46. Statistical hand book of Goa, 2002-2003
  47. Statistical models and causal inference [3]
  48. Statistical pocket book of Goa
  49. Statistics on international development, 2000-01-2004-05
  50. Statistiques de la dette extérieure

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