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  1. Studies on the ice age in India and associated human cultures
  2. Studies on the larval competition of the bruchid beetle
  3. Studies on the timber of erotic trees in Mozambique
  4. Studies in biblical archaeology
  5. Studies in Ceylon church history
  6. Studies in early chinese culture
  7. Studies in early indian paiting
  8. Studies in heart disease in Uganda
  9. Studies in India history
  10. Studies in Indian music [2]
  11. Studies in Kabuki
  12. Studies in Maratha history
  13. Studies in modern indian history
  14. Studies in modern indian political thought (Gandhi an interpretation)
  15. Studies in Natyasastra
  16. Studies in philosophical criticism and construction
  17. Studies in Portugal and Creole
  18. Studies in portuguese and creole with special reference to south África [2]
  19. Studies in the foreign relations of India
  20. Studies in the history of central Nigeria area [3]
  21. Studies in the Minor Rock edicts of Asoka
  22. Studies in tropical África umbeliferae
  23. Studies in tropical african "Umbelliferae"
  24. Studies in tropical Áfrican umbelliferae
  25. Studies in witchcraft, magic, war and peace in Africa
  26. Studies of bushmen in the Kalahari
  27. Studies of sampling techniques and chemical analyses of vegetables [2]
  28. Studies of sustainable agriculture and animal science in Sub-Saharan Africa [2]
  29. Studies on agar gel electrophoresis [2]
  30. Studies on cultures of marines phytoplankton
  31. Studies on the flower morphology of cashew (acanardium occidentale L.)
  32. Studies on the flower morphology of cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) [2]
  33. Studies on the genetics of artemisinin resistance in malaria [3]
  34. Studies on the microorganisms of th new
  35. Studies in Chinese literature
  36. Studies in floklore of Kerala
  37. Studies in gandhism
  38. Studies in Indian history [4]
  39. Studies in India's maritime trade through the ages
  40. Studies in maritime history
  41. Studies in Mimamsa, Dr. Mandan Mishra Felicitation
  42. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae
  43. Studies in Pánini
  44. Studies in parsi history
  45. Studies in Sanskrit dramatic criticism
  46. Studies in the history of the Sangam age
  47. Studies in the history of the third dynasty of Vijayanagara
  48. Studies in the srtucture physiology and ecology of molluscs [3]
  49. Studies in witchcraft, magic, war and peace in Africa nineteenth and twentieth centuries
  50. Studies of Mydidae Diptera IVb Mydas and allies in Americas [2]
  1. Studies on african apocynaceae
  2. Studies on Bilhana and his Vikramankadevacarita
  3. Studies on modern indian political thoought
  4. Studies on schistosomiasis niponica [2]
  5. Studies on the cultivation of endamoeba histolytica with trypanosoma cruzi
  6. Studies on the mosquito immune response
  7. Studies over Hersen Oedeem en Hersen Congestie [2]
  8. Studies zur geschicte Angolas in 16 und 17 Jahrhundert [2]
  9. Studies in Church history
  10. Studies in desease ecology
  11. Studies in indian art
  12. Studies in Indian linguistics
  13. Studies in Indo-portuguese history [5]
  14. Studies in judaism
  15. Studies in Karnataka history
  16. Studies in late Qing dynasty paintings
  17. Studies in museum and museology in India
  18. Studies in the history of plateau state, Nigeria
  19. Studies in the political and administrative systems in Ancient and Medieval India [2]
  20. Studies in the puranic records on hindu rites and customs [2]
  21. Studies in tropical Áfrican ????
  22. Studies in Urhobo culture
  23. Studies of Karroo reptiles
  24. Studies on the exo erythrocytic cycle in the genus plasmodium [2]
  25. Studies on the flower morphology of cashew (anacardium occidentale)
  26. Studies on the flower morphology of cashew (anacardius occidentale l.)
  27. Studies on the larval competition of the bruchid beetle caryedon gonagra, fab.
  28. Studies on the larval competition of the bruchid beetle, caryedon gonagra (fab.)
  29. Studies on the relationships between Sr Ca and Ba, K on anorthosites of the kunene complex, Angola
  30. Studios in portuguese an creole with special reference to South África [2]
  31. Studios on the larval competition of the Bruchid Beefles "carye don Gonagra" (Fab.)
  32. Study against exports of unprocessed nuts
  33. Study and design of a water transmission system for the city of Praia
  34. Study day report [2]
  35. Study guide for Horton and Hunt [2]
  36. Study of religion in southern Africa [3]
  37. Study of the impact of community RTD programmes on the portuguese S&T potential
  38. Study of the trypanosomiases of Principe [2]
  39. Study of Private Concerns of Republic of Guinea-Bissau
  40. Study of ZrO2 films [2]
  41. Study on the influence of the road on accidents
  42. Study of mythopoetic primitivism in a brief poem by Mário de Andrade
  43. Study of social interaction among students of vision schools in Malaysia [2]
  44. Study of hindu domestic architecture in Goa
  45. Study to upgrade thr Angola air trafic control system
  46. Study Tour To Brazil
  47. Study tour of early hominid sites in Southern África 1953
  48. Study, produce, and combat!
  49. Studya
  50. Studying in India [3]

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