- Drie tekeningen van Abraham Jacobsz Wis
- Drink Deep or taste not
- Drink, power, and cultural change [2]
- Drinking water for thirsty districts
- Drivers of success for internationalization in China the case of Hovione
- Drivers of success for internationalization in China
- Driving forces of history
- Drº Travassos, M. Andrade e Silva, G. Jorge Janz, Embaixador Alcambar Perreira
- Droga [10]
- Droga e pesca
- Droga em seminário
- Droga e Sida
- Droga invade escolas
- Droga sob mira
- Drogas [12]
- Drogas do Oriente
- Drogas asiáticas e práticas médicas nas relaciones de Pedro Teixeira [2]
- Drogas do Oriente (no V centenário do nascimento de Vasco da Gama)
- Drogas duras em Cabo Verde [2]
- Drogas, drogas...
- Droit de la banque
- Droit de la fonction publique
- Droit des institutions administratives congolaises
- Droit d'outre-mer [2]
- Droit de regard
- Droit et politique
- Droit foncier contumier en Afrique et ses rapports avec la legislation visant a adapter le regime foncier coutumier aux exigences du developpement
- Droit foncier coutumier en Afrique [2]
- Droit et coutume en matiere successorale dans la paysannerie hartienne
- Droits sociaux, organisation d'intérêts et corporatisme au Brésil
- Droits politiques ou biens publics?
- Droits de l'Homme, development et immigration
- Droits de l'Homme, démocratie et développement
- Droits de patronage du Portugal en Afrique [2]
- Droits de l'Homme
- Drops of a fluid world [2]
- Droseraceae [2]
- Drought and floods in the People's Republic of China 1980-81
- Drought, dutch disease and controlled transition in Botswana agriculture
- Drought, famine and disease in ninetheen-century Lesotho
- Drought in Africa
- Drought in Mozambique
- Drought resistence in youg cereal plants
- Droughts, food and culture
- Droughts, food and culture ecological change and food security in Africa's later prehistory
- Drought and crop adapation
- Drought and hunger in África
- Drought, death and dissidents
- Drowned in blood
- Drug abuse and HIV-AIDS
- Drug concentrations during antimalarial treatment and prophylaxis [2]
- Drug dependence and alcohol-related problems [2]
- Drug management and parasite resistance in bovine trypanosomiasis in Africa [3]
- Drug policy components [2]
- Drug prophylaxis of malária
- Drug resistance of microorganisms
- Drug regimens for visceral leishmaniasis in mediterranean countries [3]
- Drug treatment in intestinal helminthiases [2]
- Drught and Survival in Rural Namibia
- Drugs for children [2]
- Drugs used in bacterial infection
- Drugs used in parasitic diseases [2]
- Drugs used in sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection
- Drugs used in skin diseases [2]
- Drugs traffic specially in Rio de Janeiro = Trafico de drogas especialmente no Rio de Janeiro
- Drugs, chemicals, toilet requisites and all proprietary remedies
- Drumbeats of black Africa
- Drumbeats of black Africa a collection of african proverbs [2]
- Drummond et l'expérience du regard
- Drummond e arte maior
- Drummond, crítico do romantismo
- Drummondiana [2]
- Drummond
- Drummond e a arte maior
- Drummond en breton
- Drums in padhola
- Drunken village elder or scholar-recluse?
- Dry grain farming families [2]
- Dry grain farming families Hausaland (Nigéria) and Karnataka (India) compared
- Dryland husbandry in the Sudan
- Dryland husbandry in Uganda
- Dryland farming in Africa
- Dryopidae et elminthidae de l'Angola [4]
- drzyh
- D.S. O. report for the year 1913 of Union High School under the patronage of the B.V. Mary
- Dschingis Khan und seine Erben
- Dseconsecration and discovery [2]
- Dsenvolve - se o comércio entre Angola e a África do Sul
- DST e Sida
- DTCM sem ofertas de emprego
- Du bon usage de la décolonisation
- Du cap au lac Nyassa
- Du charbon en or massif
- Du Ci Shangshi
- Du clan à l'église
- Du clandestion à l´officieux
- Du Clerc a Rio de Janeiro [2]
- Du colonialisme au socialisme
- Du comique au tragique au vale roman camerounais
- Du commerce à l'écologie capitaliste