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Entradas: 19,684 | 186 ms
  1. Préférences manifestées pour les usagers des bibliothéques du Bihar
  2. Preferência absoluta!
  3. Preferência ao comércio local
  4. Preferência por matérias entre escolares de Rio Claro
  5. Preferências nas nomeações e promoções para cargos públicos das províncias ultramarinas
  6. Prefix concordance in Lozi
  7. Pregação quaresmal [4]
  8. Pregão turístico do Recife
  9. Pregar no deserto [2]
  10. Prégar no deserto...
  11. Prego ajustável de Pugh
  12. Prego a fundo no museu
  13. Pregoeiros da verdade presente
  14. Preguiça
  15. Preguiça e saber
  16. Preguiça já tem electricidade
  17. Preguiça-Espargos [16]
  18. Pré.história africana
  19. Préhistoire de la vallée du Nil
  20. Préhistoire de l'Afrique Australe
  21. Préhistoire de l'Afrique Centrale [2]
  22. Préhistoire du Sahara
  23. Préhistoire et protohistoire de la presqu´île du Cap-Verd et le extrême ouest africaine
  24. prehistoric cultural material from wellington estate, settlens springlok flats, Trasnsval
  25. Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical África (part I)
  26. Prehistoric India [2]
  27. Prehistory [2]
  28. Prehistory of the Transvaal
  29. Prehistory rock engravies in the Krugerdorp-Rustemberg area of the Transval
  30. Préhistoire de l´Afrique
  31. Préhistoire de l'Afrique [2]
  32. Préhistoire de l'Afrique Orientale
  33. Prehistória de Moçambique [6]
  34. Prehistoric indian rock paintings
  35. Prehistoric rock paintings in Northern Rhodesia
  36. Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical África. II
  37. Prehistoric dragons from Northeast China [2]
  38. Prehistoric Indian
  39. Prehistoric rock art Federation of Rodesia & Nyasaland
  40. Préhistorique de l'Afrique du Nord
  41. Préhistoire de l'Afrique du Nord
  42. Préhistoire de l'Afrique Occidentale
  43. Prehistoire et protohistoire du Bas-Congo Belge, une esquisse
  44. Prehistoric art in China [2]
  45. Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical Africa [5]
  46. Prehistoric cultures of northeast Angola and their significance in tropical África. I
  47. Prehistoric paintings
  48. Prehistory and protohistory in India and Pakistan
  49. Prehistory in upper Nile basin
  50. Prehospital trauma care systems [3]
  1. Preia-mar
  2. Preia-mar (high tide)
  3. Preito comevedor [2]
  4. Preito de portugalidade
  5. Preito em louvor da arte de Malhoa
  6. Preito de obediencia d'el-rei D. Manoel ao Papa Julio II prestado pelo seu embaixador Diogo Pacheco em 4 de Junho de 1505
  7. Preito de amor
  8. Preito de justiça
  9. Preito de justiça!
  10. Prejeitura apostólica
  11. Prejudice, Crisis, and genacide in Rwanda
  12. Prejudice and ignorance in reviewing books about África
  13. Prejudica sèriamente os planos americanos de «auxílio» à União Indiana o recente acordo fronteiriço entre o Paquistão e a China
  14. Prejudices, promises and poverty
  15. Prelado de Moçambique
  16. Prelasia de Moçambique [7]
  17. Prelecção sobre a situação actual no interior e exterior do paiz [3]
  18. Prelecção sobre a economia politica [2]
  19. Preliminares da história de Timor
  20. Preliminary note on a southern Rhodesian experiment in malaria control
  21. Preliminary note on ar earlier store age site at wonderboom bouth
  22. Preliminary note on the occurence of peridetite nodules in Santiago (Cape Verde Islands)
  23. Preliminary note on the occurrence of peridotite nodules in Santiago (Cape Verde islands) [2]
  24. Preliminary note on the occurrence of peridotite nodules in Santiago, Cape Verde islands
  25. Preliminary notes on prehistoie Material from the Ugeni Valley near Cato ridge, Natal [2]
  26. Preliminary notice on some Upper Cretaceous Ammonite faunas from Angola [2]
  27. Preliminary report of middle stone age sites on the north coast of Natal
  28. Preliminary report on investigations carried out in connection with a disease affecting stock in the Ngotseche district with special reference to Nagana
  29. Preliminary results of a dietary survey in Ruanda-Urundi
  30. Preliminary R-N commercial facility projection and techinical report for companhia do urânio de Moçambique com Moçambique Ore
  31. Preliminary studies on the diagnostic techniques for clover [2]
  32. Preliminares da primeira invasão francesa em Portugal
  33. Preliminary experiments with phytocides
  34. Preliminary experiments with phytocides to control stump growth and thorny bush thickets in areas infested with «glossina austeni»
  35. Preliminary note ob the chemical composition of milk from african mothers in the Kivu region of the Belgian Congo
  36. Preliminary note on the ocurrence of peridotite modules in Santiago (Cape Verde Islands)
  37. Preliminary observations on the epidemiology of malnutrition in Uganda
  38. Preliminary observations on the onopom people of Karamoja, their ethnic status, culture and postulated relation to the peoples of the late stone Age
  39. Preliminary remarks of the IMF 1985 article IV
  40. Preliminary report on examination of engaruka ruins
  41. Preliminary results of spectal studies on tectonic and volcanic seismicity in Fogo, Cape Verde
  42. Preliminary revision of the genus Catantops Schaum and review of the group Catantopini (Orthoptera, Acrididae) [2]
  43. Preliminary revision of the genus cotantops schaumand review of the groups cantantopini (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
  44. Preliminary study on histoplasmin sensitivity in Portuguese Africa, Goa and Macau [2]
  45. Preliminary study on milk yield and schwarzbunten cattle in Angola
  46. Preliminary survey of stone age sites, of the serra-abaixo
  47. Preliminares da comunicação dos riscos na segurança alimentar
  48. Preliminares do estudo da ciência política
  49. Preliminary note on the occurence of peridodite nodules in Santiago (Cape Verde islands)
  50. Preliminary note on the occurence of peridotite modules in Santiago (Cape Verde islands)

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