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  1. Portuguezes em Ceylão
  2. Portuguezes na India [2]
  3. Portuguiesische problems in Afrika
  4. Portugual é branco
  5. Portugual ultramarino perante a ONU
  6. Português 8ª classe
  7. Português com açúcar
  8. Português língua viva [2]
  9. Português uma língua de sete séculos
  10. Português, crioulo e "afrikaans"
  11. Português, língua de ensino em contextos multiculturais
  12. Portuguese abolition in british perspective
  13. Portuguese Africa [30]
  14. Portuguese and africans in early Guinea-Bissau [2]
  15. Portuguese and spanish attempts to measure longitude in the 16th century [3]
  16. Portuguese asian decline and the crise de conscience of the missionaries
  17. Portuguese books and their readers in the jesuit mission of China
  18. Portuguese cartography of Bombay maritime area in the 16th and 17th centuries
  19. Portuguese century in Guinea
  20. Portuguese Chikunda and peoples of the Gwembe vally
  21. Portuguese Cochin and maritime trade of India, 1500-1663
  22. Portuguese Cochin and the maritime trade of India, 1500-1663
  23. Portuguese colonialism from South Africa to Europe [4]
  24. Portuguese colonization
  25. Portuguese contacts with the Bantu languages of the Transkei, Natal and southern Mozambique
  26. Portuguese contribution to cultural antropology
  27. Portuguese contribution to Indian agriculture
  28. Portuguese cultural month 2000
  29. Portuguese discoveries date back to prince Henry the navigator
  30. Portuguese east african coast
  31. Portuguese expansion overseas and the art of ivory [2]
  32. Portuguese Feitoria of Bangkok [2]
  33. Portuguese Guinea [13]
  34. Portuguese Guinea 9 days in March
  35. Portuguese Guinea'74 [2]
  36. Portuguese health system [3]
  37. Portuguese heraldry in Ming chinese porcelain
  38. Portuguese hospitals and misericórdias in overseas settlements
  39. Portuguese iintegration in the Tropics
  40. Portuguese in Shanghai
  41. Portuguese in South-East Africa [5]
  42. Portuguese in South-East África 1488-1600
  43. Portuguese in South-East África 1600-1700
  44. Portuguese India and the Mughals
  45. Portuguese India in the mid-seventeenth century [3]
  46. Portuguese integration in the tropics [7]
  47. Portuguese literary voices from Macao [2]
  48. Portuguese Melaka and the apostolate of southeast Asia
  49. Portuguese on the north-east coast of Africa
  50. Portuguese palaeography [5]
  1. Portuguese pioneers in India [4]
  2. Portuguese pioneers of vietnamese linguistics
  3. Portuguese pionneers in India
  4. Portuguese policy of mixed marriages in Goa
  5. Portuguese problems in Afrika
  6. Portuguese records on Rustamji Manockji the Parsi broker of Surat
  7. Portuguese records on Rustamji Manockji, the Parsi broker of Surat
  8. Portuguese roosts in Africa
  9. Portuguese rule and spanish crow in Africa
  10. Portuguese rule in Ceylon
  11. Portuguese rule in Goa 1510-1961
  12. Portuguese society in the tropics [2]
  13. Portuguese source material and the India textile trade of the 17th century
  14. Portuguese style and Luso-African identity [2]
  15. Portuguese territories
  16. Portuguese territories in Africa
  17. Portuguese Timor documentation, 1769-1975 [28]
  18. Portuguese vocables in Asiatic languages [5]
  19. Portuguese youth welfare organization
  20. Portuguese-dutch economic interaction in Asia in the second half of the eighteenth century
  21. Portuguese-Gujarat trade
  22. Portugueses [2]
  23. Portugueses "atacam" banca
  24. Portugueses apostam em Bush e no MPLA
  25. Portugueses cada vez mais interessados em investir em Angola
  26. Portugueses contra o fascismo na guerra civil de espanha - o ministério de um silêncio
  27. Portugueses da ONUMOZ
  28. Portugueses de Gôa
  29. Portugueses desafiados a cooperar nas obras públicas
  30. Portugueses do Brasil e brasileiros de Portugal
  31. Portugueses do norte de Portugal com destino ao Brasil (1805-1832)
  32. Portugueses e africanos em Angola no século XVII
  33. Portugueses e africanos nos Rios de Sena, os prazos da coroa nos séculos XVII e XVIII [2]
  34. Portugueses e espanhóis
  35. Portugueses e europeus e as estratégias do nanyang
  36. Portugueses em Marrocos
  37. Portugueses em Santos vistos através dos registros de associados da Sociedade Portuguesa de Beneficência de Santos (1879-1889)
  38. Portugueses evacuados no Soyo querem voltar a Angola
  39. Portugueses illustres
  40. Portugueses mensageiros do ocidente no Japão
  41. Portugueses na África do Sul [3]
  42. Portugueses na Ásia na primeira metade do século XVI
  43. Portugueses na Bahia na segunda metade do séc. XIX
  44. Portugueses na India [5]
  45. Portugueses no Brasil
  46. Portugueses no Brasil independente
  47. Portugueses of India
  48. Portuguese-Tamil grammar
  49. Portuguesismos [2]
  50. Portuguez India

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