- Sou um lusófono militante
- Sou uma vereadora sem pelouro
- Sou uma caboverdesa
- Soudan [6]
- Soudan français-Mauritanie, une géopolitique coloniale 1880-1963
- Soul mountain
- Soulamer
- Souldrops [2]
- Soundiata Keita et la tradition orale
- Soundings in modern South Asia history
- Soundjata ou, l'épopée mandingue
- Soundjata ou l'épopée mandingue
- Sounds of silence and distant thunder
- Sour honey [2]
- Source
- Source book for the inland fishery resources of Africa [3]
- Source material on indo-portuguese relations in the national archives in India
- Source material from the Goa Archives [2]
- Source material on Sind [2]
- Source material on the south african economy
- Sourcebook for evaluating global and regional partnership programs [3]
- Sources for the history of Macau in the National Library of Rio de Janeiro (16th-19th centuries)
- Sources of Indian tradition
- Sources orales et histoire
- Sources with particular reference to the southern Sudan
- Sources and methods in African history
- Sources et techniques spécifiques de l'histoire africaine aperçu général
- Sources of capital for industry
- Sources for the history of British India in the seventeenth century
- Sources of growth in the indian economy [2]
- Sources of the nineteenth-century slave trade
- Sources écrites à partir du XVe siècle
- Sources of chinese tradition
- Sources of socio-political instability in an african state
- Sources of the Goa-based portuguese trade, circa. 1700
- Sources of the nineteenth century Atlantic slave trade
- Sources and organisation of the botanical section of the itinerario (1596) by Jan Huygen van Linschoten [2]
- Sources and resources
- Sources and resources for the study of Áfrican material culture
- Sources for the history of southeast Asia in the Goa archives
- Sources of Vijayanagar history [2]
- Sources & nature of the official statistics of the Indian union
- Sources for debates of the House of Commons
- Sources de l'histoire de l'Afrique au sud du Sahara dans les archives et bibliothèques françaises
- Sources for the study of the portuguese trade on the west coast of India during the 16th century
- Sources of the african past
- Sources of the Goa
- Sources of the self
- Soure
- Souring the first harvest
- Sous des nuées d'orage
- Sous la coupole angolaise
- Sous le soleil africain
- Sous les tropiques du pays bafoué
- Sous les tropiques du pays bafoué roman
- Sous le jasmin la nuit
- Sous le soleil de l`Inde
- Sous le jasmin la nuit nouvelles
- Sous les médias, l'Afrique
- Sous les pavés... le travail
- Sous l'orage
- Sous-secrétaire d'etat pour l'education nationale
- Sousa Coutinho
- Sousa Coutinho derrota os árabes
- Sousa de Meneses defendeu Diu no mar
- Sousa Coutinho, percursor da abolição da escravatura [3]
- Sousa Gomes e Mendes Santos [2]
- Sousa Franco abre os cordões à bolsa
- Sousa Jamba o ineditista
- Sousa Martins
- Sousa Jamba
- Sousa Martins grande senhor do seu tempo
- Soushen Hou Ji
- Sout east Africa 1488-1530, por Eric Axelson [2]
- Sout-sout cooperration, policy transfer and best-pratice reasoning
- Soutenir le secteur privé
- South
- South & South East African conference e Europe/East Africa conference
- South - south cooperation in the fields of standardization, metrology and quality control
- South - south cooperation in the field of housing and housing construction
- South - south cooperation and the role of women in development
- South - south cooperation in the field of energy and nuclear energy
- South - south cooperation in the field of health
- South - south cooperation in the field of science and technology
- South Afriacan perspectives
- South África and Namibia
- South África and the Limits of Civil Society
- South África and the UN
- South Africa human development report 2003 the challenge of sustainable development in South Africaunlocking people's creativity [2]
- South Africa human development report, 2003
- South África joins neighbours to mediate in Lesotho
- South Africa limits to changethe political economy of transition [2]
- South África Reforming the police
- South Africa under John III
- South África votes
- South Africa´s foreign policy
- South África´s growth in the 70´s
- South African destabilization
- South african inter-university committee for african studies [2]
- South african libraries