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  1. Some elucidations on the occasion of the Rt. Rev. Dr. A. Medlycott´a Article published in "the voice of truth"
  2. Some espects of institutionalized exhange
  3. Some evidence on the wooden origins of the Vastupurusamandala
  4. Some facts and comments on East Timor 2001 Constituent Assembly election [3]
  5. Some factors contribuiting to the advances in organic chemistry
  6. Some features of the archaeology of Portuguese India
  7. Some features of malaria in Dili, Portuguese timor, during
  8. Some fields notes of the Changa of Kilimanjaro
  9. Some field notes and images of stone material from Graves of the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia, China
  10. Some foreigners in the frescoes on rocks in Southern África
  11. Some fossil hippotragine antelopes from South África
  12. Some fossil reptils from the Karroo beds of Lady Frere
  13. Some free-living hypoaspidinae (acari
  14. Some further observations on the opper Orange river in relation to crustal movement and the stone age
  15. Some geographical aspects of the peopling of África
  16. Some general remarks and experimental researches on symbiosis
  17. Some geomorphologic aspects of the Cape Verde archipelago
  18. Some glass implements with Wilton Associations
  19. Some great western educators
  20. Some Han dynasty paintings in the British Museum
  21. Some hematological findings in the population of Goa [3]
  22. Some historical bushman arrows
  23. Some implements from the Van der Elst donga
  24. Some implications of the future trend of urbanization
  25. Some indian saints
  26. Some Indian tribes [2]
  27. Some interesting visitors' records
  28. Some iron age cultural remains from the southern Transvaal
  29. Some issues of ethnic and religious identity among China's Islamic peoples
  30. Some isues of theory in the study of fenure relations in Áfrican agriculture
  31. Some kinds of wounds and other short stories
  32. Some lakes and waterfalls of central and western Tanganyika
  33. Some later sbone age assemblages near Robinnson's bush forest reserve
  34. Some legal acpects of marriage by natives in South África
  35. Some literary sources for the history of Brazil in the eighteenth century
  36. Some mesozoic and tertiary igneous rocks from portuguese East Africa
  37. Some methods used to obtain bacteria-free cultures of marine fitoplankton
  38. Some medicinal forest plants of Africa and Latin America
  39. Some Mende proverbs
  40. Some mining houses win despite weak gold price
  41. Some musical instruments of Kenyia
  42. Some Mysore games in British collections
  43. Some nautical terms in the Kuwaiti dialect of Arabic
  44. Some new records of birds for the sul do save region and Mozambique
  45. Some new taxa of Aristida (gramineae) from southern tropical África
  46. Some new techniques for the maintenance of Glossina in the laboratory
  47. Some new and rare Nitzschiae (Diatomaceae) from the Vaal dam catchment area (South Africa)
  48. Some new data on the microcoryphia and zygentoma from the United States
  49. Some notes of Hyphaene
  50. Some notable Tang to Song Dynasty Ceramics in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art
  1. Some non-portuguese maps, plans and views relating to portuguese India
  2. Some notes on the Ethiopic grammatical tradition
  3. Some notes an migrations from Togoland
  4. Some notes on "Hyphaene"
  5. Some notes about the Misericordia of Isla Hermosa
  6. Some notes on ideophones and ideophonic construtions i Shona
  7. Some notes on portuguese military architecture in the Persian gulf
  8. Some notes on the hydrographic survey of the Sofala Bank [2]
  9. Some notes on xilofagous insects in Mozambique
  10. Some notes about Mozambique
  11. Some notes on the mafia island group mafia, chole, Juani and Jimband
  12. Some notes on Xilopagous insects in Mozambique [2]
  13. Some notes on hyphaene [4]
  14. Some notions of witchcraft among the Dinka
  15. Some notes on elephants and their feeding habits
  16. Some observation on the sacrum of the bantu-speaking south african nogro
  17. Some observations on the mineralogy of pegmatites in Uganda
  18. Some observations on the social background to malnutriton in tropical África
  19. Some observations about philiosophy, postmodernism and art in Contemporary Áfrican Studies
  20. Some observations on the flora of maritime dispersal of Mozambique
  21. Some observations of Jomo Kenyata in Britain 1929-1930
  22. Some observations on fertility of the native women of the Ganda tribe [2]
  23. Some observations on the flora of maritime dispersae of Mozambique
  24. Some observations on the life history of the ladybird beetle, chilocorus solotus, mulls
  25. Some observations on the family unit, religion, and the practice of polygyny in the Ife
  26. Some observation on religious cults in Ashanti
  27. Some observations on characterization in the works of Jorge Amado
  28. Some observations on stone winged chimeras at ancient chinese tomb sites
  29. Some observations on the systematic position of the Australopithecinal
  30. Some observations on the testing of concrete
  31. Some observations on África and the world [2]
  32. Some of the rarer specimens in early Indo-Portuguese coinage [3]
  33. Some of the commonest Games played by the sotho people of northern Transvaal
  34. Some of thoughts on legal drafting, with respect to "tradition" and "traditional" communities in the new angolan land act
  35. Some origins of nationalism in east África
  36. Some paleolithic ivory carvings from Mezine
  37. Some pasture problems encountered in the native areas of Matabeleland
  38. Some palaeozoic-mesozoic stratigraphic-structural relationships in East Timor and their significance in the tectonics of Timor [2]
  39. Some plant fossils from Bukwa
  40. Some portuguese archives and archival material in India [2]
  41. Some portuguese captives in China
  42. Some portraits of Kyoka Poets by Kitao Masanabu [2]
  43. Some portuguese contributions to the knowledge of tropical medicine [2]
  44. Some possible fields of research in the history of Portuguese India (16th-18th centuries)
  45. Some problems in teaching american literature at a faculdade in the interior of São Paulo
  46. Some problems of Bantu language development
  47. Some problems of reconstructing the history of India's west coast from european sources
  48. Some preliminary notes on an evaluation of the profitability of overhead irrigation [2]
  49. Some problems concerning performance specifications and measurement of window performance in Portugal
  50. Some problems concerning the mineral occurences on the lower cretaceous of the Moçâmedes sedimentary border (Angola)

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