- Chopin e Haydn
- Choque no tempo
- Choque hemorrágico experimental
- Choque cultural e aprendizagem
- Choques e poéticas in-betweeness nos Atlânticos sul
- Chora meu filho
- Chora o Sarangui
- Chora o meu coração [3]
- Choramos
- Chorando com o crocodilo - ou nem por isso? [2]
- Chorao
- Chorar
- Chorar por Água [3]
- Chorar Bolama
- Chorar para quê? [2]
- Chorar-te africanamente
- Chords and discords [2]
- Chore que eu choro teu chorar de fome
- Choro [2]
- Choro colorido
- Chorographia historica das ilhas de S. Thomé e Príncipe, Anno Bom e Fernando Pó
- Chorographia geral dos Açores
- Chorographia moderna do reino de Portugal [2]
- Chorografia moderna do reino de Portugal
- Chorographia historica das ilhas de S. Thomé, Príncipe, Anno Bom e Fernando Pó
- Chorographia moderna
- Chorogrphia historica das ilhas de S. Thomé e Principe Anno Bom e Fernando Pó
- Choros secos na secura
- Choses
- Choses.....anciennes et nouvelles
- Chou King
- Chou Shi Jin Nang Quan Ji
- Chove na grande kitanda [4]
- Chovia simplesmente
- Chrétiens de Kabylie 1873-1954
- Chrétiens désunis
- Chrio cho muía cho thsiku dzese... [2]
- Chris Hummel
- Chris Patten
- Chrisostomo portuguez
- Christ and cultures
- Christ and the western mind
- Christão achó sangati
- Christãos novos e christãos velhos em Portugal
- Christãoacho sangati zantum attapleat mall, xicounneô otmeacha adavacho, anim betto bou povitr sacramentac, eca muineae
- Christentum und kolonialismus
- Christian Deydier in an interview Tuyet Nguyet
- Christianisme et communisme
- Christianity and apartheid
- Christianity and politics in Doe's Liberia
- Christianity and revolution
- Christianity and social change in Africa
- Christianity in África
- Christianity in Ceylon
- Christianity, Islam and the negro race
- Christianization and cultural conflict in Goa
- Christians and chiefs in Zimbabwe
- Christian art
- Christian folklore [2]
- Christianisme catholique en Afrique Subsaharienne en secteur fortement imprégné par l'Islam
- Christianity in the land of the pharaohs
- Christianity in tropical Africa
- Christian-nationalism and the rise of the afrikaner broederbond, in South Africa, 1918-48
- Christians and spices in Mosoon Asia [2]
- Christians in Asia before 1500
- Christians, cultural interactions, and India's religious traditions [2]
- Christian churches in Dahomey-Benin a study of their socio-political role
- Christianisme et histoire
- Christianity and missions, 1450-1800
- Christianity and modern civilization being some chapters in European history with an introductory dialogue on the philosophy of history
- Christianity and the african imagination
- Christians of the copperbelt
- Christian marriage in French West África
- Christian theatre in India
- Christianity in India [2]
- Christianity without fetishes an african critique and recapture of christianity 1984 with an additional comment by V. Y. Mudimbe and a new postcript by the author Fabien Eboussi Boulaga
- Christian folk songs
- Christian loyalists, Spanish friars, and holy virgins in Fujian during the Ming-Qing Transition
- Christianisme, Islam et animisme chez les bamoum
- Christianity and Asian cultures
- Christianity in black and white [2]
- Christie's Australia
- Christian acculturation and fang witchcraft
- Christian art and heritage in defining Macau's identity
- Christiani pueri institutio, 1588
- Christianisme et liberté
- Christianity & tamil culture
- Christianity and culture change in India
- Christianity and cultures [3]
- Christianity and the government of India
- Christmas origami [2]
- Christian and Negro slavery in eighteenth-Century North África
- Christian and oriental philosophy of art
- Christian encounter with indegenous religion at Onitsha
- Christian iconography in chinese porcelain [2]
- Christian indians in Natal 1860-1911
- Christian mythology
- Christianity [2]
- Christianity and chinese religions
- Christianity and mythology