- China e África
- China e Índia as duas grandes potências emergentes [2]
- China e Portugal
- China e Turquia temas dos Arrábida meetings
- China e U.R.S.S. dois modelos de industrialização
- China faces, debates the contradictions of globalization
- China e Ceilão querem promover uma nova conferência dos afro-asiáticos
- China em construção
- China e Islão
- China exploration & research society 2009
- China e Brasil num mundo globalizado
- China e Índia [4]
- China entrega Biblioteca Nacional
- China e India em destaque no 12ª Arrábida Meeting
- China e U.R.S.S. [2]
- China em construção [2]
- China in 2002
- China in 2008 [2]
- China in the era of globalization [2]
- China in 2006
- China in 2010
- China in 2012 [2]
- China in the eyes of Europe [2]
- China in 2001
- China in 2003
- China in a globalizing world
- China in the New World Order [2]
- China Landfall 1513 [2]
- China landfall, 1513 [4]
- China luxury the case of a portuguese company in China's luxury garment market
- China Mania [2]
- China in 2000
- China in 2007 [2]
- China in 2011
- China in the South Pacific [2]
- China in western literature
- China kites
- China in 2009
- China in transition
- China in portuguese and spanish historial cartography in the 16th and 17th centuries
- China in portuguese and spanish historical cartography in the 16th and 17th centuries [2]
- China in world history
- China Land of Discovery and Invention [2]
- China Im Profil [2]
- China in 2004
- China in England before 1614 [2]
- China in our time
- China in the nineties
- China Inc.
- China Mitos dioses y demonios [2]
- China in 1999
- China in 2005
- China in Africa [5]
- China India
- China luxury
- China misteriosa
- China online
- China on the Radar
- China quer retomar apoio militar a Moçambique
- China oferece mais de 1,7 toneladas de arroz a Guiné-Bissau
- China pelo sul da missão de Shiu-Hing (carta do P. João Lucas ao P. Ramalho)
- China precisa da rede em português
- China perceives America
- China revisitada
- China sentido a oriente
- China the beautiful
- China through western eyes [2]
- China returns to Africa a rising power and a continent embrace
- China stock market handbook
- China the consumer revolution
- China trader
- China races
- China returns to Africa [2]
- China travel
- China Trade II
- China wakes
- China, catch the lifestyle
- China, essa desconhecida
- China, modernisation and the goal of prosperity government administration and economic policy in the late 1980s
- China, Southeast Asia and energy security [2]
- China, a mais antiga civilização do mundo contemporâneo [2]
- China, Macau e a questão de 1999
- China, Pakistan and the Taliban Syndrome
- China, the Portuguese and the Nanyang
- China, 1890-1938
- China, Índia, África e o papel de Portugal
- China, o ritmo das coisas [2]
- China, uma nova revolução?
- China, hoje
- China, tradition & transformation
- China, modernisation and the goal of prosperity
- China, the United States, and global order [2]
- China-ASEAN free trade agreement
- China-Angola [3]
- China-África
- China-Macau 1999
- China-Portugal [3]
- China-Taiwan diplomatic competition ad the Pacific Islands
- China-Taiwan Tug of War in the WTO
- Chinaïs many Tibets [2]