- The making of modern south africa conquest, segregation and apartheid [3]
- The making of S. Tomé
- The making of the Eritrean constitution
- The malaria project [3]
- The maintenance of a Laboratory Colony of Glossina morsitans since 1959
- The making of a region
- The making of an industrial South África
- The making of economic policy in Africa
- The making of the Africa-nation
- The Malabar christians [2]
- The malarial fevers haemoglobinuric fevers haemoglobinuric fever [2]
- The main currents of Maratha history
- The maintence in the laboratory of a colony of glossina morsitans -Diptera- since 1959
- The making of a new 'Indian' art artists, aesthetics and nationalism in Bengal
- The making of apartheid 1948-1961
- The making of Nigerian Stepit pop theatre
- The making of South Africa
- The makolo rock paintings in Nyamwezi
- The Malawi news
- The Ma'luf in contemporary Libya an arab andalusian musical tradition
- The man with a message
- The man without feet
- The management of accession to the European Union in Poland and Hungary
- The management of nationalism during the Jiang Era (1994-2002) and its implications on government and regime legitimacy
- The management of nutritional emergencies in large populations [2]
- The managment of educational crisis in Côte d'Ivoire
- The Maputo market study
- The man who never was
- The Manica orogenic belt
- The Maoist urban state and crisis
- The management and prevention of diarrhoea [2]
- The Maputo development corridor
- The management of trust in PPPs
- The mande creation myth
- The mansion of philosophy
- The many faces of sundorem women in Goa [2]
- The Mandarin Hesing and the Chinese Junk the Keying
- The Mandelas and the future of South África
- The man-eaters of eden
- The Manga of Garo, 1964-1973
- The Manyana rock painting site
- The Maputo corridor
- The management of global financial markets
- The manner of evolution at the present time of sleeping-sickness inportuguese overseas territories
- The manufacture of imperial porcelains at civilian Kilns and the stylistic impact on late Ming period wares [2]
- The many minds of sir Halford J. Mackinder
- The Maphumulo uprising war, law and ritual in the Zulu rebellion
- The mande blacksmiths [2]
- The mando
- The many faces of Sundorem [6]
- The management of World Heritage cities
- The manufacturing value chain of power generation equipment
- The many faces of Sundore
- The mapping of New Guine
- The maratha supremacy
- The marginal cost of public funds in developing countries
- The maritime merchants of Surat [2]
- The marriage customs of the Jewish Community of Cochin
- The massingire rising of 1884
- The masks of God [2]
- The mathematics of the utilization of the sterile males method of control of tsetse flies
- The Marali
- The market value of Ming furniture 1603 and now
- The mask of anarchy the destruction of Liberia and the religious dimension of an african civil war
- The Mau Mau war in perspective
- The marabout and the muse
- The March 1990 election
- The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association papers
- The market system
- The mass media and cultural policy
- The Matabele mission
- The matter of Ceylon in Diogo do Couto's Décadas da Ásia
- The margins of order
- The Marxis approach to histotical explanation
- The master-builder, the bureaucrat, and the practical soldier
- The matter of the size and the size of the matter in Ming China and Portuguese D'Avis maritime expeditions [2]
- The maritime and colonial expansion of England
- The Maritime Silk Route
- The Mark Gordon collection of southeast asian tribal sculpture
- The market for evidence in policy processes
- The market for steel and steel products in Portugal and its overseas provinces
- The marriage laws of the ronga tribe
- The mask of anarchy
- The masks of the Newars [2]
- The Massingir rising of 1884
- The material culture of the Lunda lovable peoples
- The mating behaviour of oxylipeurus variegatus [2]
- The Mauryan polity
- The marine biological station of Inhaca
- The maritime and coastal forts of India [2]
- The maritime trade reoutes Gallery in the Musée Guimet [2]
- The marriage law of the people´s Republic of China
- The massaba Granite dome, SE Uganda
- The Maratha-Portuguese war of 1683-84
- The Marathas [4]
- The Marathas of portuguese India
- The marshall plan and British África
- The marwaris
- The Maryknoll Fathers
- The masked figure and social control