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  1. The making of modern south africa conquest, segregation and apartheid [3]
  2. The making of S. Tomé
  3. The making of the Eritrean constitution
  4. The malaria project [3]
  5. The maintenance of a Laboratory Colony of Glossina morsitans since 1959
  6. The making of a region
  7. The making of an industrial South África
  8. The making of economic policy in Africa
  9. The making of the Africa-nation
  10. The Malabar christians [2]
  11. The malarial fevers haemoglobinuric fevers haemoglobinuric fever [2]
  12. The main currents of Maratha history
  13. The maintence in the laboratory of a colony of glossina morsitans -Diptera- since 1959
  14. The making of a new 'Indian' art artists, aesthetics and nationalism in Bengal
  15. The making of apartheid 1948-1961
  16. The making of Nigerian Stepit pop theatre
  17. The making of South Africa
  18. The makolo rock paintings in Nyamwezi
  19. The Malawi news
  20. The Ma'luf in contemporary Libya an arab andalusian musical tradition
  21. The man with a message
  22. The man without feet
  23. The management of accession to the European Union in Poland and Hungary
  24. The management of nationalism during the Jiang Era (1994-2002) and its implications on government and regime legitimacy
  25. The management of nutritional emergencies in large populations [2]
  26. The managment of educational crisis in Côte d'Ivoire
  27. The Maputo market study
  28. The man who never was
  29. The Manica orogenic belt
  30. The Maoist urban state and crisis
  31. The management and prevention of diarrhoea [2]
  32. The Maputo development corridor
  33. The management of trust in PPPs
  34. The mande creation myth
  35. The mansion of philosophy
  36. The many faces of sundorem women in Goa [2]
  37. The Mandarin Hesing and the Chinese Junk the Keying
  38. The Mandelas and the future of South África
  39. The man-eaters of eden
  40. The Manga of Garo, 1964-1973
  41. The Manyana rock painting site
  42. The Maputo corridor
  43. The management of global financial markets
  44. The manner of evolution at the present time of sleeping-sickness inportuguese overseas territories
  45. The manufacture of imperial porcelains at civilian Kilns and the stylistic impact on late Ming period wares [2]
  46. The many minds of sir Halford J. Mackinder
  47. The Maphumulo uprising war, law and ritual in the Zulu rebellion
  48. The mande blacksmiths [2]
  49. The mando
  50. The many faces of Sundorem [6]
  1. The management of World Heritage cities
  2. The manufacturing value chain of power generation equipment
  3. The many faces of Sundore
  4. The mapping of New Guine
  5. The maratha supremacy
  6. The marginal cost of public funds in developing countries
  7. The maritime merchants of Surat [2]
  8. The marriage customs of the Jewish Community of Cochin
  9. The massingire rising of 1884
  10. The masks of God [2]
  11. The mathematics of the utilization of the sterile males method of control of tsetse flies
  12. The Marali
  13. The market value of Ming furniture 1603 and now
  14. The mask of anarchy the destruction of Liberia and the religious dimension of an african civil war
  15. The Mau Mau war in perspective
  16. The marabout and the muse
  17. The March 1990 election
  18. The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association papers
  19. The market system
  20. The mass media and cultural policy
  21. The Matabele mission
  22. The matter of Ceylon in Diogo do Couto's Décadas da Ásia
  23. The margins of order
  24. The Marxis approach to histotical explanation
  25. The master-builder, the bureaucrat, and the practical soldier
  26. The matter of the size and the size of the matter in Ming China and Portuguese D'Avis maritime expeditions [2]
  27. The maritime and colonial expansion of England
  28. The Maritime Silk Route
  29. The Mark Gordon collection of southeast asian tribal sculpture
  30. The market for evidence in policy processes
  31. The market for steel and steel products in Portugal and its overseas provinces
  32. The marriage laws of the ronga tribe
  33. The mask of anarchy
  34. The masks of the Newars [2]
  35. The Massingir rising of 1884
  36. The material culture of the Lunda lovable peoples
  37. The mating behaviour of oxylipeurus variegatus [2]
  38. The Mauryan polity
  39. The marine biological station of Inhaca
  40. The maritime and coastal forts of India [2]
  41. The maritime trade reoutes Gallery in the Musée Guimet [2]
  42. The marriage law of the people´s Republic of China
  43. The massaba Granite dome, SE Uganda
  44. The Maratha-Portuguese war of 1683-84
  45. The Marathas [4]
  46. The Marathas of portuguese India
  47. The marshall plan and British África
  48. The marwaris
  49. The Maryknoll Fathers
  50. The masked figure and social control

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