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  1. The law of commoners and kings
  2. The law of the somalis a stable foundation for economic development in the horn of Africa [2]
  3. The law of transfer in British India
  4. The law of provident funds
  5. The law of commoners and kings narratives of a rural Transkei magistrate
  6. The law and practice of income tax
  7. The laws of Manu [2]
  8. The laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi
  9. The law and the lawyers [2]
  10. The laws of Indo-European
  11. The law in South África
  12. The law relating with mental treatment and the health service [2]
  13. The lbadan school and the handling of federal finance in Nigerria
  14. The LDL receptor gene [3]
  15. The leading mining region of Mozambique (District of Zambezia) [2]
  16. The leading mining region of Mozambique
  17. The leadership challenge in Africa
  18. The least developed countries
  19. The leading raining region of Mozambique
  20. The leadership challenge in Africa Cameroon under Paul Biya
  21. The Leeds-Makerere Connection and Ngugi's Intellectual development
  22. The legacy continues
  23. The legal system of Macau
  24. The legazy of Chinggis Khan [2]
  25. The legend of Nani Palkhivala
  26. The legend of the lost city; or, the man with golden balls
  27. The legitimation crises of South african state
  28. The left front's 2009 lok sabha poll debacle in West Bengal, India
  29. The legacy of arab-islam in Africa
  30. The legacy of the ramayana
  31. The legacy of Bole
  32. The legal "privileges" of the foreigners in Portugal and sixteenth-century Brazil
  33. The legend of Saint Francis Xavier by the painter André Reinoso
  34. The legitimacy problem and democratic reform in Hong Kong
  35. The legacy of arab-islam in Africa a quest for inter-religious dialogue [2]
  36. The legacy of Chalmers Johnson
  37. The legacy of Gong Xinzhao
  38. The Legacy of Persia
  39. The legacy of portuguese rule in Asia
  40. The legal and cultural status of Chinese temples in contemporary Java [2]
  41. The legal concept of Zhi
  42. The legends of Lord Ganesha
  43. The legacy of Islam
  44. The legacy of violence in Indonesia
  45. The legal status of international land boundaries in Africa
  46. The legend of Rama
  47. The legacy of India [5]
  48. The legacy of Nehru
  49. The legend of Miao-shan
  50. The legend of Nani palkbivala
  1. The lega school of circumcision
  2. The legacy of Baba Amite
  3. The legend of Semiramu
  4. The Lemba
  5. The Lemba a lost tribe of Israel in southern Africa? [3]
  6. The leopard killings of southern Annang, Nigeria, 1943-48
  7. The leptospiroses [2]
  8. The length of the Mediterranean from dicaerchus to the discoveries
  9. The leopard's kopje culture, its position in the iron age of southern Rhodesia
  10. The Lenora and Walter F. Brown Asian Art Wing at the San Antonio Museum of Art [2]
  11. The lever of riches
  12. The leukimias [2]
  13. The letters and instructions of Francis Xavier
  14. The letter-order of the senitic alphabets in África and the near east
  15. The Letters of F. W. Ludwig Leichhardt [4]
  16. The letters of the jesuits
  17. The lever of riches technological creativity and economic progress
  18. The liberation of Goa [7]
  19. The library of the Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire
  20. The Library Machintosh
  21. The liberian civil war
  22. The library catalogue of Diogo Valente's book collection in Macao (1633) [2]
  23. The Lidow Ding [2]
  24. The liberal model and Africa
  25. The liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe
  26. The Liberian coasting trade
  27. The Libyan caravan road in Herodotus IV. 181-185
  28. The liberation tigers of Tamil Eelam and the lost quest for separatism in Sri Lanka
  29. The Liberator [2]
  30. The libraries and documents of Macau
  31. The liberal model and Africa elites against democracy [2]
  32. The liberal moment
  33. The liberation of Guiné [5]
  34. The liberal dilemma in South Africa
  35. The "light" of the Timuria [2]
  36. The life and death of a creole
  37. The life and explorations of David Livingstone
  38. The life and times of Cornelia van Nijenroode
  39. The life and work of Buddhaghosa
  40. The life of a african tribe [3]
  41. The life of Christ
  42. The life of Confucius [2]
  43. The life of Mahatma Gandhi [3]
  44. The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus
  45. The life and works of Wu Yushan
  46. The life of Dom John de Castro [2]
  47. The lifestyles and changes in culture of Afghan Kyrgyz and Kyrgyz in Kyrgyzstan [2]
  48. The lighter movement
  49. The lightning campaign
  50. The life and times of Lij Iyasu of Ethiopia

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