- International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid
- International human rights law in Africa [2]
- International pressure and North Korea's current options
- International program for development evaluation training
- International public health [3]
- International relations theory in China today
- International seminar on Indo-Portuguese history [4]
- International tourism in Nigeria
- Internacional RDPI em Cabo Verde
- Internacionalização da vida privada [2]
- Internacionalização e competitividade
- International antiques & Arts Expo 2009 in Taiyuan, Shanxi
- International bibliography of historical sciences
- International catalogue of published records of folk music [2]
- International Colloquium at Santa Barbara
- International competitiveness in Africa
- International Conference on Modern Portugal
- International food security assessments and projections
- International health research [2]
- International Monetary Fund
- International publishers association
- International review of cytology [3]
- International review of the aesthetics and sociology of music
- International seminar on the Portuguese and the socio-cultural changes in India (1500-1800)
- International statistical classification of d1seases and related health problems
- International statistical classification of deseases and related health problems
- International virology [2]
- Internacionalização das empresas [2]
- Internacionalização e democratização da educação superior
- Internacionalizar já
- Internal medicine [4]
- Internamento pobre
- International aid [and] trade
- International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing
- International Conference on Nutrition [5]
- International congress on mathematical physics
- International jihadi terrorism & europe [2]
- International law, industry and the state
- International Nonproprietary Names INN for pharmaceutical substances
- International program for development evaluation training, 2005
- International solidarity
- Internacionalização [2]
- Internacionalização da economia [2]
- Internal capacity and overload in Guiana and Niger [2]
- Internal-employee communication and organizational effetiveness
- Internamentos hospitalares associados à onda de calor de Agosto de 2003
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- International Colloquium over Leptospirosis = Colloque International sur la Leptospirose = International Colloquium on Leptospiroses = Internaationales Colloquium über Leptospirose [2]
- International conference on the plight of refugees
- International co-operation and development . the role of Universities
- International development co-operation
- International financial institutions economic policy reform in sub-Saharan África
- International medical care [3]
- International migration from Goa
- International refugee treaties and their implications for the south african state
- International relationships at the border of China and Vietnam
- International seminar on Liao and Yuan dynasty ceramics excavated in Inner Mongolia, 2-8 July 2005, Hohhot, China [2]
- International Seminar on Portuguese Factories, Fortresses and Settlements in India with special reference to Cannanore
- International sources of environmental policy change in China [2]
- Internacionalismo proletário [3]
- Internacionalização acadêmica
- Internacionalização das colónias tropicais
- Internally displaced, refugees and returnees from and in the Sudan
- International classification of functing disability and health
- International development cooperation in transition
- International economic activities and the demand for skilled labor
- International maps and atlases in print
- International Office Lda uma empresa com futuro
- International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems [5]
- International trade in Ivory from the african elephant
- International women in South Korea's sex industry [2]
- International workshop on the pine wood nematode (PWN) [2]
- Internacionalismo e solidariedade base das realções Guiné-Bissau - RDA
- Internacionalização da EMBRAER
- Internacionalização das empresas portuguesas e a China
- Internal debt of the government of India
- International african bibliography 1973-1978
- International congress of dermatology [2]
- International Congress of Sport Sciences
- International encyclopedia of public health [3]
- International financial institutions and economic policy reform in subsaharan África
- International Istanbul bienniel
- International law and the question of East Timor [2]
- International Migration
- International Organizations & Democracy [3]
- International political economy from a chinese angle
- International river basin organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa
- International sanitary regulations [2]
- Internet digital libraries
- Internet em directo
- Internet e redes sociais
- Internet ideotainment in the PRC
- Internet é cara e impossivél de navegar na Guiné-Bissau
- Internet une chance pour l'Afrique
- Internet
- Internet digital libraries the international dimension [3]
- Interpenetração entre administração e política com o advento do Estado nacional cabo-verdiano
- Interpenetração das economias
- Interpenetração de economias