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  1. Notes on the birds of Angola, non-passeres [3]
  2. Notes on the contents and fate of the western scientific influence in Japan in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
  3. Notes on the flora of Kilimanjaro
  4. Notes on the Inhamangombe and Gorongosa Dyke Swarms, Mozambique
  5. Notes on the political organization of the Kabompo district and its inhabitantes
  6. Notes on Cape Verde mineralogy zirconium silicates in syenitic rocks from Boa Vista, island [2]
  7. Notes on place-names in Fernão Vaz Dourado's map of India (circa 1576)
  8. Notes on some collection of Arabic manuscripts in Nigeria
  9. Notes on the anatomy of two brazilian planorbid snails
  10. Notes on the birds of Angola, passeres [3]
  11. Notes on the Genus termytoyceshein in Malawi
  12. Notes on the Mukogodo dialect of Maasai Kenia
  13. Notes on the origin of chinese K'o-ssu tapestry
  14. Notes on the term "Dharani" in medieval Chinese Buddhist thought [2]
  15. Notes on the use of pigments in Ming woodblock colour prints
  16. Notes on traditional market authority and market periodicity in Wst África
  17. Notes on Zou Zhilin
  18. Notes pour l' étude de l' eth nobotanique dans la culture Ishokwe
  19. Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnozzologie dans la culture tshokwe (Angola)
  20. Notes pour une lecture economique de l' accord de Khomati
  21. Notes pour une lecture économique de l'accord de Nkomati [2]
  22. Notes pous l´étude de l´ethonobotanique dans la culture tshokwe
  23. Notes on high growth perfomance
  24. Notes on Ming policy and shipping as related to early portuguese activities in the far east (conf
  25. Notes on some Áfrican Linyphiid Apiders
  26. Notes on some Áfrican linyphiid spiders [3]
  27. Notes on some Angolan Manimals
  28. Notes on the distributions of Melastomafaceae of Moçambique [2]
  29. Notes on tuyers foind at prehistoric Iron smelting sities in Southern África
  30. Notes on various ticks (Acarina-Ixodeida) in collection at some Entomological Institutes in Paris and London [2]
  31. Notes officielles de Mr. le vicomte de Sa da Bandeira e de Mr. le baron da Ribeira Sabrosa, prèsidents du Couseil des Ministres de S.M.T.F. em response aux notes de Lord Howard de Walden, envoyé extraordinaire de S.M.B. à Lisbonne
  32. Notes on a Buddha Maitreya sculpture dated 486 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York [2]
  33. Notes on Cape Verde mineralogy. Lepanite in syenitic rocks from Boa Vista Island
  34. Notes on some stimulant ; restorative and sedative non-alcoholic substances of vegetable origin, used in various parts of the tropics
  35. Notes on the birth of Russian Turkestan's fiscal system
  36. Notes on the climate of Mont'Estoril and the Riviera of Portugal
  37. Notes on the commerce and navigation
  38. Notes on the conjugation and tone in Yao
  39. Notes on the genus kannemeyeria
  40. Notes on the later prehistoric radiocarbon chronology of eastern and Southern África
  41. Notes on the phonological relationship of tswana vawels
  42. Notes on the Shucuru' indians of Serra de Araroba', Pernambuco, Brazil
  43. Notes on the ticks off domestic stocks [2]
  44. Notes on Timor
  45. Notes on traditional smilting in northen Rhodesia [2]
  46. Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe (Angola) [4]
  47. Notes of the forest at «Lophira alata» Banks of the coastal zone of the Cameroons = Notas sobre el bosque de «Lophira alata» Banks, de la zona litoral del Camerún = Notes sur la forêt a «Lophira alata» Banks de la zone littorale du Cameroun = Observações sobre a floresta de «Lophira alata» Banks da zona litoral dos Camarões
  48. Notes on a pidgin dialect
  49. Notes on a visit to Angola. Technical adviser (refrigeration) to the perishable products export contro board.
  50. Notes on an approach to a study of personality formation in a hindu village in Gujarat
  1. Notes on chinese literature
  2. Notes on IK
  3. Notes on some herero genealogies
  4. Notes on the aphid fauna of Angola, with the description of a new species of Schizaphis Borner, Homoptera Aphidoidea
  5. Notes on the birds of Angola
  6. Notes on the first Chinese dictionary published in Europe (1670)
  7. Notes on the history and antiquities of Chaul and Bassein [4]
  8. Notes on the political economy of portuguese Asia
  9. Notes on the pre-cambrian of the Guianas
  10. Notes on the salt making industry of Nyanga people near lake Shirwa
  11. Notes on two late stone age sites at Muden, Natal
  12. Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnobotanique dans la culture tshokwe [2]
  13. Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe, Angola [2]
  14. Notes on a brazilian mouse, Blarinomys breviceps (Winge)
  15. Notes on bezzia nicator de meillon, 1959
  16. Notes on Cape Verde mineralogy, loparite in syenitic rocks from Boa Vista island
  17. Notes on eastern Caprivi strip
  18. Notes on Negro American influence on the emergence of África nationalism
  19. Notes on some Áfrican linyphiie
  20. Notes on some structures of South Áfrican ammonites
  21. Notes on the Combretaceae of Southern Africa
  22. Notes on the genesis of the discoveries
  23. Notes on the observation of road and railway embankments and slopes
  24. Notes on the production of historical knowledge
  25. Notes on the ruwenzori glaciers
  26. Notes on tone in cianda
  27. Notes on two 16th century lacquers in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art [2]
  28. Notes pour l' étude de l' ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe
  29. Notes pour l´´etude de l'ethnobotanique dans la culture tshokwe
  30. Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnobotanique dans la culture tshokwe (Angola)
  31. Notes on a visit to Angola. Technical adviser (refrigeration) to the perishable products export control board.
  32. Notes on some copper deposits in North Angola
  33. Notes on the administration of Timor
  34. Notes on the aphid fauna of Angola, with the description of a new species of Schizaphis Borner (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) [2]
  35. notes on the aphid fauna of Angola, with the description of a new species of Schizaphis Börnu
  36. Notes on the brazilian tax system
  37. Notes on the history of miga
  38. Notes on the japanese in the christian history of Macao
  39. Notes on the nesting habits of some tanganyika birds
  40. Notes on the origin of the belief in the Bis-Cobra
  41. Notes on the Ottoman poll-tax reforms of the late seventeenth century
  42. Notes on the stratigraphy and tectonics of Portuguese Guinea [2]
  43. Notes On twins
  44. Notes pour l´etude de l'ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe (Angola)
  45. Notes pour l'étude de l'ethonobotanique dans la culture Tshokwe
  46. Notes sur le contróle de la gestion financiére dans certains etats d'Afrique
  47. Notes sur quelques categories religieuses des indiens Waura du haut fleuve Xingu (Bresil)
  48. Notes sur quelques chrysomeloidea de Moçambique, Col Phytophaga
  49. Notes sur des amulettes Siamoises
  50. Notes sur la paléogéographie de l'Océan Atlantique

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