- Notes on the birds of Angola, non-passeres [3]
- Notes on the contents and fate of the western scientific influence in Japan in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
- Notes on the flora of Kilimanjaro
- Notes on the Inhamangombe and Gorongosa Dyke Swarms, Mozambique
- Notes on the political organization of the Kabompo district and its inhabitantes
- Notes on Cape Verde mineralogy zirconium silicates in syenitic rocks from Boa Vista, island [2]
- Notes on place-names in Fernão Vaz Dourado's map of India (circa 1576)
- Notes on some collection of Arabic manuscripts in Nigeria
- Notes on the anatomy of two brazilian planorbid snails
- Notes on the birds of Angola, passeres [3]
- Notes on the Genus termytoyceshein in Malawi
- Notes on the Mukogodo dialect of Maasai Kenia
- Notes on the origin of chinese K'o-ssu tapestry
- Notes on the term "Dharani" in medieval Chinese Buddhist thought [2]
- Notes on the use of pigments in Ming woodblock colour prints
- Notes on traditional market authority and market periodicity in Wst África
- Notes on Zou Zhilin
- Notes pour l' étude de l' eth nobotanique dans la culture Ishokwe
- Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnozzologie dans la culture tshokwe (Angola)
- Notes pour une lecture economique de l' accord de Khomati
- Notes pour une lecture économique de l'accord de Nkomati [2]
- Notes pous l´étude de l´ethonobotanique dans la culture tshokwe
- Notes on high growth perfomance
- Notes on Ming policy and shipping as related to early portuguese activities in the far east (conf
- Notes on some Áfrican Linyphiid Apiders
- Notes on some Áfrican linyphiid spiders [3]
- Notes on some Angolan Manimals
- Notes on the distributions of Melastomafaceae of Moçambique [2]
- Notes on tuyers foind at prehistoric Iron smelting sities in Southern África
- Notes on various ticks (Acarina-Ixodeida) in collection at some Entomological Institutes in Paris and London [2]
- Notes officielles de Mr. le vicomte de Sa da Bandeira e de Mr. le baron da Ribeira Sabrosa, prèsidents du Couseil des Ministres de S.M.T.F. em response aux notes de Lord Howard de Walden, envoyé extraordinaire de S.M.B. à Lisbonne
- Notes on a Buddha Maitreya sculpture dated 486 in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York [2]
- Notes on Cape Verde mineralogy. Lepanite in syenitic rocks from Boa Vista Island
- Notes on some stimulant ; restorative and sedative non-alcoholic substances of vegetable origin, used in various parts of the tropics
- Notes on the birth of Russian Turkestan's fiscal system
- Notes on the climate of Mont'Estoril and the Riviera of Portugal
- Notes on the commerce and navigation
- Notes on the conjugation and tone in Yao
- Notes on the genus kannemeyeria
- Notes on the later prehistoric radiocarbon chronology of eastern and Southern África
- Notes on the phonological relationship of tswana vawels
- Notes on the Shucuru' indians of Serra de Araroba', Pernambuco, Brazil
- Notes on the ticks off domestic stocks [2]
- Notes on Timor
- Notes on traditional smilting in northen Rhodesia [2]
- Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe (Angola) [4]
- Notes of the forest at «Lophira alata» Banks of the coastal zone of the Cameroons = Notas sobre el bosque de «Lophira alata» Banks, de la zona litoral del Camerún = Notes sur la forêt a «Lophira alata» Banks de la zone littorale du Cameroun = Observações sobre a floresta de «Lophira alata» Banks da zona litoral dos Camarões
- Notes on a pidgin dialect
- Notes on a visit to Angola. Technical adviser (refrigeration) to the perishable products export contro board.
- Notes on an approach to a study of personality formation in a hindu village in Gujarat
- Notes on chinese literature
- Notes on IK
- Notes on some herero genealogies
- Notes on the aphid fauna of Angola, with the description of a new species of Schizaphis Borner, Homoptera Aphidoidea
- Notes on the birds of Angola
- Notes on the first Chinese dictionary published in Europe (1670)
- Notes on the history and antiquities of Chaul and Bassein [4]
- Notes on the political economy of portuguese Asia
- Notes on the pre-cambrian of the Guianas
- Notes on the salt making industry of Nyanga people near lake Shirwa
- Notes on two late stone age sites at Muden, Natal
- Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnobotanique dans la culture tshokwe [2]
- Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe, Angola [2]
- Notes on a brazilian mouse, Blarinomys breviceps (Winge)
- Notes on bezzia nicator de meillon, 1959
- Notes on Cape Verde mineralogy, loparite in syenitic rocks from Boa Vista island
- Notes on eastern Caprivi strip
- Notes on Negro American influence on the emergence of África nationalism
- Notes on some Áfrican linyphiie
- Notes on some structures of South Áfrican ammonites
- Notes on the Combretaceae of Southern Africa
- Notes on the genesis of the discoveries
- Notes on the observation of road and railway embankments and slopes
- Notes on the production of historical knowledge
- Notes on the ruwenzori glaciers
- Notes on tone in cianda
- Notes on two 16th century lacquers in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art [2]
- Notes pour l' étude de l' ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe
- Notes pour l´´etude de l'ethnobotanique dans la culture tshokwe
- Notes pour l'étude de l'ethnobotanique dans la culture tshokwe (Angola)
- Notes on a visit to Angola. Technical adviser (refrigeration) to the perishable products export control board.
- Notes on some copper deposits in North Angola
- Notes on the administration of Timor
- Notes on the aphid fauna of Angola, with the description of a new species of Schizaphis Borner (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) [2]
- notes on the aphid fauna of Angola, with the description of a new species of Schizaphis Börnu
- Notes on the brazilian tax system
- Notes on the history of miga
- Notes on the japanese in the christian history of Macao
- Notes on the nesting habits of some tanganyika birds
- Notes on the origin of the belief in the Bis-Cobra
- Notes on the Ottoman poll-tax reforms of the late seventeenth century
- Notes on the stratigraphy and tectonics of Portuguese Guinea [2]
- Notes On twins
- Notes pour l´etude de l'ethnozoologie dans la culture tshokwe (Angola)
- Notes pour l'étude de l'ethonobotanique dans la culture Tshokwe
- Notes sur le contróle de la gestion financiére dans certains etats d'Afrique
- Notes sur quelques categories religieuses des indiens Waura du haut fleuve Xingu (Bresil)
- Notes sur quelques chrysomeloidea de Moçambique, Col Phytophaga
- Notes sur des amulettes Siamoises
- Notes sur la paléogéographie de l'Océan Atlantique