- Petrus Nonius [2]
- Peturbação do meio ecológico das ilhas de São Tomé e Príncipe
- Peugadas de musa [2]
- Peul et portugais en un témoingnage allemand 1881
- Peuls et mandingues [3]
- Peuls et portugais en guerre [5]
- Peuls nomades [2]
- Peuple en avant (d'un collaborateur spécial)
- Peuplement et phénomènes d'urbanisation au Cap-Vert pendant la période coloniale, 1462-1940
- Peuplements forestiers de Casamansa
- Peuplement et phénomenes d'urbanisation au Cap Vert pendant la période coloniale
- Peuplement préhistorique des monts calcaires du sud du Mondégo
- Peuples du Sénégal
- Peuples voltaques et conquête coloniale
- Peuples asiatiques, unissez-vous, pour bouter les agresseus americains hors de l'Asie
- Peuples autochtones d'Afrique et objectifs de développement du millénaire [5]
- Peut-être feront-ils un autre parti mais ils sortent du nôtre [2]
- Peut-on parler d'une pensée africaine
- Peymouth Brethren and the occupation of Katanga
- Peyon ha ben
- PFIE lança materiais didácticos sobre educação ambiental
- PFIE quer perpetuar a educação ambiental
- PGA ganha vendas das LAM em Espanha
- PGR está a fazer chantagem política sobre os órgãos de soberania
- pH - base saturation relationships for ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola
- Ph base saturation relationships for Ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola [2]
- PH- base saturation relationships for ferralític, tropical persillitic and tropical Semiarid Soils of Southern Angola
- PH-base saturation relation ships for ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola
- PH-base saturation relationships for ferrallitic
- PH-base saturation relationships for ferrallitic, tropical fersiallitic and tropical semiarid soils of southern Angola
- Phaedrus
- Phage and the origins of molecular biology [2]
- Phalenas com uma parte sobre assumptos indianos
- Phantoms of Asia
- Phares fanaux lenticulaires
- Phares, ports et chemins de fer de l'Afrique portugais
- Pharmacopêa portuguesa
- Pharmaceutical advertising [2]
- pharmaceutical policy processes in Sierra Leone
- Pharmacopée polele du Niger et du Camaroun
- Pharmacopée internationale [8]
- Pharmacopoceia of India
- Pharmacopoêa portugueza
- Pharmacia [4]
- Phase microscopy [2]
- Phases of conflict in Africa [2]
- Phenolic acids on green and roasted coffee
- Phénologie de quelques plantes de la Mauritanie eccidentale en actoulire
- Phénomènes reliogieux et facteurs socio-économiques dans un Village de la région de Bouaké (Côte d'Ivoire)
- Phenothiazines alter resistance of methicillin resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus MRSA to oxacillin in vitro [3]
- Pheromones [2]
- Pherozeshah Mehta [2]
- Pherozesha Metha
- Phibun songkhram and Thai nationalism in the fascist era
- Philanthropy and passion [2]
- Philately
- Philéas Lebesgue Lusophile
- Philibert Tsiranana (1910-1978)
- Philip II, King of Spain and Portugal, and the relations between the Philippines and Timor [2]
- Philippe Aschman
- Philippine Gold Working Techniques [2]
- Philipp Klier
- Philippine Gold in Early Southeast Asia [2]
- Philippines opens consulate general in Macao to strengthen bilateral ties
- Philippine democracies old and new
- Philippa de Vilhena
- Philips' concise atlas of the world
- Philology versus linguistics and Aramaic phonology
- Philosophia do direito
- Philosophie de l'histoire de l'humanité
- Philosophers and anthropologists
- Philosophi Abessini [2]
- Philosophi Stoicurur omnium acutifsimi opera quae extant omnia coelii secundi di curionis vigililantissima cura castiga - - - & in nouam prorsus faciem, nimirum propriam & suam, mutata
- Philosophie en Afrique
- Philosophies de l'histoire
- Philosophy in indian music
- Philosophy of Pancaratras
- Philosophy, democracy and responsible governance in Africa [2]
- Philosophie de la médecine [2]
- Philosophia mentis
- Philosophical implications of Camões
- Philosophical implications of Camoes' use of the classical mythological tradition in the Adamastor episode of "Os Lusíadas"
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of rhetoric
- Philosophia aristotelica
- Philosophy from Africa a text with readings [2]
- Philosophia de João Braz
- Philosophy and theology
- Philosofia do direito [2]
- Philosophical implications of Camões' use of the classical mythological tradition in the Adamastor episode of Os lusíadas
- Philosophy and life and others papers
- Philosophy in the fifteen modern Indian languages
- Philosophy of life from a poem
- Philosophy of religion
- Philosophy of total revolution
- Philosophy of truth and peace
- Philosophy and religion
- Philosophy from Africa
- Philosophy in India [3]