- Unpacking policy
- Unpredictable challenges
- Unraveling Somalia race, violence, and the legacy of slavery
- Unraveling Somalia
- Unraveling the Japan-South Korea Virtual Alliance
- Unravelling history
- Unreability of some biological criteria for evaluation of the suitability of urban systems for man
- Unresolved problems in the Indonesian killings of 1965-1966
- Unruly images photography in and of Afghanistan [2]
- Un's Alice in wonderland comittee was never inside Portuguese Guinea with PAIGC
- Uns braços
- Uns e outros
- Uns já viram a luz lá no fundo, outros ainda não encontraram o túnel
- Uns tantos que não aparecem na homenagem [2]
- Unscrambling the scramble for Southern África
- Unscrolling Spring songs [2]
- Unseen presence
- Unsere Herrin Maria
- Unsung heroines
- Untapped the scramble for Africa's oil [2]
- Untapped
- UNTC-CS em crise
- UNTC-CS na 81ª conferência da OIT
- UNTC-CS propõe ao governo aumento salarial na função pública
- UNTC-CS denuncia
- UNTC-CS perde processo contra CCSL
- UNTC-CS discute aumento salarial para 1996
- UNTC-CS e INE em desacordo quanto à inflação
- UNTC-CS aceita debate com a CCSL
- UNTC-CS discriminada pelo governo
- UNTC-CS apresenta propostas
- UNTC-CS exige pacto social de legislatura já!
- UNTC-CS critica processo das privatizações
- UNTC-CS - Governo
- Unter Giraffen und Elefanten
- Unter Vieira schlägt das pendel wieder nach links
- Unterstutzung des selbsthilfewonnugsbaus von zuwanderen und aussiedlern im rahmen des gelplanten landwirtschafsprojeckts auf der ilha do Como/Caiar, Guinea-Bissau
- Untersuchungen uber das Papillarsystem sudwestangolanischer Negerstamme
- Untersuchungen über das Papillary stem Südwestangolanischer Negerstämme [2]
- UNTG preocupada com sindicalismo no país
- UNTG revoltado com as primeiras actuações do governo e anucia protestos para o 1º de Maio
- Until marriage do us part [2]
- Unto the Indies
- Untold stories
- Untold stories economics and bisiness journalism in african media
- Untouchability in India with a difference
- Untouchable bodies
- Untying Leifer's discourse on order and power
- Un'università privata in Congo
- Unveiling modernity in twentieth-century West Africa Islamic reforms
- Unwanted guest
- Unwrapping christmas
- Uori
- UORI - Mais um Livro de contos em Bissau
- Up up up
- Update [4]
- Update on the Aryan invasion debate
- Update of dengue in Africa [3]
- Upgrading the 'software'
- Upi [6]
- UPICV (R) e UCID reagem à vitoria do MPD
- UPLA [2]
- Uplifting the colonial philistine [2]
- Uplifting the race
- Upper Cretaceous larger foraminifera from New Guinea
- Upper Sangoan industries from Northern Nyasaland and the Luangwa Valley
- Upper Sangoan industries from Northern Nyasaland and the Luangwa Valley6 . a case of environmental Differrntiation
- Upper Volta- Guinea
- Uppsala
- Uprising acusa Câmara Municipal de não cumprimento do acordo
- Uprooting and health [3]
- Uprooting poverty
- Upstream and downstream unification in Southeast Asia's first Islamic polity
- Uptake of potassioum and chloride by adventious root of Ornitrogalum virens Lindl influenced by green leaves and root correlations
- Uptake of potassium and chloride by adventitious roots of Ornithogalum virens Lindl.
- Uptake of potassion and chloride by adventitions roots of Ornithogalum vireus lindl. influence by green leaves and root correlations
- Uptake of potassium and chloride by adventions roots of Ornithogahum virens Lindl, influenced by green leaves and root correlations
- Uranium
- Uranium and nuclear raw materials in Portugal [2]
- Urban bus doycott in alexandra Township; 1957
- Urban council 1980
- Urban development on Taipa island
- Urban agriculture
- Urban conflict, crime and policing in South Áfrican cities
- Urban council 1978
- Urban council 1979
- Urban anthropology in China [2]
- Urban Africa changing contours of survival in the city
- Urban agglomarations and the modernisation of the developing states
- Urban agriculture food, jobs and sustainable cities
- Urban and rural economies in the western Sudan
- Urban growth trends in Portugal
- Urban housing reform and state capacity in Vietnam [2]
- Urban housing and poverty alleviation in Tanzania [2]
- Urban experiences of gender, generations and social justice
- Urban governance, neoliberalism and housing reform in China [2]
- Urban life and street children's health
- Urban mirage
- Urban mobility and the history of Cinema-Going in Chennai