- Wenxue Pinglun Congkan
- Wenxue Yaniju Yu Pipan Zhuankan [2]
- Wenyan wen xuexi zhidao
- Wenyan wen xuexi zhidao
- Wenyan Duben [2]
- Wenyan Wen [2]
- Wenyi De Ziwei
- Wenyi Fuxing Shiqi Zhexue Gailun
- Wenyi Ji [2]
- Wenyi Lilun Qianshuo
- Wenyi Lun Cong
- Wenyi Sixiang Lunzheng Ji [2]
- Wenyi shujian
- Wenzi
- WEP sets up task force against El-Nino
- Wer war der "König von Benguela"?
- Wer War der konig Von Benguela? [2]
- Wer war der «könig von Banguela»?
- Wer war der König von Banguela
- Were Saint Thomas christians looked upon as heretics?
- Were the portuguese the first to visit Cape Verde?
- Wereldraad van Kerken en de vrijdheidsbewegingen in Zuidelijk Afrika
- Werken uitgegeven door de Linschoten-Vereeniging [2]
- Werther [2]
- Wesceslau de Moraes
- West África after the exodus
- West Africa before the europeans
- West Africa during the Atlantic slave trade [2]
- West african governments and volunteer development organizations
- West African regional programme to reduce post harvest losses of fish
- West african security in the context of the global war on terror
- West african slavery and atlantc commerce
- West african states
- West african trade
- West Africa under colonial rule [2]
- West african challenge to empire
- West Áfrican voices
- West Africa and christianity
- West african armed revolts during the fist world war
- West african religion
- West África's middleman in a pinch [2]
- West Áfrican capital cities as motors for development
- West african decorative weaving
- West african diamonds 1919-1983
- West african explorers
- West african families in Britain
- West african security in the context of the global war on terror some reflections [3]
- West african transformations comparative impacts of french and british colonialism
- West Africa during the atlantic slave trade archaeological perspectives [2]
- West african resistance
- West african secret societies
- West Áfrican States an European conquest
- West África's economic islands of development
- West Africa's security challenges
- West Africa's security challenges building peace in a troubled region
- West african slavery and atlantic commerce
- West african studies
- West african urbanization as a social process
- West Africa's political economy in the next millennium
- West Africa and Islam [2]
- West Áfrican marketing boards
- West Áfrican trade and coast society
- West african transformations
- West Africa's political economy in the next millennium retrospect and prospect [2]
- West Africa [6]
- West african kingdoms in the nineteenth century
- West african sufi
- West african traders in Ghana in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- West african women
- West Bengal [3]
- West Central África Part I
- West Central África Part II
- West Central África
- West directory 1967-1968
- West directory 1966-1967
- West Germany and África
- West Germany's year in Arica
- West Germany's role in África in 1977
- West German's politiy in África
- West Indies pilot
- West indians in west Africa 1808-1880
- West lake reflections
- West meets East
- West-african sketches
- Westdeutscher imperalismus in Angola
- Westermanns lexikon der geographie
- Western books on China published up to 1850
- Westerners and Asia [4]
- Western coloured township
- Western education and political domination in Africa a study in critical and dialogical pedagogy [2]
- Western indian art
- Western Maharashtra & Gujarat
- Western Sahara and international comunit
- Western civilization and the natives of South Africa
- Western interventionism versus East Asian non-interference
- Western Sahara and the struggle of the Saharoui people for self-determination
- Western gods meet in the East
- Western images of China
- Western knowledge of geography reflected in Juan Cobo's "Shilu" (1593)
- Western Sahara [4]