- Indigenas gentílicos
- Indigenas kikuyu education
- Indigenous people's rights in southern Africa [3]
- Indígenas da colónia de Moçambique [9]
- Indígenas do Bié [4]
- Indígenato e assimilação
- Indigenous african diplomacy
- Indigenous african institutions
- Indigenous approaches to HIV-AIDS scourge in Uganda
- Indigenous assistance in the establishment of portuguese power in the indian ocean [2]
- Indigenous institutions of conflict resolution among the Ab'ala afar of north-eastern Ethiopia [2]
- Indígenas + Brasileiros
- Indígenas e educação
- Indigenous assistance and the survival of the Estado da India c. 1600-1700
- Indigenous knowledge in global contexts
- Indigenism ethnic politics in Brazil
- Indigenous currencies and the history of marriage payments
- Indigenous dominance in a colonial economy
- Indigenous knowledge in global contexts multiple readings of our world
- Indigenous peoples and the future of Amazonia an ecological anthropology of an endangered world
- Indígenas do Bié antropologia
- Indigenismo e territorialização poderes, rotinas e saberes coloniais no Brasil contemporâneo
- Indigenous communication in Africa concept, applications and prospects [2]
- Indígenas da tribo Sosso [2]
- Indigenas de Moçambique [7]
- Indígenas e gentílicos (breve apontamento filológico)
- Indigénat [4]
- Indigenous land management in West Africa an environmental balancing act [3]
- Indigestão do vitelo
- Indignação [2]
- Indigo [2]
- Indiia
- Indin economy since independence
- Índios
- Índios camponeses
- Indios da Amazónia
- Índios e negros no barroco luso-brasileiro
- Índios e antropologia
- Índios e brasileiros no vale do rio Tapajós
- Indíos do Brasil [2]
- Indios de la region Orinoco-Ventuari
- Índios e brancos na mitologia Waiãpi
- Índios, jesuítas, bandeirantes
- Indipetae Boymianae
- Indira
- Indira Gandhi on population and health
- Indira Gandhi returns
- Indira Gandhi [11]
- Indira Gandhi = a profile in courage
- Indira Gandhi on herself and her times
- Indira wins the war [2]
- Indira's India
- Indirect legal integration towards an european "Iuris Corpus"
- Indirect flurescent immunoassay in the diagnosis of infantile and adult kala-azar
- Indirect legal integration towards an european
- Indirect rule and the political system in northern Nigeria
- Indisciplina e violência no universo da escola
- Indiscreet letters from Peking
- Indiscrição [3]
- Indispensável
- Individual and collective notions of promised land
- Individual attitudes towards immigrants [2]
- Individualté africaine et déterminisme traditionnel et colonial
- Individuação
- Individualism is the antithesis of indirect rule [2]
- Individualidade e coletividade em Dois nós na noite de Cuti
- Individualisation and politics in China [2]
- Individualism versus community in África?
- Indivíduo preto [2]
- Individual classroom experiences
- Indivíduo e sociedade [2]
- Indjaru, a lenda do cavalo
- Indo - Portuguesmente
- ...Indo além da Taprobana
- Indo certo frade a casa de uma meretriz lhe pediu esta quinze mil réis dantemão para tirar umas argolas que tinha empenhadas
- Indo Portuguese history
- Indo-Africa
- Indo-Áfrican skill transfer in an East Áfrican economy
- Indo-american contacts through Jesuit Missionaires
- Indo-China relations and the reform of the United Nations
- Indo-Européens et Indo-Iraniens
- Indo-european seminar on Ayurveda
- Indo-islamic architecture (Delhi and Agra)
- Indo-Pak relations and the significance of the Rajasthan-Sindh Border [2]
- Indo-portugueses em Moçambique
- Indo-portuguese civil architecture
- Indo-portuguese Friendship Society Goa
- Indo-portuguese historical encyclopaedia, Torre do Tombo da Casa da India
- Indo-portuguese literature as a source of history
- Indo-portuguese trade in seventeenth century
- Indo-portuguese historical encyclopaedia da Torre do Tombo da Casa da India
- Indo-Portuguese history, 1498-1800
- Indo-portuguese literature
- Indo-Portuguese of Ceylon
- Indo-portuguese history [19]
- Indo-portuguese trade under Dom Philip I of Portugal and the Fuggers of Germany
- Indo-portugueses ivories of the heras collection
- Indo-Portuguese
- Indo-portuguese historical encyclopaedia [2]
- Indo-portuguese trade and the Fuggers of Germany