- Han Wei Liu Chao Bai San Jia Ji Tici Zu
- Han Wei Liang Jin Nan Bei Chao Fojiao Shi
- Han Wei Liu Chao Fu Xuan
- Han Ying Ci Dian
- Han Ying Cidian
- Han Ying Changyong Yixue Cidian
- Hanchao Fuzhuang Tuyang Ziliao
- Hand and foot from of the Korana
- Hand imprints in rock paintings
- Handan JI
- Handbook of global legal policy [3]
- Handbook of public personnel administration [2]
- Handbook of tropical dermatology and medical mycology [2]
- Handbook of communicable diseases [2]
- Handbook of comparative public administration in the Asia-Pacific Basin [3]
- Handbook of information for the session
- Handbook of medical protozoology [2]
- Handbook of silk technology
- Handbook on staff notation for indian music
- Handbook of administrative ethics [2]
- Handbook of democratic government party government in 20 democracies 1945-1990
- Handbook of indian agriculture
- Handbook of laboratory safety [2]
- Handbook on access to HIV/AIDS related treatment
- Handbook on Mozambique's
- Handbook of agriculture
- Handbook of american resources for african studies [2]
- Handbook of basic microtechnique [2]
- Handbook of clinical trials [3]
- Handbook of hematology [2]
- Handbook of pratical bacteriology [2]
- Handbook to the iron age [2]
- Handbook to the iron age the archaeology of pre-colonial farming societies in southern Africa
- Handbook for field trials in technical cooperation
- Handbook of denominations in the United States
- Handbook of diseases of the skin [2]
- Handbook of histopathological technique [2]
- Handbook of information for passengers and shippers, Italy to East-India, China & America in connection with the Mediterranean, Adriatic & Levant Services [2]
- Handbook of microscopical technique [2]
- Handbook of practical sericultura
- Handbook of sports studies [3]
- Handbook of total quality management [2]
- Handbook of environmental psychology
- Handbook of good pratice in journal publishing workshop
- Handbook of nonparametric statistics [2]
- Handbook on ASIAD
- Handbook of endemic treponematoses [2]
- Handbook of resolutions and decisions of the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board [2]
- Handbook on justice for victms
- Handbook of industrial toxicology [2]
- Handbook of manures and fertilizers
- Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures [3]
- Handbook of regional organizations in Africa
- Handbook on administration of Madras State
- Handbuch der klimatologie [2]
- Handbuch der virusforschung [2]
- Handbuch der speziellen pathologischen anatomie und histologie [2]
- Handbuch der pathogen mikroorganismen [2]
- Handbuch der tropenkrankheiten [6]
- Handbuch der inneren medizin [2]
- Handbuch der pathogen protozoen [2]
- Handbuch der geographisschen wissenschaft [2]
- Handbuch der systematischen weichtierkunde [2]
- Handeni revisited
- Handicaps économiques permants des economies africaines
- Handicrafts
- Handicrafts of India [3]
- Handling aposta num serviço de qualidade
- Handling of report as controversial as findings
- Handling mountain minorities in China, Vietnam and Laos [2]
- Handover timeline [2]
- Handover official speeches
- Hanging by a thread
- Hangzhou yu Xihu Shihua
- Hani calls for revision of self-defence units
- Hanju Caoqin Yishu
- Hanju Mudan Chen Bohua
- Hanju Xiao Xi Kao
- Hanói-Ha long- Hoi an- Hue
- Hans Simons ao VP
- Hans Van Dijk (1946-2002) [2]
- Hans Zell [2]
- Hans Zell and the Noma Award
- Hansa e Portugal na Idade Média [2]
- Hansat gayat nachat
- Hansen versus Neisser [3]
- Hansenose [2]
- Hansenose em Quilengues
- Hanshu = Livro de Han
- Hansun khellun xikum-ia
- Hanuman, in art, culture, thought and literature
- Hanuman [2]
- Hanuman to the rescue [2]
- Hanumat Vibhuti [2]
- Hanvem sambaulo sovo ani novo upordês
- Hanwen wenshu
- Hanxue Yanjiu Zhongxin
- Hanying, Yinghan Yaoming Cihui
- Hanyu
- Hanyu Duben