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  1. The african union and its institutions
  2. The african-american slave trade [2]
  3. The Africa pilot
  4. The african aids epidemic
  5. The african background to the history of portuguese America [2]
  6. The Áfrican colonial society in french colonial novels
  7. The african colonial State in comparative perspective [2]
  8. The african commission on human and people's rights
  9. The african condition [2]
  10. The african diaspora
  11. The african experience in spanish America
  12. The African Genius [3]
  13. The african iron age
  14. The african manufacturing firm
  15. The african mind in health and disease [2]
  16. The african renaissance history, significance and strategy
  17. The african revolution
  18. The African trypanosomiases [2]
  19. The afrikaner bond
  20. The Afro-Asian states and their problems
  21. The afterlife is where we come from [2]
  22. The aftermath ( based on original recordes) 1818-1826
  23. The african churches among the Yoruba 1888-1922
  24. The african context of human rights
  25. The african economy and internacional trade
  26. The African image
  27. The African nations and world solidarity
  28. The african predicament [2]
  29. The african public service and democracy
  30. The african state in a changing global context breakdowns and transformations
  31. The african struggle for agricultural productivity
  32. The Áfrican work force of Zambia
  33. The África legion of Spain
  34. The african charter on human and peoples' rights the system in pactice
  35. The african churches of Tanzania [3]
  36. The african contribution in the Americas
  37. The african envinoment
  38. The african inheritance [2]
  39. The african Jihad
  40. The african provinces
  41. The African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo [2]
  42. The african state in transition [2]
  43. The African Union after the Durban 2002 Summit [5]
  44. The African voice in southern Rodesia
  45. The african writer's experience of european literature
  46. The Afrikaners Youth and change
  47. The african aids epidemic a history
  48. The african charter on human and people's rights a comprehensive agenda for human dignity and sustainable democracy in Africa
  49. The african economy [2]
  50. The african elite and the development challenges
  1. The african exception [2]
  2. The African experience [2]
  3. The african stakes of the Congo War [2]
  4. The african university and human resouce development
  5. The african worker [2]
  6. The african working class recent changes new prospects
  7. The Afro-Arab Summit 1977
  8. The agar precipitation technique and its application as a diagnostic and analytical method
  9. The age of discovery [3]
  10. The age-set system of the pastoral Pokot [2]
  11. The age and the authors of the painted rocks of Austral África
  12. The age of the Guptas and other essays
  13. The age of the rock paintings of South África
  14. The age of Waste
  15. The age of discovery 1400-1600
  16. The age of enlightenment
  17. The age of progress
  18. The age of the Baroque in Portugal
  19. The age of the imperial Gupta
  20. The agriculture of Moçambique and Portuguese India in the National Development Plan [2]
  21. The agricultural development of the Republic of China
  22. The agricultural and horticultural society's garden [2]
  23. The agricultural of Mozambique and portuguese India
  24. The agriculture of Union of South África with reference to major crops and fertilizer usage
  25. The agrarian structure in Kenya
  26. The agrarian system of Moslem India
  27. The agricultural journal of India [7]
  28. The agricultural and forest products of British west Africa
  29. The agwu deity in Igbo religion a study of the patron spirit of divination and medicine in an african society
  30. The agwu deity in Igbo religion
  31. The aid bargain
  32. The aids threat in South África
  33. The aitareya brahmanam of the rigveda
  34. The Akan of Ghana
  35. The akali struggle
  36. The Akan doctrine of God
  37. The Akyem factor in Ghana's history 1700-1875
  38. The Al-Sabah Collection of Mughal jewellery at the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore
  39. The Alafin in exile
  40. The alamkara section of the agni purana
  41. The alchemy of selection [2]
  42. The Alexander Bowl and the question of Northern Guan Ware [2]
  43. The alien
  44. The all India modern history congress, Poona
  45. The all Indian sanitary conference, Lucknow, 1914
  46. The alleged creole past of brazilian vernacular portuguese
  47. The All India Modern History Congress, Poona-1935 (8th, 9th and 10th June 1935)
  48. The allocation of power and responsibility in Bulu society
  49. The allure of violence
  50. The alkaloides and sapogenius of salomen Niguem L. and Salonum Panduraeforme P. Mey

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