- The african union and its institutions
- The african-american slave trade [2]
- The Africa pilot
- The african aids epidemic
- The african background to the history of portuguese America [2]
- The Áfrican colonial society in french colonial novels
- The african colonial State in comparative perspective [2]
- The african commission on human and people's rights
- The african condition [2]
- The african diaspora
- The african experience in spanish America
- The African Genius [3]
- The african iron age
- The african manufacturing firm
- The african mind in health and disease [2]
- The african renaissance history, significance and strategy
- The african revolution
- The African trypanosomiases [2]
- The afrikaner bond
- The Afro-Asian states and their problems
- The afterlife is where we come from [2]
- The aftermath ( based on original recordes) 1818-1826
- The african churches among the Yoruba 1888-1922
- The african context of human rights
- The african economy and internacional trade
- The African image
- The African nations and world solidarity
- The african predicament [2]
- The african public service and democracy
- The african state in a changing global context breakdowns and transformations
- The african struggle for agricultural productivity
- The Áfrican work force of Zambia
- The África legion of Spain
- The african charter on human and peoples' rights the system in pactice
- The african churches of Tanzania [3]
- The african contribution in the Americas
- The african envinoment
- The african inheritance [2]
- The african Jihad
- The african provinces
- The African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo [2]
- The african state in transition [2]
- The African Union after the Durban 2002 Summit [5]
- The African voice in southern Rodesia
- The african writer's experience of european literature
- The Afrikaners Youth and change
- The african aids epidemic a history
- The african charter on human and people's rights a comprehensive agenda for human dignity and sustainable democracy in Africa
- The african economy [2]
- The african elite and the development challenges
- The african exception [2]
- The African experience [2]
- The african stakes of the Congo War [2]
- The african university and human resouce development
- The african worker [2]
- The african working class recent changes new prospects
- The Afro-Arab Summit 1977
- The agar precipitation technique and its application as a diagnostic and analytical method
- The age of discovery [3]
- The age-set system of the pastoral Pokot [2]
- The age and the authors of the painted rocks of Austral África
- The age of the Guptas and other essays
- The age of the rock paintings of South África
- The age of Waste
- The age of discovery 1400-1600
- The age of enlightenment
- The age of progress
- The age of the Baroque in Portugal
- The age of the imperial Gupta
- The agriculture of Moçambique and Portuguese India in the National Development Plan [2]
- The agricultural development of the Republic of China
- The agricultural and horticultural society's garden [2]
- The agricultural of Mozambique and portuguese India
- The agriculture of Union of South África with reference to major crops and fertilizer usage
- The agrarian structure in Kenya
- The agrarian system of Moslem India
- The agricultural journal of India [7]
- The agricultural and forest products of British west Africa
- The agwu deity in Igbo religion a study of the patron spirit of divination and medicine in an african society
- The agwu deity in Igbo religion
- The aid bargain
- The aids threat in South África
- The aitareya brahmanam of the rigveda
- The Akan of Ghana
- The akali struggle
- The Akan doctrine of God
- The Akyem factor in Ghana's history 1700-1875
- The Al-Sabah Collection of Mughal jewellery at the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore
- The Alafin in exile
- The alamkara section of the agni purana
- The alchemy of selection [2]
- The Alexander Bowl and the question of Northern Guan Ware [2]
- The alien
- The all India modern history congress, Poona
- The all Indian sanitary conference, Lucknow, 1914
- The alleged creole past of brazilian vernacular portuguese
- The All India Modern History Congress, Poona-1935 (8th, 9th and 10th June 1935)
- The allocation of power and responsibility in Bulu society
- The allure of violence
- The alkaloides and sapogenius of salomen Niguem L. and Salonum Panduraeforme P. Mey