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  1. New results from the analysis of Mozambique emeralds by instrumental neutron activation analysis
  2. New researches on the chemical composition of cells
  3. New sign of hope
  4. New sistem in Niger
  5. New sites of citizenship
  6. New sources for research in Nigerian history
  7. New sources of indo-portuguese history at the national archives of the Torre do Tombo
  8. New sources of development finance
  9. New sources for the study of Sufism in Mamluk Egypt
  10. New species and genus of Apterous Aradidae (Hemiptera - Heteroptera) from Angola (Portuguese West África)
  11. New species and new records of fishes from Moçambique
  12. New species of staphylinidae (col.) from Angola (IV) [4]
  13. New species and records of South Áfrican Eviphididae (Acari)
  14. New species and new records of the blackfly subgenus Simulium (Obuchovia) from Spain and Portugal (Diptera
  15. New species of flea (Siphonaptera [2]
  16. New species of Staphylinidae (Col.) from Angola [2]
  17. New species and genus of apterous aradidae
  18. New species of "adenia" (pasifloraceae) from eastern Africa
  19. New species by linidae from Angola
  20. New species of Boraginaceae from flora Zambesiaca area [3]
  21. New species of Staphyhinidae (Col.) from Angola
  22. New spirostreptide and harpagophoridae from Southern Africa
  23. New Spirostreptidae and Harpagophoridae (Diplopoda) from Southern África
  24. New spirostreptidae and harpagophoridae
  25. New stars to steer by
  26. New STAE directory-general
  27. New strategy for China's economy
  28. New struggles, new questions
  29. New Sudan in the making? essays on a nation in painful search of itself
  30. New Sudan in the making? essays on a nation in painful search of it self
  31. New Sudan in the making? [2]
  32. New survey of archaeological research and dates for west-central and north-central África
  33. New tactics the white political front
  34. New taxa of pteridophyta from south east tropical África
  35. New technologies and enterprise development in Africa
  36. New tecnhology
  37. New techniques for the determination of the deformability and state of stress in rock masses
  38. New techniques in deformability testing of "in situ" rock masses
  39. New terminiphilous aleocharinae from Angola (Coleoptera Staphylinidae)
  40. New termithophilous aleocharinae from Angola (coleoptera
  41. New termitophilous aleocharinae from Angola (coleoptera [3]
  42. New termitophilous aleochaminae from Angola
  43. New thoughts on rhe use of chinese documents in the reconstrution of early swahili history
  44. New trends of architecture in Europe and Asia-Pacific
  45. New trends of architecture in Europe and Japan 2001 [2]
  46. New trends in the Taiwan Strait conflict
  47. New trends in Japanese bamboo art [2]
  48. New trends in Chinese marriage and the family [3]
  49. New trends of architecture in Europe and Japan 2002
  50. New views on Engaruka, northen Tanzania
  1. New waves [2]
  2. New way in Congo people´s republic
  3. New ways of detecting underground fires
  4. New women of Tibet
  5. New wood for old [2]
  6. New year's eve in Macao
  7. New year celebrations in Central China in late imperial times
  8. New York with its pants down
  9. New york's african summer
  10. New York city
  11. New Yoruba poems
  12. Newe industrien in Moçambique
  13. Newer methods of treatment of typhoid fever
  14. Newmala foi buscar ferro a Kapwirimbwe
  15. News [3]
  16. News and notes
  17. News Commentary and opinion
  18. News from China in 16th century europe
  19. News from China in sixteenth century Europe
  20. News in brief [8]
  21. News letter
  22. News of the world world cultures look at television news
  23. Newsletter [3]
  24. Newspaper innovation and advertising competitiveness in Beijing and Shanghai
  25. Newspapers in Zimbabwe [2]
  26. Newsweek
  27. Newsweek the international magazine
  28. Newton, poema [2]
  29. Newton's cluster of poems
  30. Nexo epidemiológico
  31. Next sunday
  32. Nga Muturi [15]
  33. Nga mutúri- cenas de Luanda
  34. Ngaieta de beiço
  35. Ngalamatika yá kimbundu mu'sonekenu wá kindala
  36. Ngana Fenda Madía = Ngana Fenda Maria (versão A)
  37. Ngana Fenda Maria
  38. Ngana Fenda Madía = Ngana Fenda Maria (versão B)
  39. Ngana Pondero e o seu filho Luango [5]
  40. Ngana ngo ni ngulungu ni hima = <o >leopardo, o antílope e o macaco (versão A)
  41. Ngana Pondero e o seu filho Luango (cont.) [3]
  42. Ngana ngo ni ngulungu ni hima = <o >leopardo, o antílope e o macaco (versão B)
  43. Ngana Samba ni makixi = Ngana Samba e os ma-kishi
  44. Ngaraya [2]
  45. Ngatende ku misa
  46. NGDO charter
  47. Ngilina tu vai morrer [3]
  48. Ngilina tu vai morrer de Suleimann Cassamo ou o retrato de um estrato da sociedade
  49. Ngiva [4]
  50. NGO and public sector co-operation

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