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  1. Neves e Sousa pintor de Angola, 1921-1995
  2. Neves e Sousa reafirma-se em Lisboa como artista de excepção
  3. Neves Sousa a
  4. Neveux et esclaves dans les rites funéraires
  5. Neveux et esclaves dans les rites funéraires chez les Wè et les Anyi-Bona de Côte d'Ivoire [2]
  6. Névoa dourada
  7. Névoas
  8. Nevoas da madrugada
  9. Nevoeiro em Luanda
  10. Nevoeiro [2]
  11. Nevralgia do trigémeo
  12. Nevróglia do sistema nervoso central [2]
  13. Nevrólia do sistema nervoso central
  14. New acquisitions of Korean painting [2]
  15. New ACP-EU trade arrangements [2]
  16. New actors, same play?
  17. New additions to the Denis Low Collection of Snuff Bottles Beyond Sanctum III
  18. New african art in Czechoslovakia
  19. New alignments in South Indian politics
  20. New ambassadors
  21. New and litlle known species from the flora Zambesiaca area - XI
  22. New and little -known ammonites from the albian of Zululand
  23. New and interesting mites from the Geneva Museum LXXII
  24. New and litlle known species from the flora Zambesiaca area - XVI
  25. New and future states of the british commonwealth
  26. New and interestering taxa of the tribe (Euphorbieae) froms portuguese África
  27. New and interesting taxa of the tribe "Euphorbicae" (Euphorbiaceae" form portuguese África
  28. New and interesting taxa of the tribe euphorbicae, euphorbicae from portuguese África
  29. New and interesting taxa of the tribe Euphorbieae (Euphorbiaceae), from portuguese África
  30. New and reconfirmed bird records for Marajó island, Amazon river estuary, Brazil
  31. New and interesting taxa of tribe Euphorbieae) from Portuguese África
  32. New and little known species from the flora zambesiaca area [7]
  33. New Angola from taxa
  34. New Angolan fern taxa [5]
  35. New annual national awards for book development in Nigeria [2]
  36. New appointees
  37. New approaches to planning
  38. New appointment
  39. New appointment-
  40. New approaches to the chemiotherapy of human african trypanosomiasis [2]
  41. New archaelogical discoveries in the northern area of the Mogao caves at Dunhuang [2]
  42. New archaeological and art discoveries from the Han to the Tang period in Shanxi province [2]
  43. New army smaller than expected
  44. New at the British Museum
  45. New attempts at sex differentiation of tsetse fly X-rays
  46. New Baetidae (Ephen) from South África
  47. New barbarians at the gate
  48. New Bellagio publication program launched
  49. New blood needed for indigenous Áfrican publishing
  50. New books and periodical publications [6]
  1. New bracteate species of Eschweilera (Lecythidaceae) from the Amazon valley
  2. New capitalist processes, interdependence and the Asia-US private equity relationship
  3. New cattle sculpture of Uganda
  4. New ceramics Galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum
  5. New challanges to international cooperation adjustment of firms, policies and organizations to global competition
  6. New chart of the cape verd islands [material cartográfico]
  7. New charges
  8. New children's literature award in Ghana
  9. New citings for the flora of Mozambique, Angola and Tanzania
  10. New coalitions and traditional chieftainship in Northern Zambia
  11. New composition of the Government of Timor-Leste
  12. New compact for cooperation
  13. New company to run Maputo containers terminal
  14. New contribution to the study of the geographical distribution of the Glossina (diptera-glossinidae) in Angola
  15. New constitution of India
  16. New crisis in the hnu
  17. New culture of Control?
  18. New data on the thysanuran from Madeira, with description of a new species of Dilta Strand, 1911
  19. New data on the thysapuran (microcoryphia and zygentona [3]
  20. New data on the tectonics of Eastern Timor [2]
  21. New Delhi,1987
  22. New development plan could work for SA
  23. New details of SADF unit linked to Goniwe killing
  24. New designs
  25. New developments in french speaking África [2]
  26. New developments in french-speaking África [2]
  27. New development in french-speaking África [3]
  28. New development in french speaking África [2]
  29. New developmentes in the franco-Áfrican countries
  30. New developments in the french-speaking África
  31. New diasporas
  32. New dimensions
  33. New dimensions of mining education
  34. New dimensiions in personnel management
  35. New diparini from Angola
  36. New diparini from Angola (Hym. Chalcidoidea) [2]
  37. New directions in Chinese furniture [2]
  38. New directions in donor assistance to microenterprises
  39. New directions
  40. New directions in chinese furniture Connoisseurship [2]
  41. New displays in the Japanese Galleries at the British Museum and the special exhibition [2]
  42. New directions in comparative politics
  43. New distribution records for ocotea bullata E. Mey. and Lachnopylis floribunda
  44. New directions in marathi theatre
  45. New disparini from Angola (hym chalcidoidea)
  46. New documentary evidence on Pahari Painter Families
  47. New documentary texts and the early Islamic state
  48. New early works of Tibeto-Nepalese repouss
  49. New economic deal
  50. New economic policy and the Malaysian Multiethnic Middle Class [2]

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