- Referências, coincidências, indecências
- Reference guide to Africa a bibliography of sources [2]
- Referencia do ill.mo conselhr.º ouv. g.' em sessão de 29 de Dezbr.º de 1818
- Referências sobre o ensino médico em Portugal [3]
- Reference and change in traditional cultural forms
- Referência preliminar às tartarugas marítimas e do gongues de Moçambique / Preliminary report on the sea turtles and dugongs of Moçambique
- Referenciação de via
- Referênciação de vida
- Referências às canárias no tumulto de Albuquerque
- Referente ao dia de carnaval
- Referência preliminar às tartarugas marítima e dogongues de Moçambique
- Referências sôbre o sistema de parentesco dos índios Palikúr
- Refexões sobre o primeiro século da história cabo-verdiana
- Refhya
- Refiguring Goa
- Refinação de petróleos na província de Moçambique [2]
- Refinaria de petróleo, fonte de divisão
- Refinaria Angola
- Refinaria de petróleos em Lourenço Marques
- Refinaria de petróleo
- Refinaria do petróleo em Luanda [3]
- Refinaria de Moçambique [2]
- Refinarias de petróleo em África e na Costa Ocidental Áfricana
- Refined beauty, new woman, dynamic heroine or fighter for the nation?
- Reflecções sobre o sector da energia [2]
- Reflection on imperalism and scramble for África
- Reflections on cap. Verde 's research and developement strategy from
- Reflections on leadership in Africa forty years after independence essays in honour of Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, on the occasion of his 75th birthday
- Reflections on the sources of evidence for the pre-colonial history in East África
- Reflected in water [3]
- Reflections & retrospectives
- Reflections on Cap Verd´s research and development strategy from a donor prospective
- Reflections on historiography and pre-nineteenth-centure history from the pate Chronicles
- Reflections on the 2nd World Social Forum in Porto Alegre
- Reflections on the Bellagio idea
- Reflections on the genesis of anglophone african history after world war
- Reflections on the recent tension in the Taiwan Strait
- Reflections upon some navigational and hydrographic problems of the XVth century related to the voyage of Bartolomeu Dias, 1487-88
- Reflectir sobre o processo de Bolonha
- Reflection on experiences of evaluating gender equality
- Reflection on international policies
- Reflection on the bellagio group
- Reflections and sunsets [3]
- Reflections on law and society
- Reflected in Goa
- Reflections on Cape Verde's research and development strategy from a donor perspective
- Reflections on education in central África [2]
- Reflections on the Bologna Children's book fair
- Reflections on the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo [2]
- Reflections on the socio-political content in Tuhafat-ul-Mujahidin and the potuguese in Malabar
- Reflected in water writings on Goa
- Reflected water
- Reflecting on economic questions
- Reflection on Namban lacquers in Spain
- Reflection on political conflict, rebellion and revolution in África
- Reflections during emergency
- Reflections on Cape Verde and creoleness
- Reflections on leadership in Africa forty years after independenceessays in honour of Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, on the occasion of his 75th birthday
- Reflections on women's empowerment through local representation in South Korea
- Reflectindo sobre a educação em Macau
- reflection on Angola
- Reflections of my mind [3]
- Reflections of the East [2]
- Reflections on a cultural day of artists and workers hosted by Mafube Arts Commune on 16 April 1989 at Lexon House, Johannesburg
- Reflections on Capitalism Socialism & Democracy
- Reflections on finance, education and society
- Reflections on Lomé
- Reflections on povertry in Mozambique
- Reflections on state-making and history-making in South India, 1500-1800
- Reflections on Thai culture [2]
- Reflections on the portuguese patronage of the orient... [2]
- Reflectir o passado e projectar o futuro
- Reflection on the preocupations and conduct of african diplomacy
- Reflections on identity in four african cities
- Reflections on indian politics
- Reflections on leadership in Africa
- Reflections on Robert Morrison's life in Macao and literary works [2]
- Reflections on slavery, seclusion and female labor in the Maradi region of Niger in the nineteenth
- Reflections on the international monetary scene
- Reflections on transitional blue and white [2]
- Reflectir sobre os caminhos que Abril abriu
- Reflectindo sobre a aula de conversação
- Reflectindo sobre o aborto
- Reflections on Nagaland
- Reflections on the Bellagio group
- Reflejos de conquistas y descubrimentos portugueses en el teatro clasico español
- Reflesaun ba Loron meio-ambiente mundial
- Refletindo acerca da Guerra Colonial
- Refletions on strategies for the rehabilitation and development of the trnsport sector in independent Namíbia [2]
- Reflets du monde 1866-1966
- Reflexão sobre cultura nacional
- Reflexão e elaboração estética no fazer literário de Manuel Rui
- Reflexão em torno de Avieno e do poema Orla marítima
- Reflexão sobre o modelo de desenvolvimento Cabo Verdiano [2]
- Reflexão em torno da mecanização agrária em Chimoio
- Reflexão sobre a relacção ensino-aprendizagem, educador-educando
- Reflexão sobre o lugar da China na conjuntura internacional
- Reflexão [8]
- Reflexão a propósito dos reinos do Congo e de Angola
- Reflexão comunitária