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  1. Referências, coincidências, indecências
  2. Reference guide to Africa a bibliography of sources [2]
  3. Referencia do conselhr.º ouv. g.' em sessão de 29 de Dezbr.º de 1818
  4. Referências sobre o ensino médico em Portugal [3]
  5. Reference and change in traditional cultural forms
  6. Referência preliminar às tartarugas marítimas e do gongues de Moçambique / Preliminary report on the sea turtles and dugongs of Moçambique
  7. Referenciação de via
  8. Referênciação de vida
  9. Referências às canárias no tumulto de Albuquerque
  10. Referente ao dia de carnaval
  11. Referência preliminar às tartarugas marítima e dogongues de Moçambique
  12. Referências sôbre o sistema de parentesco dos índios Palikúr
  13. Refexões sobre o primeiro século da história cabo-verdiana
  14. Refhya
  15. Refiguring Goa
  16. Refinação de petróleos na província de Moçambique [2]
  17. Refinaria de petróleo, fonte de divisão
  18. Refinaria Angola
  19. Refinaria de petróleos em Lourenço Marques
  20. Refinaria de petróleo
  21. Refinaria do petróleo em Luanda [3]
  22. Refinaria de Moçambique [2]
  23. Refinarias de petróleo em África e na Costa Ocidental Áfricana
  24. Refined beauty, new woman, dynamic heroine or fighter for the nation?
  25. Reflecções sobre o sector da energia [2]
  26. Reflection on imperalism and scramble for África
  27. Reflections on cap. Verde 's research and developement strategy from
  28. Reflections on leadership in Africa forty years after independence essays in honour of Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, on the occasion of his 75th birthday
  29. Reflections on the sources of evidence for the pre-colonial history in East África
  30. Reflected in water [3]
  31. Reflections &amp; retrospectives
  32. Reflections on Cap Verd´s research and development strategy from a donor prospective
  33. Reflections on historiography and pre-nineteenth-centure history from the pate Chronicles
  34. Reflections on the 2nd World Social Forum in Porto Alegre
  35. Reflections on the Bellagio idea
  36. Reflections on the genesis of anglophone african history after world war
  37. Reflections on the recent tension in the Taiwan Strait
  38. Reflections upon some navigational and hydrographic problems of the XVth century related to the voyage of Bartolomeu Dias, 1487-88
  39. Reflectir sobre o processo de Bolonha
  40. Reflection on experiences of evaluating gender equality
  41. Reflection on international policies
  42. Reflection on the bellagio group
  43. Reflections and sunsets [3]
  44. Reflections on law and society
  45. Reflected in Goa
  46. Reflections on Cape Verde's research and development strategy from a donor perspective
  47. Reflections on education in central África [2]
  48. Reflections on the Bologna Children's book fair
  49. Reflections on the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo [2]
  50. Reflections on the socio-political content in Tuhafat-ul-Mujahidin and the potuguese in Malabar
  1. Reflected in water writings on Goa
  2. Reflected water
  3. Reflecting on economic questions
  4. Reflection on Namban lacquers in Spain
  5. Reflection on political conflict, rebellion and revolution in África
  6. Reflections during emergency
  7. Reflections on Cape Verde and creoleness
  8. Reflections on leadership in Africa forty years after independenceessays in honour of Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, on the occasion of his 75th birthday
  9. Reflections on women's empowerment through local representation in South Korea
  10. Reflectindo sobre a educação em Macau
  11. reflection on Angola
  12. Reflections of my mind [3]
  13. Reflections of the East [2]
  14. Reflections on a cultural day of artists and workers hosted by Mafube Arts Commune on 16 April 1989 at Lexon House, Johannesburg
  15. Reflections on Capitalism Socialism & Democracy
  16. Reflections on finance, education and society
  17. Reflections on Lomé
  18. Reflections on povertry in Mozambique
  19. Reflections on state-making and history-making in South India, 1500-1800
  20. Reflections on Thai culture [2]
  21. Reflections on the portuguese patronage of the orient... [2]
  22. Reflectir o passado e projectar o futuro
  23. Reflection on the preocupations and conduct of african diplomacy
  24. Reflections on identity in four african cities
  25. Reflections on indian politics
  26. Reflections on leadership in Africa
  27. Reflections on Robert Morrison's life in Macao and literary works [2]
  28. Reflections on slavery, seclusion and female labor in the Maradi region of Niger in the nineteenth
  29. Reflections on the international monetary scene
  30. Reflections on transitional blue and white [2]
  31. Reflectir sobre os caminhos que Abril abriu
  32. Reflectindo sobre a aula de conversação
  33. Reflectindo sobre o aborto
  34. Reflections on Nagaland
  35. Reflections on the Bellagio group
  36. Reflejos de conquistas y descubrimentos portugueses en el teatro clasico español
  37. Reflesaun ba Loron meio-ambiente mundial
  38. Refletindo acerca da Guerra Colonial
  39. Refletions on strategies for the rehabilitation and development of the trnsport sector in independent Namíbia [2]
  40. Reflets du monde 1866-1966
  41. Reflexão sobre cultura nacional
  42. Reflexão e elaboração estética no fazer literário de Manuel Rui
  43. Reflexão em torno de Avieno e do poema Orla marítima
  44. Reflexão sobre o modelo de desenvolvimento Cabo Verdiano [2]
  45. Reflexão em torno da mecanização agrária em Chimoio
  46. Reflexão sobre a relacção ensino-aprendizagem, educador-educando
  47. Reflexão sobre o lugar da China na conjuntura internacional
  48. Reflexão [8]
  49. Reflexão a propósito dos reinos do Congo e de Angola
  50. Reflexão comunitária

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