- Wanqin Wenxue Congchao Chuanqi Zaju Juan
- Wanqing Xiqu Xiaoshuo Mu
- Wanqing Gudian Xiju D Lishi Yiyi
- Wansati mu aki wa ngango
- Wanted a library of african classics [2]
- Wanted for murder
- Wapossoka e Nambula, Lda [2]
- Waqf studies in the twentieth century
- Waqfs of Awlad al-Nas in Aleppo in the Lake Mamluk Period as reflected in a family rchive
- Waqfs of Awlad al-Nas in Aleppo in the Lake Mamluk period as reflected in a family archive
- War against tropical disease [2]
- War and slavery in Sudan [2]
- War and África's children
- War and gold
- War and peace in Yorubaland
- War and peace in Yorubaland 1793-1893
- War and politics in Zimbabwe 1840-1900
- War and conscience in South Africa
- War and economic underdevelopmeni
- War and faith in Sudan
- War and Peace in Angola and Mozambique
- War and refugees
- War and ritual
- War and survival in Sudan's frontierlands voices from the Blue Nine
- War and economic development
- War and other insecurities in East Asia [2]
- War and peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- War and society in Fetu
- War and peace in Mozambique [2]
- War and peace in Nagaland
- War at sea in the middle ages and renaissance
- WAR Communique
- War destroys
- War economies in a regional context
- War games
- War in peace
- War in african literature today
- War in Angola [4]
- War is no solution
- War on three fronts [2]
- War without violence [2]
- War, armed conflict, destabilisation
- War, citizenship, territory
- War, civil, and the end of history
- War, debt and the role of pretending in Uganda's international relations [5]
- War, evil, and the end of history
- War, famine, and pestilence in late precolonial Tanzania
- War, leadership and ethnopolitics
- War, peace and the Burden of History in Aceh
- War, punishment, and the law of nature in early Chinese concepts of the State
- Warao oral literature
- Ward organization among the Yoko
- Wards of words [2]
- Warega Ivories
- Waren die Tage des Königreichs Ndongo nach Ankunft der Portugiesen gezahlt ? Zum handlu agsspielraun dies Angola 1575-1671 [2]
- Warfare in chinese history
- Warfare and diplomacy in pre-colonial West Africa
- Warfare in atlantic Africa, 1500-1800
- Warfare & diplomacy in pre-colonial West Africa [2]
- Warfare by other means South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s
- Warfare in atlantic Africa
- Warfare at work
- Warfare by other means [2]
- Warli of Thana
- Warlodism in China
- Warlord politics and african states
- Warlords and militarism in Chad
- Warri city and british colonial rule in western niger delta [3]
- Warring states treasures
- Warriors and traders. the political organization of a west Áfrican chiefdom
- Warriors of the Himalayas [2]
- Warriors and the State in Early modern India
- Warrior ghost plays from the japanese Noh Theater
- Wars of imperial conquest in Africa, 1830-1914
- Wartime Portuguese Timor in the magic documents [2]
- Wartine propaganda in Kenya
- Was 2005 a critical election in Taiwan?
- Was Camões ever in Macau
- Was Camoens ever in Macau?
- Was columbus´first very long voyage a voyage from Guinea ?
- Was ist neokolonialismus?
- Was Malthus right about China
- Was Mary there? [2]
- Was Safavid Iran an empire? [2]
- Was the Ramayana copied from homer?
- Was the portuguese asian enterprise redistributive?
- Was there an imperial distribution of Buddha relics in ninth-century China? [2]
- Wasafiri
- Washington pressiona Boeing
- Washington ajuda Luanda
- Washington perspectiva retoma de relações com Bissau
- Washington post
- Washington - Luanda
- Washington ajuda África e Ásia
- Washington Luís
- Washington-Peiping relations
- Washington e o reconhecimento do governo de Luanda
- Washington segue de perto e com interesse a evolução da política praticada por Goulart
- Washington vai reconhecer Luanda
- Washington afirma nada saber sobre a intenção da França de reconhecer o Governo chinês